Monday, May 11
May Events & Updates

I want to be sure you saw the notice I sent yesterday—inviting all to join the CPAC General meeting as well as to sign on to the San Francisco Early Care and Education COVID-19 Response Coalition advocacy letter. I've included both again here—as well as a link to sign up and receive the ZOOM information needed for tomorrow's CPAC.

Join the CPAC General meeting this Wednesday, May 13, 9:30 -11:15 am . All CPAC meetings are open to the public. Wednesday's meeting agenda includes the following presentations:
  • SF Department of Health, Katie Dellamaria
  • Preparing for Reopening, Lisa Lee
  • Committee & Agency reports-including advocacy updates
If you are interested in attending click this link to sign up and you will receive the ZOOM information you'll need to attend.

I so much appreciate each of you who've signed on to the San Francisco Early Care and Education COVID-19 Response Coalition advocacy letter directed to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, linked here .

Haven't signed yet? To sign the advocacy letter send an email to and by 5 pm today . Let us know you are signing on as an individual or organization, or both . Include, as you would like it to appear, your:
  • name
  • role (educator, director, parent, owner/operator, etc), organization (for ID purposes)
  • organization and logo—if signing on as an organization (you can do both)
Our power to get what our community needs is acting together. We need you!

This newsletter includes the following information and links useful to you and your community:
  • Relief resources for ECE workforce, families, and community
  • Supply & COVID-19 testing access for ECE as part of essential workforce
  • Financial resources for programs, including webinar for budget & survival planning
  • Notices from SF Department of Health, California Department of Ed, and Community Care Licensing
  • Virtual conferences—NAEYC & CA AEYC
  • Shelter in Place Resources for your families

Be well—and hope to see you soon on ZOOM,

Sara Hicks-Kilday
ECESF Director
ECE Workforce, Family, and Community Resources
Resource Guide for ECE workforce

San Francisco’s Office of Early Care & Education and partners compiled a resource guide to support the ECE workforce. It is kept on the website and updated regularly. Have a resource useful to the ECE workforce not yet included in the resource guide? Please send it to .

Note: The new Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program is available for those who don’t usually qualify for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits, including businesses and the self-employed went live on April 28. The link is included in the Resource Guide under General Information.
Parents for Public Schools SF Family Resource Guide

You can find the nearest food bank, unemployment benefits, housing advice, learning and recreational activities for kids of all ages and much more.
SF Unified School District Food Resources

There are some locations around the bay offering free food for those who can't get food while school is closed. Click the button below to see a list of all the available locations.
Immigrant Families Relief Fund
Millions of immigrants are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, risking their health and well-being every day to keep our society going. And yet, many immigrants were left out of the CARES Act relief. The COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund is providing financial support to immigrant families who have been left out of the federal government's relief efforts. Immigrants may be eligible to receive a $500 grant to help cover whatever is most pressing in their lives.
Solidarity with Seniors, Disability Community, & Caregivers
Crisis in Care: Town Hall

This is an opportunity to show early care educator solidarity with other caregivers—show up for Senior & Disability Action's Town Hall. Hear and support their issues. Let them know as caregivers for children in groups, we support their demand for PPE, health care, and good working, living, and care conditions—driven by the needs of those receiving and providing the care, not by profits. —ECESF
Crisis in Care in SF Nursing Homes and Congregate Housing
Thursday, May 14th, 11 AM

The huge concentrations of COVID cases and deaths in care facilities has been a national disgrace. San Francisco is no exception. A lack in testing, oversight, transparency in reporting cases and deaths to families and the public, and the long-standing low-staffing, low pay, and lack of PPE for care workers have created a crisis

Attend on Thursday to learn about these problems, declare that ageism and ableism are unacceptable in our community, and join the dialogue to prevent future tragedies.
Tell San Francisco's Economic Recover Task Force about ECE
Make sure ECE is in the San Francisco's Economic Recovery Plan

San Francisco's Economic Recovery Plan Task Force is circulating a survey to inform their policy discussions. Take a moment to complete it and let the ERTF know what you are experiencing as Early Care Educators — employees and/or program operators.
ECE as essential workforce: Testing & Supplies
Early Care Educators providing care to those able to work under the current shelter in place ordinance are essential workers. As an essential worker, you have access to needed supports.
ECE access to COVID-19 testing

Sign up to get tested here

If you are an essential or frontline worker serving the community of San Francisco, you can be tested at any time. You do not need to be experiencing symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Essential workers include those who leave their homes to do their job and cannot maintain social distance or who interact with the public.
ECE supply purchasing privileges
Highlight of the Child Care Law Center's Coronavirus Resources updates—letter for family child care operators:

ECE site operators "are entitled to the same privileges as all other essential workers when you shop. We heard that some providers are having challenging experiences at the store so our beloved attorney, Patti Prunhuber, wrote this letter enlightening store staff that FCC are also essential workers . Please print this and take it with you when you go to a store, or show them on your cell phone. We also suggest you bring a copy of your provider license in case they ask for it."
Buying supplies for a center? Use your license and the paragraph referenced in the letter designating child care providers as part of the essential workforce. Check the Child Care Law Center website for regularly updated Coronavirus Resources targeting family child care—but useful to all child care and education site operators.

