Teams being formed now!
This spring, Foothill College will begin its Accreditation Self Study process in preparation for a visit by the ACCJC in the fall of 2017. We are currently looking for members of the college community interested in joining us in a discussion about how we can make Foothill the best place for our students, employees, and community members.

Four teams are being formed, each focusing on one of the accreditation standards. If you would like to help, please click the Join a Team button below. No experience is necessary - just a curiosity to learn and a desire to help.

Not sure what the accreditation standards are and/or whether they sound interesting to you?

  Standard I: Mission, Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness, and Integrity asks us to examine our mission, and to think about how we use qualitative and quantitative data to reflect on and improve our programs and services. It also asks us to reflect on how we know whether we're all acting with integrity.
Standard II: Student Learning and Support Services charges us to evaluate how well our programs and services align with our mission and to think about how we assess and reflect on, and improve the quality of our programs.

Standard III: Resources requires us to examine how we allocate and utilize our resources - including human, financial, physical, and technology.

Standard IV: Leadership and Governance has us examine our governance structures at both college- and district-level.
If you'd like to read more about one or more before deciding, we encourage you to do so.