Abbott (Similac line) Formula Recall

As many of you may have heard, there is an Abbott (Similac line) formula recall that is causing a lot of distress in parents. I am forwarding an email from WIC that I received as an officer of the MA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (MCAAP). Please feel free to review it below but here are key points:
  • This is the recall information link:

  • If a patient uses Similac Advance, which is the most commonly used formula impacted, there are two key points:

  • MA WIC has not been impacted fully by the recall because the majority of the WIC-sized cans of Similac Advance is not produced in the affected Michigan plant.

  • Stores may be temporarily short on this formula due to retailers’ need to sort and restock the unaffected cans as well as the overall unusual buying patterns of formula in general due to the recall and prior pandemic-related supply chain issues. If a family cannot find Similac Advance, WIC programs have some other options to offer families in the short term. Families need to contact their local WIC programs to get these options.

  • If a patient is using Similac Sensitive (partially impacted by the recall) or Similac Total Comfort and Similac For Spit Up (fully impacted), WIC will start to provide other options, including larger sizes of the Abbott line that are unaffected, as well as Mead or Gerber products when necessary. The ability of WIC to offer Mead and Gerber products will only be for an emergency period through March. Enfamil AR will be provided to the families that use Similac For Spit Up for the foreseeable future. Families needing to change from Similac Sensitive, Total Comfort and Similac For Spit-Up will need to contact their local WIC programs to have their benefits changed.

  • For the more complex formulas, like Elecare and Alimentum, WIC families would need to contact their local WIC programs to switch to the Neocate or (Enfamil) Nutramigen products. Local WIC programs will seek authorization from the medical provider to issue these special formulas. PCPs can fill out the special formula prescription form on download ( to get coverage.

For more information, contact:

Rachel Colchamiro, MPH, RD, LDN, CLC
Director, Nutrition Division
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
250 Washington Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02108; cell 617-233-1865


Mary Beth Miotto, MD, MPH
Vice President, MCAAP