Action Alert
The Voice of Adult Education in Massachusetts

December 11, 2020
Governor Baker Signs Into Law
$46,385,000 for Adult Basic Education

Today Governor Baker signed the final budget bill for FY2021 with the total amount for Adult Basic Education (line item #7035-0002) set at $46,385,000.

This huge win for ABE represents a 13% increase over FY20, and continues a three-year upward trend for state ABE funding.

A few non-ABE-related budget line items were sent back to the Legislature for further consideration and will be either revised or overridden in the coming days as the General Appropriations Act is finalized.

What's next?
While ABE funding is now established for the remainder of FY2021, FY2022 is just around the corner.

  • State leaders will hold a revenue hearing December 15, where economic experts and state finance officials will testify about their projections for revenue growth in FY2022.
  • We expect the FY22 process to begin as normal, with Governor Baker filing his initial budget proposal in late January.

Please thank your legislators!
Please take a moment this week to thank your state representative and senator for their support of adult basic education. Without their support, this much-needed and much-appreciated increase would not have been possible.

Thank you for advocating for ABE!
As always, none of these successes would be possible without your efforts. Every call, every email, every visit, every contact you made throughout this tumultuous year made all the difference. We know how busy you are and appreciate the time you spent raising your voice for adult basic education. Together, we are a powerful force for adult education and will continue to be with your help. Thank you!
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