The RZ Series units are available in multiple configurations and include many standard features that make AAON synonymous with quality products for any application.
AAON continuously strives to satisfy the dynamic industry requirement for large energy efficient packaged rooftop equipment. The RZ Series units are available in multiple configurations and include many standard features that make AAON the industry leader for any application.
Feature And Options
Air-cooled and water-cooled condensers from 45-240 Tons.
Water-source, geothermal and air-source heat pump options
Blow through and draw through fan configurations
7,500 - 80,000 CFM
Electric, steam, hot water, indirect fired gas, and direct fired gas heating available
Humidity control with modulating hot gas reheat, return air bypass, and humidifier options
Evaporative condenser packaged rooftop units from 51-261 Tons
The AAON RZ uses variable speed compressors as standard with interlaced evaporator coils. The ability to reduce capacity during part load saves system operating cost, being able to turn down to 11% and IEER's as high as 18.7!