What is "Local Food" and Why Should You Buy it?

What is "Local Food"? In general, it is defined as a food product that has traveled less than 400 miles, or within the same state as it's point of origin. Local food is broadly defined by the United States Department... (Pictured Drinkwine Produce)

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North Country Food Co-op Offers Both Comfort and Food

By Tim Rowland, The North Country Food Co-Op has been a strong resource for community members of Plattsburgh during the COVID-19 crisis. An attentive grocer can tell a lot about the public psyche by glancing into their customers' shopping carts.

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Mapping COVID-19 Outbreaks in the Food System

Since April, FERN has been closely tracking the spread of Covid-19 at meatpacking plants, food processing facilities, and farms. This dashboard is home to our latest reporting on Covid-19 cases and food system workers, and is updated each weekday.

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Dry Conditions Affect Some Farmers More than Others

The state has declared a drought watch in the north country. We checked in with local farmers to see how they're handling it. You know what they say: you reap what you sow. That is unless Mother Nature gets in the way.

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New Funding Allows Expansion of Adirondack Farm to Table ...

A project that delivers local food to people in need is doubling its efforts in the North Country. AdkAction, a non-profit based in Keeseville, announced this week it received a $225,000 grant to expand its Emergency Food Packages project....

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NY Farm Bureau: Lost Sales, Disrupted Markets Due to COVID

Farmers are used to unpredictability - in the weather, in markets, in the fields. But COVID-19 is throwing New York agriculture a much bigger curveball than what farms usually have to deal with. About two thirds of farmers in New York State say...

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Climate Change Forces Farmers to Pick Low Yields or...

Climate change will leave some farmers with a difficult conundrum, according to a new study by researchers from Cornell and Washington State University: either risk more revenue volatility or live with a more predictable decrease in crop yields.

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Pandemic Food Stamp Increase Expires, Will There be More?

People who receive food stamps have seen a big boost during the pandemic. In the last stimulus bill, Congress increased benefits by $15 billion. But those increased benefits ran out in June. Now, Congress is weighing whether to increase money...

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FEATURED MEMBER | Cariad Jerseys

At Cariad Jerseys we breed and raise beautiful Jersey cows. All registered and classified with the American Jersey Cattle Association and their milk under a monthly Quality control by Dairy One.

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Zucchini, Eggplant, Peppers & Tomatoes | Ratatouille Recipe

It's ratatouille season! Ratatouille is a classic end-of-summer French stew that's fun to say (rat-tuh-TOO-ee) and fun to make. It's packed with fresh produce: tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and yellow squash, and bell pepper. This summer, we...

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Adirondack Harvest Festival Goes "FREE RANGE"!

What a different summer this has been! While we won't be holding our usual in-person gathering this year, we are cooking up a super fun FREE RANGE festival for 9/19, so you will still be able to explore all our area has to offer. Stay tuned for virtual demos, online farm tours, food truck & brewery hopping, and a scavenger hunt! More details to come soon.

Thank you,

Laurie Davis
518-962-4810 ext.404
This bulletin is distributed by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Essex County in support of 
youth, families and the agricultural community of Essex County. 
Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals and Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.