Advent LC E-News September 12, 2024

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  • Worship Service Information & Flowers
  • Pastoral Care
  • Supply Pastors for September
  • Welcome Carter Elliott
  • Thrivent Talk & Treats Event
  • Sign Up to Provide Flowers for the Altar
  • Boro Pride is Coming & Need Volunteers to Sign Up
  • Love Your Neighbor Event Sign Up
  • Homecoming Fall Festival


  • "Prayer Seekers" Zoom Group
  • The Fabulous Ladies of Advent
  • Prayer Team Ministry Needs You
  • Blessing Box & Homeless Alliance Meeting
  • Wednesday Bible Study In-Person & Zoom Link
  • LYFE
  • Snacks for Sunday School
  • Prayer List
  • Sign Up for the Southeastern Synod E-News
  • Council Members
  • Welcome Statement
Worship Services

In-Person & Virtual Worship Services Sunday, September 15, 2024

17th Sunday after Pentecost

8:45am Encounter Service

10:45am Traditional Service

9:45am Christian Education

All services will be live-streamed to Facebook & YouTube.


Three weeks ago we heard Peter’s confession of faith as told in John’s gospel. This week we hear Mark’s version, when Peter says, “You are the Messiah.” In John, the stumbling block is Jesus’ invitation to eat his flesh, given for the life of the world. In Mark too the scandal has to do with Jesus’ words about his own coming death, and here Peter himself stumbles over Jesus’ words. But Jesus is anointed (the meaning of messiah) in Mark only on the way to the cross (14:3); so we are anointed in baptism with the sign of the cross.


Isaiah 50:4-9a

The servant is vindicated by God

Psalm 116:1-9

I will walk in the presence of the Lord. (Ps. 116:9)

James 3:1-12

Dangers of the unbridled tongue

Mark 8:27-38

Peter’s confession of faith

For those worshiping online via Facebook or YouTube, please leave a comment while watching. We miss seeing you, and we'd like to know you are with us.

Lectonary Readings

This week the flowers are provided by Daryla Molloy

Pastoral Care

If you find yourself in need of pastoral care, or know of someone who does, we encourage you to reach out to us. You can contact the church office at 615-893-9705 or connect directly with Janette Walker at 615-796-1854.

At Advent Lutheran Church, we are dedicated to nurturing a supportive community, and we want to assure you that you are not alone on this journey. Our doors are open, and we are here to walk alongside you, providing the timely assistance and compassionate support you deserve. Please do not hesitate to reach out; your well-being is important to us.

Supply Pastors for September

September 15 - Pastor Rosa Erickson

September 22 - Pastor Jack Zipperer

September 29 - Pastor Liza Hawkins - ONE Service at 9:45am

Welcome Carter Elliott

Carter Elliott is our new Supply Pianist for the Traditional Worship Services.

Carter is from Pearl, Mississippi and attends MTSU in the Recording Industry program and will graduate in December.

Please welcome Carter to the Advent Family. He will be playing this Sunday!

Thrivent Talk & Treats

Sunday, September 29th after the Combined Service

Discover how Thrivent can benefit both you and Advent at this informative event. Learn how to apply for an Action Team grant, how to allocate your Choice Dollars to Advent, and much more. Enjoy food and fellowship, with donuts and pastries provided by the fellowship team. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Sign Up to Provide

Flowers for the Altar

New opportunity to provide flowers for the altar! Sign up for a Sunday of your choice to bring in flowers, whether from your garden or a local shop. You may also add a dedication if you choose. Please Note, the flowers will not be able to be delivered due to no one at the office on Saturdays.

You will be responsible for bringing in the flowers to the church for BOTH services and taking them home after services.

The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex. There are vases to use in the sacristy with an insert, or bring your own vases

This week our flowers are donated by Cheryl Herberg in celebration of Advent's Musicians.

Boro Pride is Coming October 12th

Volunteers will be needed for our Booth!

Sign Up Sheet is located in the Narthex!

Boro Pride will be held at Miller Coliseum, Saturday October 12th from 12 Noon to 8pm.

