Dear Readers,

Short and sweet up front today to make up for the meandering stroll through this week's Friday Five. Three brief housekeeping notes:

1) If you didn't get a chance to open our note about special signed copies of Smitten Kitchen Keepers and you'd like to reserve one or a handful, please be sure to fill out this form before Monday, November 21 at 10AM.

2) On Saturday, December 3 we are in for a real musical treat. Stamford Symphony, now Orchestra Lumos, will be celebrating the season at Barrett Bookstore with a delightful story time featuring The Gingerbread Man accompanied by live music! We're quite excited about this and will be opening our doors 30 minutes early (9:30AM) for our smallest fans. Space is very limited so if you'd like to attend, I suggest you register now by clicking here.

3) Dear friend of the store Tessa Wegert is BACK with a fantastic new addition to the Shana Merchant series and we'll be celebrating with a star-studded panel on Tuesday, December 6. You can learn more and register here.

Wishing you and the ones you love a splendid Thanksgiving,
