Action Alert

Dear Women’s Foundation Advocates,

We have the opportunity to make childcare more affordable and accessible for Montana families.

House Bill 238, which would lower families' child care costs and expand availability by expanding and improving the Best Beginnings scholarship program, has not yet received a vote in the House Human Services Committee.


The House Human Services Committee still needs to hear from you!


Contact the House Human Services Committee by sending them a message here or call the Capitol Switchboard at (406) 444-4800 (open weekdays from 7:30 am to 5 pm). 


Ask the House Human Services Committee to SUPPORT HB 238.


HB 238 improves the Best Beginnings scholarship program by expanding eligibility, capping copays, and stabilizing provider reimbursements. Tell House and Human Services Committee that this bill is good for Montana families and good for Montana childcare providers.


WFM Advisory Committee Member Ashlie Wise provided testimony during the hearing on HB 238 and shared:

“As a current recipient of the Best Beginnings Scholarship, I support House Bill 238. At this time, there is an immense need for affordable childcare across the state. As housing prices continue to climb in every district, it’s vital that we work to maintain affordable care costs for our families. Creating a cap at 7% of household income, as stated in this bill, supports maintaining and sustaining affordability for Montanans where we can."

Acting together to build resources and create an economy that works for women.

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