Resources for Programs
Financial Survival Strategies for Early Childhood programs—Webinar

Inspired by Margie Carter and Louise Stoney, Early Childhood Investigations recorded two experts, Heidi Hagel-Braid and Joanne Hurt, to present COVID-19 Financial Survival Strategies for Early Childhood Programs: Emergent Resources and Advice . These are challenging times with dire projections for the survival of 50% of our child care programs. Using financial information is imperative to the survival of your business.

If you follow the link and scroll down you’ll find a free video of a webinar designed to provide 19 financial survival strategies for ECE programs. You’ll need to sign up to access the free video, but can immediately access the presenter’s sides.
Children's Council support for Cleaning and Supplies for Childcare Providers (CSCP)
Shelter in Place: Updates for ECE
San Francisco Department of Health: Shelter in Place through 5/31

While ECE workers are essential when providing care to those who can work, to clarify the statements on small group gatherings of children, here's a 5/4 SFDPH message to school and child care community:
"childcare, schools, camps and recreational institutions are allowed to operate solely for the purpose of providing childcare to parents authorized to work under the health order. Parents may not send their child to any of these establishments if they are not working in any of the businesses authorized in the new health order." You can view the full 5/31 SFDPH Health Order here.

California continues to roll out additional area of work allowed, and allows local areas to regulate more strict rules. See San Francisco's most recent directives on the stay at home order here .

Since the 5/31 SFDPH order, San Francisco has clarified the child care group size cap to follow the more stringent CDE and CDSS (licensing) collaborative Provider Information Notice, PIN 20-06-CCP, with a maximum group size cap of 10 children. This PIN includes additional distancing and sanitation guidelines. You can see the group size guidelines aligned with this PIN on the San Francisco government website here .

For additional questions, you can contact us at the School/Childcare Team Phone Line : 415-554-2830 or email us at .
CDE/Early Learning & Care Division: Sanitization supports
The California Department of Education/Early Learning & Care Division has sent notice to all Resource & Referrals for Cleaning and Supplies for Childcare Providers (CSCP) guidance on supports for sanitization.

The latest notice updates guidance on supports for sanitization:

From the notice: Eligible Providers
The CSCP funding is available for both licensed and license-exempt center and home-based providers who are non-local educational agencies (e.g. tribal child care, community-based organizations, city or county, or private) and who provide ELC services to families receiving subsidies or private paying families. These entities also include community-based General Child Care (CCTR) and California State Preschool Programs (CSPP). Local education agencies (LEAs) will receive funding through a separate mechanism. Community-based providers that operate through an LEA’s CDE contract will receive funding through the LEA.

To apply for sanitization needs, apply on the Children’s Council website .
CDSS/Community Care Licensing
California Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing Information Spring 2020 quarterly is available. It includes a summary of most recent notices and links to the CDSS/CCLD website.
Virtual Conferences
NAEYC will offer over 100 presentations of content shared by NAEYC experts and a diverse group of presenters from all sectors of the industry. Our presenters include policy experts, higher education faculty, school leaders, researchers, and educators.

Starting June 1,
Six Weeks of FREE Online Professional Development
The 2020 Annual Conference and Expo is moving to a hybrid event. The hybrid event will include two platforms:
  • virtual experience June 27-29; and
  • on-demand experience from July 1 through August 31.

Mark your calendars. More specific details and instructions about the virtual and on-demand conference experiences are coming in the next few weeks.
Shelter in Place Resources for Families
Virtual Activities & Playgroups for Children & Families

Family Connections shares shelter in place activities for children and families in three languages. If you have edits or would like to add an activity list please email

Please share documents with families agencies or anyone else who may be interested.

Stephanie Mendez, Family Support Coordinator, Family Connections Centers • Excelsior 
PPS-SF Annual General Meeting Webinar Series on Social-Emotional Learning in SFUSD —share link especially with parents of children in or headed to a SFUSD school

Join us next Wednesday, May 13 at 4PM to engage with SFUSD leaders and connect with other parents to discuss why social-emotional learning is so important in our schools and how we can continue to support our kids' social-emotional competencies at home.