Please contact your State Representative (find your lawmakers number here ) and House Speaker Turzai's Office, 717-772-9943 , today and ask them to bring SB 554 to a vote in the remaining days of this session. If the bill is not passed in this session, SB 554 dies and the process begins anew.

Children in our Commonwealth who are sexually exploited by traffickers become re-victimized in the juvenile justice system when they are arrested and prosecuted for prostitution and other "masking crimes" arising directly out of their sexual exploitation. 

Pennsylvania Lutherans have been working for years to advance legislation to further protect these vulnerable youth. Senate Bill 554 was passed unanimously by the Senate. It is finally poised for a vote by the full House but we are running out of time before this session ends. Don't let another year go by without addressing this injustice. Please click here to urge your representative to support this vital legislation that would redirect child victims of sex trafficking into appropriate services.  

Urge your House member to contact Speaker Turzai today so these most vulnerable children are spared further harm.

Thank you for your advocacy!