Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.
Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
June 8th, 2017
The first City Council and County Board of Commissioners work sessions on the adoption of Eugene's urban growth boundary (UGB) are next week! As we enter this important phase of Envision Eugene, we continue to revisit some of the conversations we have had with members of the community related to adopting our UGB. This week's newsletter focuses on the topic of data and assumptions used to set our UGB, and how they compare to emerging development trends. It also includes information about upcoming dates and events, including an
Envision Eugene Drop-In Session on June 15th. You can always find more information about Envision Eugene on our website.
In order to set our UGB for twenty years of growth, certain assumptions and models were used to determine just how much land is required to support our community vision. Things like the number of jobs we expect to attract, our predicted population growth, and the assumed household size all impact how much land we will need for homes, jobs, parks, and schools. You can learn more about these assumptions in our Population and Demographics Fact Sheet.
We know people are concerned about some of our assumptions, including population forecasts and housing mix (the ratio of single family detached homes to multifamily dwellings), and how they compare to recent reports about what is currently taking place in our community. We know that 2012, the year our assumptions are based on, feels like a long time ago. In order to move forward with creating our own UGB, Council gave us direction to use the adopted population forecasts in 2012 and reaffirmed this direction in 2015, so that we could set our baseline UGB. Updating our assumptions now would set us back a number of years. In addition, updating one assumption means you have to update them all because they all interrelate.
Monitoring and Adjusting - Flexible Implementation
Setting our UGB allows us to begin monitoring – an important program that will allow us to adapt to emerging trends. Setting our UGB also allows us to begin urban reserve planning using the most recent population forecasts. If our previous population forecasts or housing mix are off, we will be better prepared to consider necessary changes to implement our community vision and values.
Come learn about this phase of the UGB adoption process. The Envision Eugene Team will be on hand to answer your questions about the process, what has changed with Version Two of the UGB Adoption Package, and how you can get involved in the adoption process.
Envision Eugene Drop-In Session
June 15th, 4-6 pm
Atrium Lobby
99 W 10th Ave. Eugene
Reminder: UGB Work Sessions
This is a reminder of the upcoming Eugene City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners UGB work sessions. Members of the public are welcome to attend these sessions to learn more about what is contained in the UGB Adoption Package or watch them online.
Eugene City Council
Work Session
June 12th, 5:30 pm
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th, Eugene
Lane County Bard of Commissioners
Work Session
June 13th, 1:30 pm
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th, Eugene
June 27th the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners will hold a joint work session and public hearing. Members of the public are encouraged to attend, learn about the UGB proposal, and provide verbal testimony.
Joint Work Session and
Public Hearing
June 27th
Work Session: 5:30 pm*
Public Hearing 6:30 pm
Harris Hall, 125 E 8th, Eugene
*Staff and information stations available starting at 5pm
To subscribe to Envision Eugene, email envisioneugene@ci.eugene.or.us and tell us you would like to receive our emails. Thanks for your interest, and as always, please let us know if we can answer any questions about Envision Eugene.
City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401