Bringing Family Lived Experience To You

Accept, Advocate, Act

July 1, 2024 | Volume 2, Issue 10

NFF News and Highlights

35th Annual Conference

Mental Health and Substance Use Challenge Prevention and Recovery: Poverty as an Equity Issue

July 9th, 1:30 p.m. ET

Informal and Formal Family Peer Support: The Impact and Evidence

July 30th, 1:30 p.m. ET

Health Equity Summer Institute Event Recordings

NFSTAC News and Highlights

NFSTAC Family Peer Specialist Through the Lifespan Online Course

NFSTAC Events on Summer Break

Combined Core Competencies Infographics

Legislative & Advocacy News

CMS Peer Support Coverage FAQ

Wyden Report on Residential Treatment Facility Abuse

Social Justice Corner

Modern Medicaid Alliance Resources

Celebrating Our Affiliates

Wisconsin Family Ties

July Advocacy Resources

Mental Health America's 2024 BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit

Events and Resources

MIT & NYU's Enhancing Family Routines and Relationships for Better Relational Health

July 5th, 3:00 p.m. ET

MIT & NYU's A Parent’s Guide to Mental Health Collaboration with Schools and Clinicians

July 12th, 3:00 p.m. ET

New England MHTTC's Person-Centered Recovery Planning Consultation Corner: Person-Centered Advance Crisis Planning to Maximize Choice & Control

July 17th, 2:00 p.m. ET

Pacific SW MHTTC's Fostering Trust & Employee Wellbeing Through Reflective & Relational-Based Supervision

July 23rd, 5:00 p.m. ET

Innovation Institute's Circle of Love Podcast

Download SMI Adviser's Family and Individual and Clinicians Resources by 7/8!

CMS's Returning to the Community: Health Care After Incarceration

Note from the Executive Director

Continuing a Summer of Health Equity

Were you as blown away and inspired by our impressive presenters for the Health Equity Summer Institute as we were? We can't wait to see how our affiliates and partners implement the solutions, advocacy strategies, and organizational change efforts discussed. We continue to work alongside family-run organizations and families to realize the vision of health equity our experts shared with us during this impactful learning experience.

Join us in July to continue our inspirational summer of health equity as we wrap up this year's SAMHSA webinar series on this topic. Learn about poverty as an equity issue for accessing mental health and substance use supports in our next webinar. Our last webinar will explore the difference between formal and informal family peer support and how the evidence base for both demonstrates that family peer support can move families of loved ones with mental health and substance use challenges closer to equitable healthcare access.

Our NFSTAC events are on summer break, but we have a wealth of NFSTAC resources you can explore to continue your learning and to share with families. You can use some of the time you normally spend with us on Zoom completing the new NFSTAC Family Peer Specialist Across the Lifespan online course!

Stay tuned for our Annual Conference agenda to be released in August now that we've finalized our presenters. There are still a few hotel rooms left at the conference site, but they are running low. Make sure to register for the conference and book your rooms as soon as possible! We think you'll be very excited to see some familiar—and new—faces during our keynote presentations, which you can learn more about below. Join us this November in Orlando to keep fighting for health equity!

Lynda Gargan, PhD

Executive Director, National Federation of Families

NFF News and Highlights

35th Annual Conference in Orlando, FL

Conference Keynote and Plenary Speakers

We're excited to announce the keynote and plenary speakers for our 35th Anniversary Conference! Join us in Orlando, November 7th - 9th, to hear them all.

Thursday, November 7th

Opening Keynote David Ambroz is a national poverty and child welfare expert and advocate. David's book, A Place Called Home: A Memoir, vividly details his journey being raised by a parent with a mental health challenge, experiencing homelessness, and entering the foster care system.

Friday, November 8th

Muriel Banks Jones, Executive Director of Federation of Families of Central Florida, and Cheryl Deas, Founder and President of the Darnell Deas, Jr., Marvelous Light Foundation join forces to share their lived experiences as mothers and fierce advocates for their own children and all families.