We're looking for Thrivent Members who would be willing to submit a grant for this event. Also looking for volunteers to help with the booth. Sign up sheets/online sign up will start soon. Please call the church office or Lori Sultzer for more information or to volunteer!

Love Your Neighbor Event

Sunday, October 20th 2-6pm

This free, family-friendly gathering aims to showcase our diversity and bring our Murfreesboro community together, regardless of faith, color, ethnicity, or any other differences.

We will have several stations showcasing the diverse heritages of our neighbors. Each station will represent a different country or cultural heritage, complete with food, decorations, and information.

Advent will have a booth so please consider signing up to help staff the booth, sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex. We are also looking for donations of water. Please see Lori Sultzer for more information.

Homecoming Fall Festival

Saturday, November 2, 11am-2pm

As the chairperson for the event this year, I challenge you to welcome people home by inviting them to this event. You can reach out to someone who used to sit in the Advent pews . . . or welcome a friend or neighbor who could consider Advent their home.  Many . . . let me say that louder, MANY are still feeling isolated from the Covid pandemic.  Why not let them know we have a home for them, a place they can receive love, rest and the word of God. The following folks are heading up committees so please sign up to help in some way to make the Homecoming a success. 

Thank you. Joanne Jobe


Kids Activities



Fundraising/Silent Auction

Adult Activities

Leigh Ann Maxwell

Cheryl Herberg & Jacqueline Hofferth

Donna Becker

Deb Boland

Pati Ferrie

Looking for a Team Lead


Prayer Seekers

Next Zoom Prayer Gathering is October 4 @ 9am

It's truly heartwarming to announce the commencement of a brand new/old prayer group! This group liked the 7@7 prayers we had at Lent and decided to resume this gathering monthly. on the first Friday of every month at 9 am, we gather virtually on Zoom for approximately half an hour to uplift our church, community, synod, and the broader church in prayer. Your presence and prayers are invaluable. If you feel called to join us, simply click on the link provided below. Let's come together and make a difference through the power of prayer!

Zoom Link

The Fabulous Ladies of Advent

Game Day!

Saturday, September 28, 2:00pm at Pati Ferrie's home, 2929 Caraway Dr, Murfreesboro.

Bring a favorite game and an appetizer/snack to share. Pati will provide a dessert, Sangria, beer, & lemonade.

It will be a casual get-together with lots of laughter, food and fun! Don't miss it.

Prayer Team Ministry

Passionate Volunteer to Head Prayer Team Minister

Theresa Molgren has been the heart and soul of this ministry for 10 years! She is handing over the reins and we are in need of a new leader for this ministry. It is fairly easy and requires minimal time. You would receive prayer requests and send them to the appropriate group(s) and share with the office each week. Please call the church office if you would like to help with this important ministry. And thanks again to Theresa for all her years of service.

Blessing Box

Our Blessing Box is a blessing to those around us that are in need and it’s frequently empty. Please think about adding a few items when you do your weekly shop.

Now that school has started please consider children's snacks, chip packets, canned meat and kid friendly food.

We also don't want to forget our homeless who always are in need of basic toiletries.

If you choose to bring food, consider adding it to the shelves in the kitchen to be rationed out to the box daily. You may also put items in the box from the kitchen (just not everything) if you so choose.

Also remember that NO household items, clothing, expired or fresh (perishable) food should be left in the box.

Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of this wonderful initiative.

Please text or email Cheryl Herberg (615) 300-6283, if you have any questions.

Guidelines for Blessing Box

The homeless alliance of Rutherford Co. will meet next on Thur., Sept. 19, at 2 p.m., in Linebaugh Library. For all persons interested in learning who helps the unhoused in this community, what resources are available for the unhoused in this community and how they can best help the unhoused in this community, this is the place to be. Zoom attendance is possible!

Wednesday Bible Study In-Person

and Zoom

Wednesday Bible Study is meeting In-Person AND on Zoom. Choose which is appropriate for you.

The bible study group will be studying the book of Acts for the Pentecost season.

Wednesdays @ 10:30am. If you are interested in joining in, please email Jack Nelson and let him know.

Zoom Link

(Lutheran Youth for Everyone) Middle & High School Youth

Contact Jacqueline Hofferth, our LYFE Coordinator, if you have questions or concerns. Our volunteer LYFE assistant leaders are still involved: Catherine Mekis.

