Quote of the Month:

Do not be dismayed
by the brokenness
in the world.
All things break.
All things can be mended.
Not with time,
As they say, but
With intention.
So go, Love
The broken world waits
In darkness for the
Light that is you.

Hey Folks,

As all of you know, we decided to close the office on 3/25/2020 in order to honor calls from the State and Federal Government for social distancing to minimize the spread of COVID 19. Since then, we have been busy trying to keep up with the rapidly changing rules and laws governing the practice of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) through Telehealth while researching new and innovative ways to continue to serve our community. As the insurance companies shift in order to allow for the practice of TCM via Telehealth we are setting up all the needed platforms and HIPPA Compliances so we can safely and confidentially work with you from the safety of your homes. TCM incorporates many modalities and not just the insertion of needles in order to affect change and support wellness. It is particularly exciting for us to finally be acknowledged by the various insurance companies as a tool to help during this crisis. Nutrition, stress reduction techniques, qi gong/t’ai qi, herbs, meditation, acupressure all fall within the purview of TCM and are beneficial tools to help you all stay healthy during this time.  We are also working with our retail partners to develop Drop Shipping so your herbs and supplements can be directly shipped to you with no need to come to the office to pick them up. You would still order your products from us directly by phone and we would arrange for them to be shipped to your address. Feel free to continue to call in with questions and needs. We of course, look forward to opening our office again to do all these things in person. We definitely miss being with our community and can’t wait for things to go back to normal. We thank you for your patience during this time and are incredibly grateful to all of you who have reached out to check in on us and to just stay connected. Now that we are catching our breath and figuring out how to manage our new “temporary” normal, we’ll be touching base more often with you as a community and individually to offer tools to stay healthy during this time and to provide information on how to access some of our new programs as they come on line. Edwin and I would also like to thank our incredible staff who continue to work behind the scenes to provide support and help with the evolution of AWC. We definitely couldn’t do it without them and we feel very blessed to have each of them as part of our family. We all send our love and hope that everyone is doing well and staying healthy! Looking forward to seeing you all again. Enjoy this month’s newsletter!

Peace & Love to you all,
Donna and Edwin  
“Place your hands into the soil to feel grounded.
Wade in water to feel emotionally healed.
Fill your lungs with fresh air to feel mentally clear.
Raise your face to the heat of the sun
To connect with that fire
And feel your own immense power.”

Victoria Erickson
Creating Sacred Space
It is spring. Nature herself is cleaning up from winter and planting seeds and creating beautiful spaces. For each of us, we are now being asked to stay at home. Doing all we can to create sacred space in our homes, space for safety, space for love, space for family. AWC has always worked hard to be a sacred space for our patients and visitors. A place to come for healing, support, wellness. Our vision is to continue to be that sacred space for all. We will stay connected with you. In the meantime, you can work on creating sacred space for your own homes.

Keep a regular schedule, include daily activities that get you moving (walking, dancing, yoga/stretching, qi gong or tai chi), working on your garden can be an excellent activity. Clear out your office, bedroom, living room. Plan for adding pictures, plants, and make it a place you want to come into.
Breathe – a regular, twice daily practice of taking deep, abdominal breaths in through the nose, holding a short period and then breathing out very slowly and completely 5 or 6 times. This is a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety and will also stimulate your immune system.

We look forward to seeing you in the office as soon as we have moved through this difficult time. Be sure to connect with us on facebook!

The Gift of Health Resources
Here is a link to an article on how gardening can improve your immune system:

Here is a link to university art courses you can take online for free:

Here is a link to The Daily Om – a link to chair yoga: https://www.dailyom.com/cgi-bin/courses/courseoverview.cgi?cid=877  

The Daily Om offers a variety of online courses on other topics as well.
AWC Products
You Can Still Order Products by phone

Herbs, essential oils, CBD products and teas are available. Contact us at 443-219-1220. Please note that we are not operating under normal business hours. If you are unable to reach us, please leave a detailed message and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

Be Grounded | Essential Oil Blend
...achieve instant calm & positive vibes with this woodsy, citrus blend...perfectly highlighted by the richness of Dark Reserve Patchouli to relax the mind & body, decrease anxiety & depression, strengthen your immune system & aid in achieving overall balance & wellness...
Jacki’s Corner
by Jacki Szimanski
Jackie is working on putting together a variety of exercise videos and classes. Please check these out on her website. www.PleaseBeWell.com  
Recipe of the Month
Lavender Lemonade
From Freebies.com
Lavender essential oil can also be consumed in small amounts to heal the body from the inside out. Mix one drop lavender essential oil with juice from six lemons, 1/2 cup of raw honey, and 10 cups of water to create a lavender lemonade. Warm the mixture in a pot and stir until the honey dissolves into the mixture. Remove from heat and let it cool in the refrigerator before consuming.

This lavender lemonade will provide stress and headache relief.

Delicious and refreshing, this lemonade exhales a light scent of lavender.

Spinach and Mushroom Crustless Egg Whites Mini Quiche
Makes one serving:

4 ounces Leanest Protein
1 vegetable
¾ condiment
7 egg whites
1/4 cup mushrooms
1/4 cup spinach
1/8 tsp.black pepper
1/8 tsp. salt

Preheat Oven to 400
In a skillet over medium-high heat sprayed with pam, toss mushrooms for about 5 minutes or until cooked. Turn off the heat and add the spinach, stirring constantly to mix for 1 minute. Pour into a bowl.

Crack 7 eggs ( just use egg whites) into the bowl with the spinach and mushrooms and whisk ingredients together. Add some fresh ground black pepper to suit your personal tastes and whisk again.

Use 1 muffin tray and spray with cooking spray. Fill each cup 3/4 full of egg mixture.
Place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool for a minute before removing from pans. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve hot, or chill in the fridge until cold and serve.

Optional: add shredded parmesan cheese on the top of each quiche for some extra flavor.