Take Action on SB1336 and SB1468

MHA AZ supports the following bills which are likely to receive a vote in the full Senate in the next week. Please contact your Senators and ask them to support:

SB 1336 Housing fund; seriously mentally ill
Expands the utilization of the AHCCCS SMI Housing fund to include rent and identifies for utilization, some types of secure housing facilities.

SB 1468 Schools, suicide prevention training
Would require training for school staff regarding suicide prevention including intervention ad referral techniques.

Contact them today!

As are reminder, instructions about how to use the ALIS website and the Request to Speak System are below. Thank you for your assistance. If you have questions feel free to email us at sabettaconsulting@gmail.com


How to find your legislator:

E-mailing your legislator:
  • Each legislative district has two House members and one Senator. By clicking on “Members” for either the “House” or “Senate,” you will be provided a Member Roster with a list of members, the district they represent, and their contact information.
  • When emailing a member, enter the Bill Number in the information line.
  • Indicate whether you wish them to support or oppose the bill and provide them with reasoning for your position. 
  • If you live in their district be sure to indicate that you are a constituent.


What is the RTS system?
The Request To Speak (RTS) system is a website that allows the public to register opinions and voice comments on bills as they pass through the Arizona Senate and House of Representatives. The following steps will guide you through registering for RTS and voicing your opinion.

New to RTS?
If you have not created a Request to Speak account in the past, you must have one before you can sign into the system and (1) register your support/opposition for a bill and (2) register to provide testimony during the committee hearing.

In order to participate, you must register at the legislature.   
  • This can be done by visiting the lobby of the House or Senate and creating an account at the available kiosks. It’s not difficult or time-consuming and you can request help at the information desk.
  • OR you can fill out the attached RTS form and return it to MHA staff at sabettaconsulting@gmail.com and we will create an account at the legislature on your behalf. You will be notified when the registration has been completed and can then sign in on any computer with internet access.

Once you have registered your RTS account, you are ready to participate.

Next Steps for Advocacy:
Once MHA AZ send you an action alert with the bill number, the date of the upcoming committee hearing and ask you to sign into your RTS account. To sign in:
  • Visit http://www.azleg.gov
  • Under “Legislative Information,” select “Request to Speak”
  • Select “Sign On” and enter your account information.  
  • If you’ve forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password?” and follow the instructions.
  • Once you’re signed on, select “Request to Speak.”
  • Click “New Request.”
  • Select “House” or “Senate” and under “Committee” choose the applicable committee.
  • In the “Search Phrase” box, type the bill number and click “Search.”
  • Click the blue button that says “Add Request.”
  • Choose “For” to indicate that you support the bill, or “Against” if you oppose the bill.
  • Choose “Yes” if you would like to testify in support of the bill during the committee hearing.
  • Click “Submit.”

If you have questions feel free to email us at sabettaconsulting@gmail.com

Interested in additional policy training or information about participating legislative advocacy?


Mental Health America of Arizona | www.mhaarizona.org