March 28, 2022
Contact Committee Chairs to Report Out "Medicare for All" Favorably!
H.1267/S.766 An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts will soon be either passed out of Committee and into Ways and Means for further deliberation, or it will be effectively killed for the session. It sits now in the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing (JHCFC) which has until this Wednesday, March 30 to report the bill out. The Committee could also decide to extend the deadline past March 30. Please email or call Committee Chairs Sen. Cindy Friedman and Rep. John Lawn, and request a favorable report: or 617-722-1432; and or at 617-722-2430. Use the sample script below and feel free to add your own personal reasons. 

"Hi my name is [NAME], and I am a resident of [CITY/TOWN]. Iā€™m calling today to ask that H.1267/S.766 An Act Establishing Medicare for All in Massachusetts be reported favorably out of the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing by March 30. This bill, by establishing a Medicare-type system available to all residents in the state, will provide quality health care at a price that individuals can afford."

[Remember to include your complete name and street address if you communicate via email and be sure to cc your own legislators.]

Questions? See more information in the March Action Newsletter.
90 Canal Street, Suite 414, Boston, MA 02114 | 857-452-1715 |