The Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on HD4607, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws, on Wednesday, October 18. Please contact your state representative TODAY and urge them to vote YES.

HD4607 regulates ghost guns, updates the assault weapons ban, streamlines the licensing process, and prohibits firearms in schools, polling places and government buildings, among other measures.

House Ways and Means held a public hearing on the bill on October 10. Read LWVMA testimony in support of the bill here.

The opposition is organized, loud, and fierce. Each of us needs to contact our state representative now via email or phone in support of this bill. Find them here.

Suggested script: “Please vote YES on HD607, An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws when it comes to the floor for a vote on Wednesday. The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts believes that curbing gun violence is a critical matter of public safety, public health, and public confidence. With each day that passes, more lives are lost to gun violence. We urge you to take swift action towards passage of this comprehensive firearms omnibus bill. Thank you.” 

Feel free to personalize your email by adding why this bill is important to you. Remember to include your name and complete street address within your email. 

We encourage all League members to contact their state representatives today and to share the action with their personal networks. We need to flood the legislature with voices supporting this bill to counteract the actions of the gun lobby.

Questions? Email

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts | 857-452-1715|
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