February 14, 2022
Help Drive MA Families Forward Today!
The Work and Family Mobility Act, H.3456, will be brought to the House floor for a vote on Tuesday, February 15. Advocates have been working on this bill for fifteen years. Your voice is important to move it closer to the finish line. Please contact your state representative TODAY and ask them to vote YES on the bill as it stands, and NO to any amendments. Below is a sample script to use for email, phone call, or voice mail message.

“Hi my name is [NAME], and I am a resident of [CITY/TOWN]. I’m calling today to ask my state representative to vote YES for H.3456, the Work and Family Mobility Act without any amendments when it comes to the House floor vote. All qualified drivers should be able to apply for a Massachusetts license, regardless of their immigration status. This bill promotes everyone’s safety, including law enforcement officials who need to know drivers’ identities and Massachusetts motorists who benefit when every driver is tested and insured. Many immigrants’ lives would be transformed by this bill, and everyone in the Commonwealth would have safer and more secure roads for it." [Remember to include your complete name and street address if you communicate via email.]
90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715
 lwvma@lwvma.org | www.lwvma.org