Achieve Orthopedic Rehab Institute 
Sports Medicine
May 2015
In This Issue
Featured Article
Holly Benjamin

Dr. Holly Benjamin, MD, FACSM
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery
Director of Primary Care Sports Medicine
University Of Chicago 
Learn more
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AlterG Treadmill Sign-Up
Athletic Training Coverage

In our next issue: 

Physical Therapy Corner: 
Taylor Millican, PT, DPT, ART

Clinician focus is back! 
Holly J. Benjamin, MD, FACSM

Product Focus: 
AlterG Anti-gravity Treadmill

Achieve Website
NEW ALTERG in Naperville!

 ATTENTION NAPERVILLE PATIENTS: AlterG Anti-gravity treadmill is here! 


Achieve THANKS all AlterG users for driving all the way to Burr Ridge to use our anti-gravity treadmill! 


Naperville Alter G is all set up and ready to use. 






Community Corner

Achieve Website
Achieve upcoming 
Community Events:

Enhance Fitness Studio

Enhance Fitness Studio is holding a 8 week outdoor boot camp @ Waiola Park. 


Check out their website for more details or click here



Hyperbaric Therapy 


Interested in trying hyperbaric therapy? Check out the website to find one near you!



Weeknight Wellness Workshop

  May 27

  7:00 pm 

  Join us for our final weeknight wellness workshops! 


All are welcome to attend and bring a friend. 

RSVP here. 


Achieve Orthopedic

Burr Ridge

7055 High Grove Blvd

Burr Ridge, IL 60527 


Debi Rogers, 

Health & Wellness coach 


Gina Pongetti,

Achieve Sports Medicine Director


Baseline Concussion Screening 

Call for Appointment 


Evolution Soccer Club is preparing to start their Fall season. Players are encouraged to call and make an appointment for a baseline ImPACT and sideline assessment.  Don't wait until it's too late! 


Please call (630) 371-1623 for more details or email 


Baseline concussion screening is available to ALL Achieve friends and family. Please call ahead. 


INTENT Tinley Park Duathlon

June 28 (Expo June 27)

View more details



Compete as an individual or a 2 person team in this 2 mile run, 11 mile bike, and 2 mile run. 


We are proud to be the official sports medicine sponsor for Darien Swarm Football and Cheer!

All boys and girls 5-14: Darien Swarm Football and Cheer are holding open registration days:
May 27th
Stop by to ask questions, register and sign up for concussion screenings. 

Registration takes place at: 
Darien Police Station 
1710 Plainfield Road
Darien, IL 

For more information, please visit

Want to give your club a shout out ?   Let us know!

                    Am I doing this right? 
Tips for Correcting and Improving Stretching Errors. 
Taylor Millican, PT, DPT, ART
Physical Therapist
Endurance Sports Medicine 

         April showers bring May flowers -- but in addition to the reappearance of plant life to the Chicago-land area the warmer weather means a large spike in outdoor exercise and activity populations. Everyone can benefit from a dose of natural vitamin D and increased fitness however, not everyone has kept up with their physical fitness through the long, cold, dark 6-month season known as winter.  In the clinic we always see a spike in injuries as the season switches into spring for this reason-not everyone is physically prepared exercise.  

       Regardless of your type of preferred activity, flexibility is often neglected or stretching performed incorrectly. Flexibility is not often viewed as important as strength or endurance, but this isn't true. Normal flexibility equals full range-of-motion in the joint and proper use and balance of all the muscles surrounding the joint. Balance in the musculoskeletal system is crucial for health. If one muscle group has to do more work than its opposing group, because of decreased motion available, overuse injuries can occur. 


Top 5 Common Stretching Errors and how to fix them!

Prone Quad Stretch  

1. Quads: If you sit for long periods or are active in any way these are tight... Read on for full description.  


Supine Hamstring  

2. Hamstrings: Athletes and office workers alike have restriction here. Most common mistake when stretching this group is letting the motion come form flexing the spine to deepen the stretch... Read on about how to effectively stretch your hamstrings


3. Hip flexor/psoas: Typically this is done in a half kneeling position, sometimes known as a roll under stretch. The mistake here is the back is arched to compensate for tightness but since this muscle attaches to the lumbar spine... Read more here! 