Friday, November 8th

Dr. Stephen Loyd is an Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine physician. His personal connection to substance use and recovery serves as a driving force, motivating him to make strides in the substance use prevention industry and create positive change for the future.

Saturday, November 9th

As Director of SAMHSA's Office of Recovery, Paolo del Vecchio leads efforts to advance recovery across the nation. With lived experience in long-term recovery and as a trauma survivor, Paolo advocates for family voice and family peer support in recovery support services.

Reserve Your Exhibitor Space Today!

The National Federation of Families' 2024 Conference is taking place at the Hyatt in Orlando, FL November 7th – 9th. Receive great exposure and networking opportunities while helping support the work of the National Federation by reserving an exhibitor space at our national conference. Your exhibitor table will be visited by hundreds of families, family advocates, and mental health and substance use leaders from across the nation. Space is limited! Join us to network and promote your organization or company.

Register to Exhibit

Conference Registration is Live!

Join us for our 35th Annual Conference in Orlando, FL this year! Don't miss valuable breakout sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, and opportunities to network and promote your support services.

Note: An important change to this year's schedule. Saturday, November 9th, will include both a morning plenary session and a closing luncheon to celebrate this year's award winners and commemorate our 35th Anniversary. You won't want to miss it!

At-a-Glance Schedule
Register to Attend

Affiliate and Partner News

FMI Foundation

We're excited to announce our newest national partner, FMI Foundation. Established in 1996, the FMI Foundation is operated for charitable, educational and scientific purposes and focuses on research, education, and resources in the area of health and well-being. Backed by hundreds of studies that promote the nutritional, physical health, mental health and social benefits of family meals, the FMI Foundation launched the family meals campaign in 2015.

Now known as the Family Meals Movement, throughout the year and particularly in September as part of National Family Meals Month, the campaign actively promotes the benefits of family meals. It also shines a light on how family meals can improve connectedness, communication, expressiveness, and problem solving. Learn more about the movement and find tools you can use to promote family meals here

Executive Director Opening in Central Florida

After 12 years of service, the Federation of Families of Central Florida's tireless leader, Muriel Jones Banks, has announced her retirement effective September 2024.

Applications for her successor are currently being accepted! If you or someone you know is interested in the position, we encourage you to review the job description here. To apply, submit your resume, cover letter, a statement describing your lived experience, and references to Muriel Jones Banks at

SAMHSA-Sponsored NFF Webinars

Our SAMHSA-sponsored series Person-Centered, Family-Driven Mental Health and Substance Use Support: A Path Towards Equity wraps up in July!

If you missed the kick-off, watch the recordings of our first webinar Equity in Mental Health and Substance Use Support: Overcoming Challenges to Access for Families and our second webinar Speak Up: Person-Centered Language Drives Equity for Individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges.

Mark your calendars for the final two events in this series and register now!

Register for 7/9 Here
Register for 7/30 Here

In addition to the SAMHSA-Sponsored webinars NFF is hosting, there are six additional webinars offered by this technical assistance coalition with our national advocacy partners this month. Register for each by clicking on the links below:

  • July 11th, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET Best Practices in Medicaid Managed Care” - Register Here
  • July 12th, 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET “CCBHC’s Synergies with Crisis Systems” -Register Here
  • July 16th, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET (tentatively scheduled) Innovative Initiatives to Serve the Needs of Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness” - Register Here
  • July 24th, 1:30-3:00 p.m. ET (tentatively scheduled) “Next Steps in Peer Support Credentialing: What Else is Needed Now That We Have National Model Standards from SAMHSA” - Register Here
  • July 25th, 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET (tentatively scheduled) “Young People in Advocacy: How We Can Help Elevate Youth Voices in Mental Health Advocacy” -  Register Here
  • July 29th, 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET (tentatively scheduled) “Understanding Community Trauma: Systemic Challenges in Black and Brown Communities” - Register Here

