Our Acupuncture Treatments
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to produce a healing response in the body of both humans and animals by correcting energy imbalances. In some cases, we have seen it reduce or even eliminate the need for certain medications. Referring your patients to our veterinary acupuncturist Pamela Levin, DVM, CVA, CCRT, CVPP – the only certified veterinary pain practitioner in the state of Vermont – ensures they’ll get the best possible care.
Conditions Acupuncture Treats
At BEVS, we commonly use acupuncture as part of a comprehensive treatment approach for a wide range of injuries and diseases, and to improve the overall wellbeing of pets suffering from chronic medical conditions or cancer.
Pain: Pain management, one of the most frequent uses for acupuncture, is often integrated with other treatments. For example, acupuncture can help a pet undergoing chemotherapy for cancer feel more comfortable and better able to fight the illness.
Musculoskeletal problems: Conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, and back pain have been shown to respond to acupuncture, so it’s often used during rehabilitation after an injury or surgery.
Neurologic issues: Pets with conditions like spinal cord or nerve injury, fibrocartilagenous embolism (FCE), and intervertebral disc disease often respond well to both acupuncture and electroacupuncture.
Gastrointestinal issues: Increased blood flow from acupuncture can help reduce nausea and diarrhea and stimulate appetite.
Acupuncture is extremely well-tolerated by our patients. Dr. Levin carefully inserts extremely thin, flexible needles into specific points of the pet’s body to stimulate the release of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving hormones and improve circulation. Once the needles are in place, many pets relax and fall asleep. The needles stay in place for 20-30 minutes and then are removed. Allowing clients to remain with their pets as they receive treatment also helps with relaxation.
Your Patients Are in Expert Hands
Pamela Levin, DVM, CVA, CCRT, CVPP
BEVS’ experienced veterinary acupuncturist is certified by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, as well as the only veterinarian in all of Vermont certified as a veterinary pain practitioner (CVPP). It means she has undergone comprehensive training in animal pain management and is uniquely qualified in physical rehabilitation and therapeutic laser, as well as acupuncture. A member of the BEVS team since 2016, Dr. Levin earned her B.S. degree in animal science from the University of New Hampshire before graduating from the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. She practiced as a small animal general practitioner and emergency and critical care veterinarian in New York, New Jersey, California, and Massachusetts before making Vermont her home.
A Truly Collaborative Approach
The best relationships successfully serve the interests of both partners. Our goal is to support you, your practice, and your patients in a manner that works well for all parties.
Each month, we will be sending you information about our services and other items we hope you find helpful. If you have any questions about our acupuncture services or would like to discuss a patient, please call us at 802.863.BEVS (2387). To help expedite the referral process, you can fill out our Patient Referral Form online, or visit our Referring Veterinary Portal. We’re here to help in whatever way we can.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols
As of June, we are once again allowing clients to enter the building with their pets. Masks are not required for fully vaccinated clients. Please visit our COVID-19 web page for updates, including details on all of our safety protocols related to specialty appointments, visitation, discharge, medication refills, end-of-life options, and more. We are still experiencing a high demand for emergency veterinary services and continue to triage emergency cases to care for the most critically injured or ill pets first.
Burlington Emergency and Veterinary Specialists
1417 Marshall Avenue, Williston, VT 05495 | 802.863.2387 |
24/7 Emergency | Acupuncture | Dentistry | Internal Medicine | Neurology
Radioiodine Therapy (I-131) | Rehabilitation | Surgery