Incorrect hip roll under              Correct hip roll under


Read on for more information and to make sure you're doing calf and glute stretches correctly




Taylor Millican is one of Achieve's Endurance Sports Medicine Physical Therapists. Taylor has an extensive aquatic background , swimming and water polo, and has also completed in short and long distance triathlons, road races and marathons. Her hobbies include triathlon, swimming, running, golf, reading, and following University of Michigan athletics. Her professional interests are pediatric and adult athletic injury, endurance sports medicine, performing arts medicine and surgical rehabilitation. Taylor works out of both Achieve Sports Medicine clinics, Naperville and Burr Ridge. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Taylor, please call the appropriate clinic. Read Taylor's entire bio! 


Achieve Website    Achieving More with Adam Zucco
  A triathlete's journey.    
Adam Zucco 

When you Google "Adam Zucco" you get everything from his company, TrainingBible Coaching, to his numerous accolades, even a coach of the year award. With all the coaching, training for multiple triathlons a year, and a wedding a few months ago, I often wonder if Adam ever has time to himself?  


For those that are unaware, an ironman distance triathlon consists of a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike, and finally a 26.2 mile run.  For the run alone, experts recommend training consistently for a year.  For elite athletes, like Adam, a light week consists of approximately 28 hours of training.  Why does he do it?


"Triathlon has become a lifestyle," Adam says, "I enjoy hanging around like minded people naturally and I like exposing my family to successful, healthy, and goal oriented people."  Adam credits his good role models and friends in the sport to help him keep pushing when times get tough. In fact, all of the tough times that he's had have helped him to be more relatable to his clients.  Understanding that life gets hectic has allowed Adam to give ideas and tips on "how to work through things and achieve a balance". 

Adam Zucco

"It all comes down to communication and setting expectations. It's important to have open communication with your coach, your family, and yourself."  When Adam was young, open communication with himself did not occur until he joined the Marines. When he joined the Marines, he had to loose 50 pounds and he realized then...and remembers now... just how hard that was.


"I never want to be back in that situation again. I couldn't even run a mile. I've always liked having goals to help keep me on my fitness track and so triathlon has been a perfect fit for me." 



Triathlon has not only kept Adam in shape, but the sport also afforded...


Read about Adam's entire journey, here. 


Visit TrainingBible Coaching online! 

Achieve Website
Physician Focus 
Dr. Holly Benjamin

Holly Benjamin
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Orthopedic Surgery
Directory of Primary Care Sports Medicine
University of Chicago 


Every month we select a physician to highlight for our newsletter. We strive to have an open line of communication with doctors that our patients work with. Our open line of communication allows every aspect of your health-care to be taken care of in the most effective way. We choose to educate you on doctors that are in the top of their field, great team players, and exemplify the quality of standards that Achieve Orthopedic Rehab Institute possesses.


Dr. Holly Benjamin is all of those things-a communicator, a great physician, and an important aspect of our healthcare team.  She has been regionally and nationally recognized for her expertise in treating all types of athletic injuries in young patients. Dr. Benjamin works with a variety of pediatrics athletes-from rugby players to dancers, and gymnasts to soccer players. 



Achieve, and more specifically Gina Pongetti (Sports Medicine Owner/Director), has been honored to work with Dr. Benjamin throughout the years.  We had an opportunity to sit down with Dr. Benjamin and ask her why she pursued a career in medicine, her advice about concussion care, and more. 

Q: Why did you get into pediatrics and more specifically, sports medicine? 


" Early on I realized I love children and teaching. I had a talent for science and math in school and coupled with a desire to help people, I took a very traditional path into medicine. Pediatrics was the field in which I could work with children and impact their future in a positive way..." Read more. 

Q: With concussion care being highlight in the past few years, what advice would you give to parents wanting to ensure their child's safety in sport? 


"With regard to concussion care, education is key. Teach kids to understand signs and symptoms and encourage them to speak up if they get hit in the head or don't feel well. Secondly, is to encourage proper techniques in sports..." Read more





Achieve Orthopedic Rehab Institute - Sports Medicine