NFSTAC News and Highlights

Access Course

ICYMI: NFSTAC Family Peer Specialist Through the Lifespan Online Course

If you haven't already, check out NFSTAC's new FPS online course! It's the first fully online course designed to introduce the five Core Competencies family peer specialists master to effectively support families in 5 lessons: 1) Resiliency, Recovery, and Wellness, 2) Effecting Change, 3) Creating a Person-Centered Plan for the Families, 4) Systems Knowledge and Navigation, and 5) Professional Responsibilities. Earn a certification of completion for training hours that count towards national certification. This free course is publicly available for all individuals, organizations, and states to use to prepare family peers!

Combined Core Competency Infographics

We've combined the Office Hour infographics released with each session into one easy-to-access packet! Share this with any Certified Family Peer Specialists (CFPSs), certification candidates, or anyone else interested in learning about the competencies CFPS master to earn their credentials.

Access Infographic Packet

June Event Recordings

Office Hour: Professional Responsibilities: Confidentiality, Boundaries, and Ethics with Gail Cormier

Webinar: The Art of Parenting Adult Children with Casie Fariello and Andy Goldstrom

NFSTAC events are on hiatus during July and August! Stay tuned for updates about our new Family Connections, Office Hour, and Webinar series coming in September on the NFSTAC Events page! You can also find links to all past NFSTAC trainings to keep learning all summer.


NFSTAC invites you to submit requests for free technical assistance from our network of partners and subject matter experts. NFSTAC is driven by the needs of families and the workforce that supports families. You'll find education, training, and family support resources tailored specifically to families, the family peer workforce, communities, healthcare systems, clinicians, and educators.

Learn More & Request TA

Legislation and Advocacy

Exciting Clarification on Medicaid and CHIP Coverage of Peer Support Services

In early June, the Centers for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) released a letter answering frequently asked questions about the coverage of peer support services.

Some highlights:

  • Reinforcement of the 2007 letter from the State Medicaid Director (SMD letter #07-011) that established states’ rights to offer peer support services as a component of behavioral healthcare covered by Medicaid funding. States can choose that peer support to be covered by Medicaid.
  • States have discretion in defining details of required training and supervision of peers; it offers SAMHA’s National Model Standards for Peer Support Certification as a guide. These details of training and supervision of peers can be established by the state and not the Managed Care Organizations.
  • Question 5 of the 2024 letter clarifies that subsequent CMCS guidance in 2013 qualifies parents/guardians of children eligible for Medicaid services who are experiencing mental health and/or substance use challenges for family peer support services.

Any family-run organizations who work in states where their family peers are not currently receiving Medicaid funding for qualifying family peer support services are encouraged to reach out to NFF and NFSTAC for support.

Learn More
Request Support

Wyden Investigation Exposes Systemic Taxpayer-Funded Child Abuse and Neglect in Youth Residential Treatment Facilities

On June 12, 2024, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) released a report summarizing the two-year investigation of four major youth residential treatment facilities (RTF) organizations. This report reveals that RTFs that receive billions of dollars in federal funding provide substandard care and subject youth to abuse and neglect. Sen. Wyden’s report urges Congress, the behavioral health industry, federal government agencies, and states to raise standards for congregate care, strengthen oversight, and invest more in community-based alternatives. The National Federation of Families believes that youth are best served by remaining in their family’s care while receiving community-based support services.

Learn More

Follow our Legislative and Advocacy Facebook page and use the data and facts shared there in concert with your advocacy skills to represent the voice of families where you live.

