
American Veterans Vote

Leave No Veteran Behind


October 25, 2022

From the CEO

Maintain the Focus - Elections over Arguments 

“What? You endorse Vega over Spanberger?” The Democrat poll worker challenging me outside the Stafford polling site was incredulous. “Spanberger’s the Veteran, not Vega!” It was education time and I took a deep breath. 


The one-dimension label – Veteran – doesn’t begin to describe who AVV endorses and why we do so. Yesli is a military spouse, a police officer, the daughter of Salvadoran immigrants, the mother of two, a Prince William County Supervisor, a truly selfless leader who staunchly believes in the enduring promise of America. She doesn’t bear the egregious record of her opponent’s Congressional votes imperiling the welfare of Veteran families, the freedoms protected by our Constitution, and the safety of our nation and communities. She embodies service to her family, her community, and her nation.  

I took a breath. I was just getting warmed up and ready to explain the equally impressive qualities of candidates Jen Kiggans and Hung Kao, but my earnest questioner was now blinking and retreating. I suddenly reminded myself of my own admonition to others. It’s not just about winning arguments, we must win elections! And there’s work yet to be done.


Two weeks left and every day counts. In every district, precinct, and race there are events to attend, doors to knock, calls to make, donations to make, and minds to change. Veteran early voting in Virginia continues at a rate that’s twice that of other voters. If the trend continues, Veterans quite possibly may surpass the 12% winning lead of voter turnout set in the Youngkin win. Every Veteran, Every Vote can make the difference again.


Across the Commonwealth, AVV membership continues to swell. JOIN US! Note AVV beliefs and principals below.

Veterans and mission partners are showing up, signing up, and turning to the full array of tasks at hand. Our events are fully attended as shown below. Our endorsed candidates are fully supported. Our communities are fully served. 

Our intent is to leave it all on the field and run through the tape on November 8. All AVV members, subscribers, and partners are encouraged to identify as AVV members or Veterans at the polls on election day - represent your Service. Of course, Vote, and if you have some time to volunteer, send us a note at:


Veterans Forward!


LTG (R) Bob Wood

CEO, American Veterans Vote

AVV Beliefs

AVV Principles

Jen Kiggans Rally on October 19 in Virginia Beach at

the Warriors Taphouse 

Jen Kiggans Addresses the Crowd

AVV Show of Support

Former Gov George Allen Strongly Endorses Jen Kiggans

Inspiration Corner

Let Us Not Grow Weary


Dr. COL (R) Michael B. "Yama" Hoyes

AVV Member

The Armor of God as Paul states in Ephesians 6 is the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, feet filled with the gospel of peace, as we carry the shield of faith, while wearing the helmet of Spirit.

It is important we wear that armor because, as Paul states, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” [Eph 6:12]

And how can we “keep the faith”? As Jesus told His disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world! [John 16:33]”


Lord as we close in on Election Day 2022, let us continue the work You have put before us, let us not grow weary, but with a persistent faith in You and wearing our armor, let us inspire Virginia Veterans to get out there and vote! Let us AVV members do so in truth, righteousness, peace, wearing our helmets and carrying our swords.

Latest AVV Endorsed Candidates

First District

AVV endorses Republican Robert J. Wittman for the 1st congressional district. Wittman currently serves as the U.S. representative for Virginia's 1st congressional district - a post he's held since 2007.

Wittman's priorities include National Defense, Jobs & Economy, Veterans, Broadband, Transportation & Infrustructure, and Environmental Conservation.

Wittman was in Army ROTC during college and currently serves on the House Armed Services Committee.

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Second District

AVV endorses Republican Jen Kiggans for the 2nd congressional district. Kiggans is currently a Virginia state senator representing District 7. 

Kiggans' priorities include among other things, cutting inflation and the cost of living, growing jobs and the economy, border security, law enforcement, national security, and veterans,

Kiggans served 10 years in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter pilot, including two deployments to the Persian Gulf. She later went on to become a board-certified Geriatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. 

