April 2020

Welcome to the FTR Newsletter! Stay updated on new programs and events, media highlights and what our awesome volunteers and donors are doing for our recovery community.
Thank you for your support!
COVID can't keep us down!
Now, more than ever, we have realized the strength, adaptability, and connection of our community.
FTR voluntarily shut it's doors on March 16th, to protect members and the public from the COVID-19 pandemic (which would later become a county ordinance that remains today).
During this time, we have been consistently reminded that Fit to Recover is not one building, one person, or even the high fives and hugs we give each other.
Fit to Recover is a community that comes together to support one another, in good times and in bad.
And while these times have required us to do the very things we often try to avoid in recovery (isolating, catastrophizing, and replacing face to face with a screen), it has also shown us that we can connect in other ways than we traditionally do. And, that we can get through it TOGETHER.
Coping with COVID
COVID-19 has hit everyone hard. It has been especially hard on small businesses.
But, it has allowed FTR to get creative in this new virtual world. We even have a name for it: VFTR.
We have transferred our services to online platforms, where members can still do their weekly workouts, musical jam sessions, and meal preps together.
In fact, since March 23rd, we have had 508 check-ins on Zoom.

How you can Help
If you want to help us to keep delivering these services during these challenging times, please donate to our
And, since the grocery store is one of our few "normal" stops left, please consider adding FTR as a beneficiary to your Smith's Reward card. Then, every time you shop and use your Smith's reward card, FTR will get .05% of your purchase.
Our Plans
As an organization, we are creating plans that will assist us through the COVID-19 pandemic. These plans include:
  • Providing pro-bono classes to our treatment centers;
  • Holding weekly staff meetings via Zoom to stay connected;
  • Providing staff pay until the end of May;
  • Applying for an SBA loan through Zions Bank;
  • Fundraising for staff-retention via MightyCause
  • Creating strategies to assist with donor retention
That Zoom Life

Like many others, we have learned to navigate online platforms that allow us all to connect at once. FTR offers 12 workout classes per week online.
Shout out to our trainers!
Our trainers have not skipped a beat since we shut our doors!
Thank you to our passionate, amazing, talented trainers who have found a new way to teach and connect with our community.

Spotlight: Casey Erickson

Casey has been a part of FTR for over 3 years. Anyone who meets Casey can feel his gentle heart, his immense gratitude, his desire to help others, and his infectious positivity. He's always there for a high five, a hug, or just to make someone feel heard. And, he has really stepped up to help lead FTR Zoom workout classes.
Thank you for being a part of our FTR family, Casey!
Don't miss Our Facebook Live Workouts!
Saturday at 1PM
Sunday at 10AM

Find the the links to Zoom classes on our website.

Zoom is FREE and so are all FTR classes. If you want to donate, please contribute to our fundraiser.

Kate is our newest addition to the FTR staff as our new administrative assistant.
She will be the first point of contact for people at the gym, helping them feel safe and seen. She is very excited to be part of the FTR team and has really stepped up as we navigate the new norm for our members. We want to wish her a very warm welcome; we're so happy you're a part of the team, Kate!

NUTRITION/Food to Recover  
Just because we can't be together, doesn't mean we can't cook together!
See the link for Zoom Classes on our website to connect through food
Mondays at 6:30pm - Group Cooking Coaching . Rose will send out a weekly meal plan and grocery list (posted on Food to Recover Blog ), and then we will cook a meal together via Zoom. This is an opportunity to feel more comfortable in the kitchen - you'll have the support of the community, and the ability to ask Rose and other members questions to all your kitchen questions!
Tuesday 6:30pm - Community Meal together. Everyone brings their own dinner, and we meet over Zoom to connect with each other and our food! 
Thursday meal plan + grocery list - Every Thursday you can expect to have a simple, cheap meal plan posted to Facebook and the Food to Recover blog. You will find easy to make, budget-friendly, COVID-accessible meals for the week, including a simple grocery list. 
Find these meal plans on the Food to Recover Blog!
Mindfulness Challenge

Our lead dietitian, Rose, did a mindfulness challenge in the month of March to engage our members and help ease some stress and anxiety during these chaotic days. We want to acknowledge the members that completed the 7-Day challenge*: 

Ekko Poster
Rachel Erickson
Vachel Kraklow
Bonnie Linder
Jenise Williams 
Victoria Barbaria
Alexandra Gregson

*Prizes will be given when we all get back together.
Member Spotlight
Shout out to member Andres Galvan. Andres has been a part of the FTR community for the past year now. He has participated in all four of our pillars. Since we started Zoom nutrition he has shown up for all of the cooking classes and dinner socials that Rose has hosted. Thank you, Andres, for your continued support and enthusiasm for the community.
All I want to do is Zoom a Zoom Zoom

Creative Arts is hosting Music Group through Zoom on
Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6 PM to 8 PM. Find the link on our website.

Watch our Instagram and Facebook pages for upcoming projects the Creative Arts program has in store for April. 

The Creative Arts pillar is working out the details to do a live performance virtually as well in the following weeks, stay tuned for details!

During this time, the Creative Arts Pillar will ask members to submit photos and captions that tell their story during this time. They may be of strength, struggle, resiliency, growth... whatever people are observing and feeling right now.
Members of the Music Group will then use the photo and caption to create a song from the public's experiences. The photos will be strung together to make a music video. It will be a great way to capture this historical event we are living through!
Member Testimonial: Kayla Bettles
"I've been a part of FTR since 2017 when I was in residential treatment. I enjoyed the creative arts and writing most during that time. I remember the first day I got out of bed was to go to FTR. I was so weak I could barely lift a kettlebell. By the end of my stay in treatment, I was back to feeling stronger than ever. After graduating from treatment I began going to the creative music group, where I began to express myself through writing, singing, and recording songs. I've been a part of the events where I have been able to show my artwork and creative talents. FTR is a pillar of my recovery and the best part of each week."

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) has been a part of the FTR community for almost two years now, they are in their fourth, six-month session. The CAB is comprised of community members who have volunteered to help shape and grow our community. The goal is to operate in an open, honest, and transparent manner to help facilitate conversations between our community and the administration of FTR. If anyone has feedback from the community and would like an alternative way to engage, CAB members are a great resource. They are there to help you as valued members of the community. The CAB committee was put in place to advocate and be a voice for our community.
Matt Martin, who has been a long time member of FTR, has taken on the role of being the chair for this committee. You can reach out to him with any comments, questions, or concerns. He can provide a list of who is currently sitting on the committee as well. Mattkmartin520@gmail.com.
MISSION: FTR's mission is to provide people in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse with a safe place to connect through exercise, nutrition, creative expression and community service.

  789 W 1390 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | 801-410-8988 contact@fit2recover.org fit2recover.org
Special thanks to our Champion donors:
The George S. and Dolores D. Eccles Foundation
The Sorenson Legacy Foundation
The Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation
Episcopal Diocese of Utah 
Intermountain Healthcare
Val and Edith Green Foundation
Stephen and Suzanne Acker
Larry H. Miller Charities
Nicholas Zurn Scholarship Fund
The Macomber Family Foundation
Utah Medical Association
The Wheeler Foundation
Smith's Foods
United Way of Salt Lake
Wasatch Crest Treatment Services
Zions Bank 

And to our Recovery Partners!
Acqua Recovery - Ascend Recovery - Balance House - Brighton Recovery - Discovery House- Flourish Bakery-The Haven - Odyssey House - Pinnacle Recovery- Recovery Ways - Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers - Salt Lake County Youth Services - Strong Hope/Salt Lake Behavioral Health- Turning Point