April 12, 2024

Budget Deadline Extended

Governor Hochul proposed, and the New York State Senate has passed a fourth Emergency Appropriation bill (Senate bill S9036) that would extend the budget deadline to Monday, April 15. Statutorily, the New York state deadline is April 1. As of this communication, the Assembly has not acted on the extender bill A9845.


Housing remains a key point of debate in ongoing negotiations, as reported by the Daily News. A spokesman for Hochul, Avi Small, declined Tuesday to make any predictions about when a budget deal might materialize. He said the governor was working with lawmakers to craft a budget that would make New York “more affordable, more livable and safer.”


Social Media Days of Action

It is still more important than ever that we use this time to make our voice heard. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to urge Governor Hochul and the State Legislature to #InvestInME by including the 3.2% cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) increase and the Direct Support Wage Enhancement (DSWE) in the SFY 2025 Enacted Budget.


We’re calling on YOU to help us use the power of social media to make our voice heard by taking part in our Social Media Days of Action starting this week, and continuing until the Budget is finalized.

What Will We Be Doing? This Wednesday The Arc New York and our New York Disability Advocates (NYDA) partners kicked off weekly Social Media Days of Action, which will take place every Wednesday until the budget is finalized. NYDA will be posting live throughout the day on X/Twitter and Facebook, urging Governor Hochul and the New York legislature to include nothing less than a true 3.2% COLA and DSWE in this year’s final State budget. The goal is to spread our message while tagging our elected officials so many times that they can’t ignore us any longer. 


What Can You Do?: Help us make some noise by sharing, retweeting, and replying to NYDA’s and The Arc New York's posts, and by posting stories and messages of your own! Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  1. Follow @thearcny and @nydisabilityadvocates on Facebook and @nydisabilityadv and @thearcny on X/Twitter.
  2. Help amplify our message by re-tweeting/sharing our content to your personal or organization’s social media pages and tagging your elected officials. 
  3. Share your story! Post a personalized message on your social channels and tag NYDA so we can re-post it to our channels. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #NYDADayOfAction and #InvestInME, and tag the following:
  • Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul)
  • Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie (@CarlHeastie)
  • Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins (@AndreaSCousins)

Spread the word more broadly by tagging additional decision-makers in Albany in the comments on your posts: 

  • Kerri Neifeld (@keneifeld)
  • Kathryn Garcia (@KGforNYC)
  • Karen Persichilli Keogh (@kp224)
  • NY Office of Persons With Developmental Disabilities (@NYSOPWDD)
  • New York State Division of the Budget (@NYS_DOB)
  • New York Senate Democratic Conference (@NYSenDems)
  • New York State Senate Republican Conference (@nysenategop)
  • New York State Assembly GOP (@NYS_AM)


If you have any questions about the Day of Action, please reach out to Philip Aydinian and Kate Geurin-DeVoe.


As a reminder, you can find budget resources in our toolkit here and you can continue to take action through our one-click campaign

New York Must Invest in People with Disabilities

Last week The Arc New York and Saratoga Bridges board member and parent Dr. Lawrence Fein delivered remarks at the rally at the Legislative Office Building in Albany and introduced us to his son Jonathan. This week he shared a touching opinion piece with NYN News, detailing why Jonathan and others need the investments we have been ardently fighting for. The piece brings his personal story to light, and frames the budget request for a flexible 3.2% COLA and Direct Support Wage Enhancement in a meaningful way. We encourage you to share it with family and friends. 

This and all advocacy updates are archived on The Arc New York website for future reference. Please contact us if you have questions regarding any of this information.
Contact: Philip Aydinian, Director of Governmental Affairs 
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  • Joint Committee on Quality & Compliance
  • Trust Services and State Office Staff
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