January 26, 2022
Call Your Rep TODAY to Support
Same-Day Registration Amendments
The House version of the VOTES Act, reported out of Ways & Means this morning, does NOT include same-day voter registration, teeing up a floor fight during the House debate on the bill tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 27.

Please call or email your state Representative TODAY; leave a voice message. Tomorrow is too late. Urge them to vote in favor of amendments that will add same-day voter registration to the voting reforms bill. Find your Rep’s contact information here.

We just saw Congress fail to support stronger voting laws and access to the ballot. You can do something to make sure that doesn’t happen in Massachusetts. Here’s a suggested script for a call or email:

I’m a member of the League of Women Voters of ________ and a constituent of Rep. ________.  Given the failure of Congress to pass voting legislation, I want the Massachusetts House to pass a strong voting reform bill that includes same-day voter registration. I ask Rep. _______ to vote in favor of amendments to add same-day voter registration to the House bill during Thursday’s floor debate. 

Same-day voter registration is used successfully and without fraud in 20 other states. It increases turnout. It allows registered voters who encounter a problem with their registration at the polls to fix that problem and vote. It greatly reduces the need for provisional ballots, making election officials’ jobs easier. A UMass Amherst poll showed 65% of Massachusetts voters support same-day registration.

Please vote for same-day registration amendments on Thursday. Thank you.
(Your name and your street address)

Thank you for your quick action contacting your Rep. It WILL make a difference in what promises to be a tough floor fight.
90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715
 lwvma@lwvma.org | www.lwvma.org