Quote of the Month:

Too often we underestimate
The power of a touch, a smile,
A kind word, a listening ear,
An honest compliment, or
The smallest act of caring.
All of which have the potential
To turn a life around.

Leo Buscaglia
Tao and Zen
From the Acupuncture & Wellness Team
Online Booking is now available! 

The season is changing and school is back in session. Whether you're a teacher, student, parent, or administrator; an acupuncture session could be just what you need. Acupuncture can strengthen the immune system, relieve stress, or even boost energy levels. 

For your convenience we have turned on our online booking. We are honored to remain open and serve our community during this challenging time. Our office continues to follow COVID 19 protocols. These protocols can be viewed  here . Telehealth video services are also available. Contact us for more information.

Acupuncture & Wellness Center is a sacred space of healing where all are welcome. We share this newsletter to support you in your journey of fostering balance and peace of mind.

For current patients, click here to book an appointment online. If you are a new patient seeking services please call the office at (443) 219-1220.
Late Summer:
The Season of Nurturing and Transformation 
Late summer is upon us, with its hot, muggy weather and heat-breaking afternoon thunderstorms. Late summer is considered one of the five major seasons in the East. Late Summer begins around the third week of August and runs through the Fall Equinox. In August, Nature is undergoing its last burst of growth before harvest time. The energy of this season corresponds to the nurturing Earth element. The next few weeks are an important time for self-nurturing and self-cultivation. This a powerful time to fully ripen and transform, using the last of summer’s bountiful energy. 

So how does this the energetic movement of Earth and Late Summer show up in us? 

In 5 element medicine the goal is to keep the energy moving through this natural cycle of seasons. This will help to imbue us with the gifts of the elements. The Earth element shows up in our lives in the following ways:  

Emotionally:  When the Spleen and Stomach organs are balanced, the emotions of sympathy, empathy and compassion are easily accessible. It is our ability to give and receive caring feelings and mothering energy. 

Physically: Earth in TCM is connected to the organs system of the Stomach and Spleen. The Stomach is responsible for breaking down and digests food; and the Spleen is responsible for transporting nourishment around the body. 
Spiritually: the Earth element gives us the sense of feeling completely nourished, stable, secure and abundant in all areas of our life. We feel so abundant, that we overflow with this energy and are able to share our bounty with others. 
When Earth is in balance you have the gifts of nurturing, thoughtfulness, nourishment, taste, sympathy, stability and home. If your Stomach and Spleen are harmonizing with the energies of Late Summer, your digestive system may be feeling more balanced than usual. You will feel grounded and “full” enough to give and nourish yourself and others abundantly.  

When Earth is out of balance you may feel obsessive or worrying thoughts or sympathy. The Stomach and Spleen resonate with Late Summer’s energetic vibration. If this organ pair is low on energy, you may experience nausea, stomach flu, IBS, weight gain, blood sugar disorders, or low energy.  
Just as all of Nature relies on Mother Earth for sustenance, we also rely on our digestive system for emotional and physical support. Think about all that we ask our bodies to digest—foods that we eat, things that we see or hear, and emotions that we feel and experience. Keeping our Stomach and Spleen energy balanced provides a solid foundation for lifelong mind-body-spirit health. Remember, the Spleen Stomach system supports not just what we take in to our bodies as food and liquids, but how we digest and process our emotions and thoughts.
Foods to Support Stomach Health
Many foods have an essence that supports the Spleen and Stomach, especially yellow or orange foods, foods harvested in the late summer or root vegetables that grow directly in the ground. A TCM practitioner might regularly prescribe these foods for patients when trying to build a strong digestive system.   

Foods to Avoid/Reduce if experiencing issues with digestion:  

Liquids: excessive fluids with meals; cold drinks (including water, beer, smoothies). 

Cold natured, uncooked and raw food: salads raw fruits (whole and juiced, especially citrus), wheat, sprouts and cereal grasses, raw vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, swiss chard. 

Others: tofu, millet, seaweeds, salt, sweet foods and concentrated sweeteners, brown rice, vitamin C (take less than 1 gram per day). 

Congesting Damp-forming food: ice cream, dairy (except yoghurt, and butter in moderation), sugar, chocolate, nuts and nut butters, and seeds 
Beneficial Foods: 

Grains: Well-cooked cereals such as porridge or congee including White Rice, Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Corn, Red Lentils, Spelt and Barley. 

Beans & Legumes: no limit. Especially good are Adzuki beans, Mung beans, Lentils, Sprouted breads. 

Vegetables: Green leafy, Watercress, Asparagus, Napa cabbage, Turnip, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Celery, Lettuce, Bok Choy, Radish, Scallion, Alfalfa, Cucumber, Mushrooms, Snow peas. 

Smaller amounts: Yams, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Squash, Carrots, Parsnips, Rutabagas, Beets. 

Meat: Chicken, Beef, Lamb. 

Fish: especially Salmon, Tuna, Trout, Mackerel, Carp, Anchovy 

Seafood: Shrimp, Mussels, Lobster. 

Seeds & Nuts: Pumpkin seeds, Almonds, Walnuts and Sunflower seeds. 

Fruit (sparingly): Plums, Apples, Berries (esp. cranberries), Grapefruit, Lemons, Lime, Pears, Peach, Watermelon, Pomegranates, Papaya; and Stewed fruit. 

Herbs & Spices: depends on whether you've been diagnosed with Damp-Heat or Damp-Cold (changes the degree of warm or cool natured foods required). 

Damp-Cold: Dandelion, Sage, Paprika, Turmeric, Garlic, Pepper, Ginger, Cumin, Cinnamon, Thyme, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Fennel, Caraway, Rosemary, Basil. 

Damp-Heat: Dandelion, Nettle, Licorice, Mint or Peppermint, Lemon, Lime. 

Oils & Condiments: Flaxseed oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (first cold pressed), Raw Honey, Stevia, Almond Butter. Small amounts: molasses, rice syrup, barley malt, palm sugar. 

Beverages: Teas (Green - helps stabilise blood sugar, Fennel, Cinnamon). 

Supplements: Magnesium, Chromium, Omega 3 (flax oil, fish oil; hemp/pumpkin seeds). Also have your Vitamin D checked.  

Protein may be required to nourish your Spleen and is helpful to decrease sugar cravings; include at lunch. Also helpful is steel cut oats, which can be cooked with fruits and topped with Hemp and/or Chia seeds. Note: seeds and nuts are also good to help move the bowels.
Simple Tips for Everyday Stomach Health 
Some ways to take care of your Stomach as per Grand Master Nan Lu: 

  • Don’t worry, be happy! Worry, anxiety, and overthinking are the emotions that are associated with the Stomach and Spleen, and these emotions in excess can impact your digestive health. It may feel difficult to not worry during this time, so even if you just spend an extra few moments laughing with you family, calling a good friend, playing with you pets, or doing some self-care for yourself, your digestive system will thank you. 

  • Have your dinner by 6 or 7pm at the latest – this gives your Stomach a chance to rest along with all your other organs! If you eat a lot or heavy foods at night, then you are making your Stomach work overtime when it should be resting. 

Acupressure for Stomach Health
The zhongwan is the entire area from under your breastbone to above your navel. Massaging this area can help strengthen your digestive system and relieve symptoms such as nausea and lack of appetite. 

Massage this area gently by placing one hand on top of the other and slowly making five circles. Five more circles. Reverse direction and make five more circles. Repeat this routine for about five minutes. 


The Gift of Health Resources
Is One of Our Herbal Products Right for You? 
All of our practitioners are trained in Herbal Supplements and Nutrition. Ask them if one of our Health Concerns Traditional Chinese Medicine Supplements is right for you at your next appointment! 
Digestive Issues? 
Quiet Digestion: Treats gastric distress including abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, regurgitation, gastric hypersensitivity, abdominal distention, poor appetite and intestinal gas. Treats gastroenteritis. Treats motion sickness, hangover and effects of jet lag. Useful for difficulty absorbing food. In TCM it disperses wind and dampness, resolves spleen dampness and regulates stomach and resolves phlegm.  

Seasonal allergies, Hay fever, and Asthma  
Cold Away: Treats cold and flu, addresses fever, sinus and chest congestion, coughing, headache, sore throat, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis. In TCM clears wind heat and addresses phlegm and cough. 
Xanthium Relieve Surface: Treats allergic reactions, allergic rhinitis, sinus congestion, sinus headaches, chronic aching muscles. Also treats various itching skin rashes and stuffy or runny nose. In TCM clears surface wind heat and cools heat and dispels wind-dampness. 
There are many other remedies such as Isatis Gold and Clear Air. 
Essential Oils: We also have Essential Oil Blends in oils, rollers and sprays. “Be Grounded” works well to engage earth energy and aid the stomach. “Be Well” can help enhance immunity. 
Ask your practitioner at your next appointment! 
Jackie's Corner
The Magic of Fiber For Divine Digestion 

As we strive to follow a healthy nutrition plan, keeping an eye on the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats you eat is always a top concern, but let’s not forget about fiber. Fiber is the unsung hero of good nutrition and especially of our digestive system. It’s magical and here’s why. Having the necessary amount in your daily meals can help lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, support weight loss and keep your digestion and elimination working smoothly. It can also help to lower your chances of getting colon cancer by keeping your intestines “well-scrubbed.” Some fiber, like onions and bananas are considered a prebiotic and help to feed the good bacteria that live in your intestines. Where do you find fiber? It is in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and grains. It is in the skin, seeds, and pulp of whole foods. Fiber is not easily digested by the body, so it creates bulk in your colon and this can help keep you regular…and who doesn’t love to be regular? The best way to increase fiber in your diet is to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes (beans). Adding fiber to your favorite recipes can be as easy as sneaking beans into your stuffed peppers or whisking oatmeal into your baked goods. Aim for 25 grams for women, or 21 grams if over 50 years old and 38 grams for men, or 30 grams if over 50. Whole foods are the best natural source of fiber, but supplements are an option as well. When adding more fiber to your diet, it is best to increase your intake a little at a time to avoid diarrhea, gas, and intestinal discomfort. It is also essential to increase your water intake so constipation does not become an issue. Always check with your doctor before making dietary changes especially if you have any bowel issues. 
Recipe of the Month
Vegetarian Quinoa-Stuffed Peppers
from, June 2020

Chipotle chilis, black beans and pepper jack cheese give a flavorful boost to this vegetarian sinner. We've sped things up by steaming the peppers and using quick cooking quinoa. We like the look of the tri-colored quinoa but you have on hand will work. If possible, use peppers that stand upright.