Please read through the entire email to read about schedule changes and upcoming exciting programming in Adar leading up to Purim!

Don't forget to:

Contribute to the PTO Mishloach Manot projects -

(See flyer below or click HERE)


Bring in items for the 2nd Hand Sale

benefitting displaced families in Israel

(see flyer below)

Sunday, March 10th

PTO Family Ice Skating - 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

includes skate rentals and hot cocoa bar

$18 per person/$60 max per family

Register HERE

Monday, March 11th

Rosh Chodesh Adar II

Davening for Grades 3 - 12

followed by Festive Dancing for Grades K - 12

8:00 a.m.

Please join us to experience your children's morning davening

on Rosh Chodesh

Grades 6 - 12 - Upper Beit Midrash

Grades 3-5 - in the MPR

Please note: the children's davening is meant to be an opportunity to share your child's experience and it has proven to be very meaningful for those who have joined us in the past. It is not meant to be a replacement for morning minyan or a complete davening.

Men should put on Tallis and Tefillin in shul or at home. 

Friday, March 15th - Regular Friday Dismissal Begins

3:00 p.m. - ECC

3:15 p.m. - K - 12

Week of March 18th - Spirit Week

See flyer below

Tuesday, March 19th - Parent Teacher Conferences

Information to sign up for conferences will be sent out this week

Early Dismissal

2:20 p.m. (ECC)

2:30 p.m. (K - 12)

Please note Dismissal time correction:

Dismissal on Tuesday, March 19 and Thursday, March 21 has been changed to 2:20 p.m.(ECC) and 2:30p.m. (K-12) in order to allow the middle and high schoolers to daven Mincha in school. The upcoming change to daylight savings time means that Mincha cannot begin before 2:10 p.m. 

Thursday, March 21st - Taanit Esther

Early Dismissal

2:20 p.m. - ECC

K-12 at 2:30 p.m.

Because of the long Mincha on Thursday, March 21 (Taanit Esther), the middle and high schoolers might be 2-3 minutes late in leaving the building. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Saturday evening, March 23rd - High School Purim Party

Sunday, March 24th - Purim

9:00 a.m. - Shacharit and Megillah Reading

10:30 a.m. - Thrift Shop run by the Banot

Farber HDS Family Skate
Hot Cocoa Bar includes Skate Rentals
Sunday March 10th 2024
City of Southfield Ice Rink
18 dollars per person