Dear Partner in Ministry,

November each year brings a tangible shift in the life of our student community. As the last month of the semester arrives and the pressures of final projects and exams loom high, we double-down on care and support, serving nourishing hot dinners, creating spaces to pause in prayer and reflection, and leaning into the simple joys of time together. Our students have been asking a lot of questions about the why and how of the church seasons and festival we celebrate. So, as we marked All Saints and the start of Advent, we are learning together what these festivals and seasons are all about!

In these final weeks of the semester, we give thanks for you, our friends and partners in ministry. Thank you for all you do to care for our students from near and far!

Grace and peace,

Pr. Monica

Give to Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry

Deepening Conversations

LECM is proud to be a Reconciling in Christ community, celebrating and affirming that all people are beloved and made in the image of God. This fall we have been exploring dynamics of identity and privilege as we review our welcome statement.

What does it feel like to be welcomed, affirmed, or at home in a community? Our students answered: soft, gentle, a warm hug, to be seen as an individual but included as a community, not needing to hide, and more.

Authentic belonging is central to our mission, and we pray that all people, our students, and you, experience being at home in community this way!

Upcoming Events

Caroline LaPrade '25

Hello! I’m Caroline LaPrade (she/her). I’m a fourth year Junior at UNC studying ASL/English Interpretation, and I am currently a resident of the LECM house.

What I love about LECM is how we each come from different backgrounds and perspectives, but we share those things with each other openly and with respect. I’ve learned so much from everyone and I love the community we’ve formed. 

I look forward to the years to come with the LECM house!


Your donations support worship, fellowship, and leadership development among students and young adults. We could not do this work without you! Thank you!

Donate online or send a gift to 1844 11th Ave, Greeley, CO 80631.

Give Now

Are you in the Greeley area and interested in bringing a meal for Sunday Dinner Church? Contact us for details!

Connect with us!

Rev. Monica Butler, Pastor


1844 11th Ave

Greeley, CO 80631

Contact Us