Snacks for Sunday School

The Sunday School team is looking for donations of snacks for the children Sunday mornings.

Some ideas are: teddy grahams, fruit gummies, squeezable yogurt or applesauce, cracker & cheese packs, cheese sticks, etc...

You may contact Kim Summers or Jaqueline Hofferth to drop off.

Prayer List

Prayer Hands.jpg

Each week we will add any NEW prayer requests into the E-News.

  • Advent Call Committee
  • Family & Friends of Andrea Gardner
  • Maurice Johnson
Request a Prayer

Prayer Requests—Requests will be printed for four weeks. If you would like the request continued, please resubmit. 

Members: (8/28) Konnie Anderson; (5/16) Michael & Cathy Cobler

Shut-Ins: Sue Joyce & Inge Troster

Friends & Relatives of Members:  (9/12) Maurice Johnson; (8/22) Mark & Jody, friends of Cheryl Herberg; Willie Richie, friend of Margaret Lawson; (8/15) Lana Lucarini, cousin of Jackie Murray-White’s niece; Lizzie Sakulich, great-niece of Theresa Molgren; (8/1) Isabella Omer

Prayers of Comfort for Family & Friends of: (9/12) Andrea Gadner; (8/15) Doris Pude

Sign-up For The

Southeastern Synod E-News

Are you looking to stay up-to-date with the latest news and events from the Southeastern Synod? Subscribe to our E-News today! Our newsletter provides valuable information about the synod's activities, including upcoming events, congregational resources, and exciting mission opportunities.

As a synod, we offer a range of services and programs to support our member congregations. These include leadership development, youth and family ministries, and social justice advocacy. Our E-News is a great way to learn about these programs and stay connected with the broader synod community.

Don't miss out on the latest news and updates from the Southeastern Synod. Sign up for our E-News today and join us in our mission to serve and support our congregation

Sign Up for Newsletter

Congregational Council Members

 As of July 2024


Craig Summers

Leigh Ann Maxwell

Pati Ferrie

Catherine Burnette


Cat Taylor

Joe Walker

Joanne Jobe

Lori Sultzer

Donna Becker

Terry Tewell

Keila Wegmeyer

WORSHIP includes services, worship assistants, communion, instruments, A/V, equipment

NURTURE includes prayer ministry, Advent Shepherds, and mental health



Vice President





Property & Community


Community Outreach



Youth Representative

FAITH FORMATION includes Christian ed, VBS, confirmation, seminarians, nursery, new member classes, and Bible study

Terms End





Terms End








COMMUNITY includes small groups, fellowship, mission support to Synod & ELCA, and Community Aid & Assistance, e.g. ‘Boro Pride, Love Your Neighbor, Cold Patrol, Portico, M’boro Loves, Muslim Youth, PFLAG, and our blessing box

Church Office is Open

Monday-Thursday 8am-1pm

Church office is open Monday-Thursday from 8am - 1pm.

Our Community Partners

Advent's Statement of Welcome,
Mission & Vision Statements

Advent Lutheran Church is a welcoming and affirming congregation

of the ELCA Southeastern Synod.

We welcome and affirm all as they are, and share in God’s abundant grace through our worship, service, and fellowship.

Vision Statement

Together as ELCA Lutherans, we are freed by Christ's grace to live faithfully, witness boldly, and serve joyfully.

Mission Statement
At Advent Lutheran Church, we:
  • develop our faith and relationships with God,
  • discover the paths God has chosen for us,
  • welcome all people and communities, and
  • support the needs of God’s House.

Keep up with the

news at Advent

Stay in touch, sign up for our E-News, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Many things are repeated on all of these platforms.


Let us know you're watching by leaving a comment:

Advent Lutheran Church

1700 Irby Lane

Murfreesboro, TN 37127


Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am-1pm
Visit our Website
Facebook  Youtube  Instagram



Ms. Debra Boland, Office Admin - 727-457-6036

Mrs. Jacqueline Hofferth, LYFE Coordinator


Mr. Troy Yost, Encounter Band Leader