In this Util-Assist Connections Newsletter:
Watch our latest animated video on Util-Assist's procurement services, start preparing for winter power outages with PowerAssist, and meet Util-Assist's newest business partner, SEW.
Your AMI Procurement Partner
Did you know that advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has a typical lifespan of 20 years? Given the long stretch between procurements, it can be a challenge to stay current with the latest technology. Plus, as the earliest deployments are quickly approaching end of life, vendors are investing heavily in next generation AMI and new capabilities, further complicating the solution landscape. That's why it's important to work with a consulting company that thoroughly understands the emerging technology and can advise you every step of the way.

Util-Assist helps utilities across North America procure AMI and associated systems. With deep knowledge of all the vendor offerings, Util-Assist ensures you procure best-fit, future-proof solutions that reflect the needs of diverse stakeholders, unlocking the full potential of your investments for the lifetime of the assets. Our latest animated video illustrates the value Util-Assist brings as your procurement partner.

Find out more or contact us to start the conversation.
PowerAssist Preparations

Feeling a nip in the air? It's time to start preparing for winter. Next year marks the ten-year anniversary of the Ontario ice storm that affected over 600,000 customers, leaving some without power for ten days. Utilities experienced an overwhelming spike in customer calls over a short period, while customers were frustrated by their inability to connect with a live agent during an emergency. Affected utilities quickly realized that measures were needed to improve their customer service.

The storm brought increased interest in Util-Assist's outage management contact centre services, PowerAssist. PowerAssist delivers fast, personalized service with live agents, plus the ability to rapidly scale during widespread outages at a fraction of standard costs. Since then, PowerAssist has evolved to deliver services across multiple channels for customer convenience and even faster service. Find out more.

Our Newest Partnership
Customer experience is a growing focus for utilities, and today's customers increasingly expect a timely, personalized, and seamless experience from their service providers. Util-Assist and SEW have signed an agreement for Util-Assist to deliver system integration services to clients implementing SEW’s industry-leading digital customer and workforce experience platforms. This collaboration advances the digital future for utilities, helping them adopt innovative strategies to build meaningful customer relationships through personalized experiences, superior self-service, improved operational efficiency, and intelligent workforce management.

Having completed more AMI projects in North America than any other firm, Util-Assist’s breadth and depth are key to the success of utility system integration projects. And unlike the big consulting firms, Util-Assist’s system integration practice is focused exclusively on the utility sector. Find out more.

About Util-Assist

Util-Assist’s solutions merge technology with strategy to streamline processes, boost productivity, enable data-driven business decisions, and deliver enhanced customer experiences, transforming how utilities operate and deliver value to their customers. Driving digital innovation with professional services and managed services for electric, water, and gas, Util-Assist is shaping the utility of the future.

Solutions. Simplified.