Social Justice Corner

In coordination with national partners, the Modern Medicaid Alliance (MMA) developed Medicaid-focused resources designed to educate parents, caregivers, health professionals, and policymakers and allow these stakeholders to identify needs in their communities and support health coverage for children. Ensuring a healthy foundation for all children, including the millions enrolled in Medicaid, is an essential investment into the future of our nation and the next generation. MMA's resources help families access Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment benefits, through which children can receive immunizations, check-ups, vision and dental services, and mental health support. Moreover, their resource library covers a wide array of health care needs and services for individuals, of all ages, who are enrolled in Medicaid nationwide with an eye toward health equity—a critical focus of our social justice campaign.

Access Modern Medicaid Alliance's full resource library here.

Visit our social justice page to explore ways individuals and organizations can promote social justice for families whose children—of any age—experience mental health and/or substance use challenges during their lifetime. We encourage you to use the tools provided there to strengthen your efforts to #AcceptAdvocateAct.

Visit our Social Justice Page

Celebrating Our Affiliates!

Wisconsin Family Ties


Wisconsin Family Ties hosts one of the largest and longest-running, family-driven events in Wisconsin. Their Children Come First (CCF) Conference is dedicated to addressing the pressing needs of children and families living with mental and behavioral health challenges. The event brings together a diverse audience, including parents, caregivers, social workers, educators, school support staff, and various professional service providers from counties and communities informing and engaging them in meaningful discussions, and equipping them with valuable insights and resources. The CCF Conference will take place on October 7th and 8th!

Learn More

Interested in being a Featured Affiliate?

We would love to feature YOU! Reach out to if your

organization has a program, event, or great story to share!

July Advocacy Campaigns

Since July 2008, National Minority Mental Health Month has been celebrated to achieve two goals: 1) Improve access to mental health treatment and services for historically marginalized populations, and 2) Enhance public awareness of mental illness among underserved communities. The annual campaign focuses on how culture, ethnicity, and race intersect with how each person experiences the world and how these factors, among others, have profound effects on mental health, especially for Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC).

As we recognize National Minority Mental Health Month, we recommend exploring the resources linked below to learn more about the strengths and challenges communities of color face when it comes to mental well-being and mental health care. Be an ally during this month's campaign by sharing the graphics, messages, and resources provided below.

Events and Resources

Upcoming Family Mental Health Events

MIT & NYU's Enhancing Family Routines and Relationships for Better Relational Health

July 5th, 3:00 p.m. ET

MIT & NYU's A Parent’s Guide to Mental Health Collaboration with Schools and Clinicians

July 12th, 3:00 p.m. ET

New England MHTTC's Person-Centered Recovery Planning Consultation Corner: Person-Centered Advance Crisis Planning to Maximize Choice & Control

July 17th, 2:00 p.m. ET

Pacific SW MHTTC's Fostering Trust & Employee Wellbeing Through Reflective & Relational-Based Supervision

July 23rd, 5:00 p.m. ET

Innovation Institute's Circle of Love Podcast

Join Innovations Institute each week as the story of Victoria Gray and her family unfolds in their new podcast, Circle of Love. This is an intimate portrait of one “grand-led family” and the struggles and triumphs of providing care for its youngest members and their journey through the child welfare system. The Gray family story highlights the needs and priorities of grand-led families and offers innovative solutions for those working in public systems to better support both formal and informal grandfamilies.

Listen to the Podcast
Subscribe to the Podcast

Download SMI Adviser Resources by 7/8!

The SAMHSA-funded Serious Mental Illness Adviser program is reaching its conclusion on July 8th. Their website, and all of the amazing resources they created, will disappear on July 9th, so make sure to visit the Family and Individual and Clinician Knowledge Bases to download the resources you want to keep in your tool kit! We think you might be interested in family-geared resources like Mental Health in the Criminal Justice System and more!

Family & Individual Knowledge Base
Clinician Knowledge Base

CMS's Returning to the Community: Health Care After Incarceration

The Office of Justice Programs and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health have joined together to release a new Coverage to Care (C2C) resource Returning to the Community: Health Care After Incarceration to support individuals upon release who are re-entering the community to connect to health coverage and health services—including mental health and substance use supports.

Access Resource
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