Advocacy In Action

April 2024 Newsletter

News and Updates from Turning Point of Lehigh Valley

Raising Voices, Empowering Survivors: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

As April unfolds, so does a crucial opportunity for us to come together as a community and advocate for change. April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), a time dedicated to raising awareness about sexual violence, supporting survivors, and fostering prevention efforts.

At Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, we stand united in our mission to support survivors of sexual assault and to work tirelessly towards a world free from violence and fear. Throughout this month, we invite you to join us in our commitment to raising voices, empowering survivors, and sparking meaningful conversations.

Educate: Throughout April, we'll be sharing informative resources, articles, and statistics to help shed light on the prevalence and impact of sexual violence. Knowledge is power, and by arming ourselves with information, we can better understand the issues at hand and work towards meaningful change.

Support: Our doors are always open to survivors of sexual assault, offering a safe space where individuals can access support and resources tailored to their needs. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our compassionate team is here to help.

Amplify: Let's use our voices to amplify the voices of survivors and advocates. By sharing survivor stories, raising awareness on social media, and participating in local events, we can collectively advocate for change and challenge harmful attitudes surrounding sexual violence.

Prevent: Prevention is key in our efforts to end sexual violence. Throughout SAAM, we'll be engaging in conversations about consent, healthy relationships, and bystander intervention. Together, we can create a culture of respect and consent where everyone feels safe and empowered.

As we navigate Sexual Assault Awareness Month, let's remember that together, we have the power to make a difference. Let's stand in solidarity with survivors, challenge societal norms, and work towards a future where everyone can live free from the threat of sexual violence.

Thank you for your unwavering support as we continue our vital work in the community.

As we enter April, Volunteer Appreciation Month, it is with immense joy that we extend a thank you to our dedicated volunteers that help us work towards our mission of creating communities in which all relationships are safe, respectful and equitable.

In 2023, you provided Turning Point with nearly 1,050 hours of support!

Our volunteers have found ways to help Turning Point by using their own unique gifts and strengths. Some volunteers work directly with our clients by providing support in our legal advocacy program, helping kiddos at the Safe House with homework or answering the helpline. Others support the agency with important 'behind the scenes' work, such as helping to sort and organize donations, providing meals to our Safe House families or dropping off outreach materials in the community. Our volunteers' passion for making a difference inspires us all, and we are grateful for the role you play in our agency. Your engagement helps survivors know that they have a community of people who care about them and their wellbeing.

As we celebrate the impact of our current volunteers, we also extend an invitation to those who may be thinking about joining our team. You can find information about volunteering as an individual or with a service group here.

And to those who think volunteering doesn't make a difference, remember that Turning Point was started in 1976 by a group of volunteers answering hotline calls and has grown into the organization we are today!

Click Here to Learn More about Volunteering with Turning Point!

How to help kids open about ANYTHING

How to Help Kids Open Up About Anything (Published 2020)

"Children are little, tiny humans with a lot of emotions and feelings" is a phrase often used by our child/teen advocate Geraldine Infante. In this work we recognize that children need safe space to just be and express their emotions. Children feel so much at once but will struggle to put it into words. That is when we must remember, they are kids. Kids are learning and growing and in order to do that in a healthy way, they need a model of what a healthy space looks, feels and sounds like.

Our mission at Turning Point of LV is to help children identify safe spaces and safe people in their world. We want kids to be able to develop the skills they need to regulate their emotions and process them in a healthy way.

It also reminds us that as adults we have a responsibility to be there and show up consistently in a safe way so that children can speak to us about their tiny problems like losing a crayon or a big problem like disclosing something about their day.


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Unlocking Potential: Your Guide to Community Training & Education Events!

Empowerment begins with knowledge, and we invite you to take a stand against domestic and intimate partner abuse by participating in any of our upcoming community training opportunities. These sessions are designed to equip you with valuable insights, resources, and skills to create a safer and more supportive environment for everyone! Visit our events calendar to learn more and also access the details for each event.

Events Calendar

Ways To Give

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who made this Easter extra special with your generous donations of baskets and toys. Your kindness turned the holiday into a joyous celebration for many.

Big News! Our Comfort for All: Bed in a Bag Drive has been a phenomenal success, and as we enter our final month, we're incredibly close to hitting our goal of 100 donations! Let's make this last push a success together.

Want to be part of our final push? Our Bed in a Bag list is detailed below. Your support means everything. For additional ways to give, please visit Ways to Give on our website.

Comfort for All: The Bed in a Bag Drive

Help us reach our goal of 100 sets. Every donation counts. Let's spread comfort and hope together.

For more information on how to make a difference, kindly visit

You're not alone. 988 is here.

Life can be heavy. Maybe you're facing a personal crisis, dealing with overwhelming emotions, or just need someone to listen. Whatever you're going through, remember this: you're not alone.

Pennsylvania's 988 Lifeline is here for you, 24/7, 365 days a year. It's free, confidential, and just a call or text away. No matter your story, no matter how big or small your struggle, a compassionate crisis counselor is ready to listen, support, and help you find your way through.

988 is for everyone:

 *  Feeling overwhelmed by stress or anxiety? 988 can help manage difficult emotions and regain your inner calm.

 *  Facing a personal crisis? Whether it's a relationship issue, job loss, or grief, 988 offers support and guidance through tough times.

 *  Worried about a loved one? 988 can provide resources and guidance on how to help someone struggling with mental health.

 *  Just feeling alone? Sometimes, a listening ear and words of encouragement are all it takes to feel understood and connected.

Reaching out is a sign of strength. Taking the first step to take care of your mental health is brave, and 988 is here to walk beside you every step of the way.

Call, text, chat. Because you matter.

Quick Links

Wish List Needs

Make a Donation

Schedule a Training

444 E. Susquehanna Street, Allentown, PA 18103 • (610) 797-0530

24/7 Helpline (610) 437-3369

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Turning Point of Lehigh Valley, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, charitable organization as defined under the Internal Revenue Service code section 501c(3). Tax exemption entity ID 23-2100651. Please consult with your professional tax advisor as to what deduction may be available to you. The official registration and financial information of Turning Point may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll-free within Pennsylvania 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.