Your energy is needed!

The Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence is on the move again with introducing bills that would ban semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Senator Linda Stewart and Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith brought the bills forward in the 2017 Legislative Session, and they are again sponsoring them for the upcoming 2018 Session. We applaud them for doing so.  Read about their announcement here.

These bills did not get a hearing last Session, even though Florida had just experienced what was, at that time, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.

This week with the terrible news out of Las Vegas, now the site of the worst mass shooting in American history, the ban is more relevant than ever. The Nevada shooter possessed 47 guns, and jerry-rigged his semiautomatic rifle so that it would work like a fully automatic weapon. The result was at least 58 people dead and over 500 injured.

We cannot allow the further normalization of gun violence. We should not have to fear getting shot whenever we step into a movie theater, nightclub, or attend a concert. 

The fight for smart gun laws remains in the states. Senator Stewart’s and Rep. Smith’s proposals— SB 196 and HB 219—deserve a hearing. The time for debate on responsible gun safety legislation is long overdue. We need your help to encourage Florida Legislative leaders to hear these bills!

Please call the following lawmakers and request that they give Senate Bill 196 and House Bill 219 a fair hearing!

Senate President Joe Negron
Phone: (772) 219-1665

Senator Bill Galvano
Phone: (941) 741-3401

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Sen. Greg Steube
Phone: (941) 342-9162

House Speaker Richard Corcoran
Phone: (813) 792-5177

House Rules Chairman Rep. Jose Oliva
Phone: (305) 364-3114

House Criminal Justice Committee Chairman, Rep. Ross Spano
Phone: (813) 744-6256

Thank you! With the thousands of members under the umbrella of the Coalition and League of Women Voters of Florida, we can affect grassroots change that will make our state safer from gun violence.

In League,
Pamela Goodman
Patti Brigham
Co-Chair, Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence