Novel Navigators

Summer Reading has officially begun at the Glen Ridge Public Library!

An annual tradition, Summer Reading fosters a love for books and learning among readers of all ages. This year's theme, "Adventure Begins at Your Library," invites everyone to embark on thrilling literary journeys and to explore the world around us.

From classic tales of exploration to contemporary stories set in far-off lands, there's an adventure waiting for every reader. And as adventure and travel are essential components of personal growth and self-discovery, "Adventure Begins at Your Library" further emphasizes the library's role as a gateway to countless worlds and experiences. Exploring new places and immersing oneself in different cultures broadens perspectives, fostering a deeper understanding of the world and its diverse inhabitants. By stepping out of one's comfort zone, individuals challenge their limits, build resilience, and gain confidence. These experiences enrich life, creating unforgettable memories and stories that shape one's identity and worldview.

Add some adventure to your summer and check out any of the titles listed below:

Click here to explore our collection

and make a reservation!

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