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Fourth District

AVV endorses Republican Leon Benjamin for the 4th congressional district.

Benjamin is the Senior Pastor and Bishop of New Life Harvest Church in Richmond, and the founder of Coalition of Leaders United (CLU) dedicated to advancing conservative values and restoration of moral clarity in American.

Benjamin served in the U.S. Navy from 1986 to 1994 and is a Gulf War veteran.

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Sixth District

AVV endorses Republican Ben Cline for the 6th congressional district. Cline currently represents Virginia's 6th congressional district in the U.S House of Representatives. 

Cline's priorities include the economy, reforming congress, energy, healthcare, and support for veterans.

Cline previously served as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates where he chaired the Committee on Militia, Police, and Public Safety.

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Seventh District

AVV endorses Republican Yesli Vega for the 7th congressional district. Vega is the daughter of Salvadoran immigrants who fled civil war. Running on a platform of conservative principles, in 2018 Yesli was elected to the Prince William County Board of Supervisors. 

Among other things, Vega's priorities include Constitutional checks and balances on the government, border security, law enforcement, election reform, education, healthcare, and the economy.

Vega previously served as a police officer and certified hostage negotiator and is a U.S. Army spouse.

Eighth District

AVV endorses Republican Karina Lipsman for the 8th congressional district. 

Lipsman's priorities include among other things, the economy, education and public safety.

Lipsman is a refugee from Soviet-Ukraine and went on to earn a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in engineering. She subsequently worked for 14 years in the defense and intelligence communities.

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Tenth District

AVV endorses Republican Hung Cao for the 10th congressional district. 

Cao's priorities include among other things, government checks and balances, the economy, education, defense of the homeland, and national defense.

Cao is a retired U.S. Navy Special Operations Officer and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Naval Postgraduate School.

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Eleventh District

AVV endorses Republican Jim Myles for the 11th congressional district.

Myles' priorities include among other things, inflation, public safety, education, immigration reform, domestic energy policy, and social security and medicare.

Myles is a retired federal judge and former USAF fighter pilot and flight instructor. He also served on the House Ways and Means Committee.

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Voting Information

Preparing to Vote

Be an informed voter. Open your eyes to the country's challenges, then examine the policies of the candidates.

  • Click here to learn to read the news with a scrutinizing eye.


Early voting has started and runs through November 5th. Election day is November 8. Are you ready?

This is your opportunity to scrutinize candidates, weigh their potential effect on the nation, and then decide whether to vote them out or give them consent to govern. 

However, if you mismanage your voter registration in Virginia, you'll likely be restricted to casting a provisional ballot only. Then, the local electoral board will decide whether your vote is counted. Is that what you want?

You should also vote at the earliest opportunity - doing so reduces the risk of someone else using your ballot. If that occurs, you'll be limited to a provisional ballot.  

Register here or check that your registration is up to date. Deadline to register to vote is October 17.  Registration - Virginia Department of Elections

Know which congressional district you’re in and familiarize yourself with the candidates. Check here by your zip code: |

Know where to vote. Find your registrar’s office for early voting here: Local Contact Information (

For election day, find your polling place here: Polling Place Lookup - Virginia Department of Elections

Getting deployed and need to vote by absentee ballot? The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is October 28. Apply here: Citizen Portal - Virginia Department of Elections

Be An Engaged Member of the Electorate

As the election approaches, members of congress are paying attention. Now is a good time to let your congressmen know you're scrutinizing how they've governed - ask them what they've done to earn your vote.

Without any input from you, lawmakers could follow party or fringe agendas instead of the wishes of their constituency.

Speak up if you're unhappy with your elected officials' decisions or the direction of the country. They're supposed to work for you!

Click Here: How to Write Your Congressmen

American Veterans Vote, Inc. (AVV) is a volunteer team of Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners who led the Veteran Coalition for Glenn Youngkin. We are a 527 Political Action Committee with a nationally-focused mission to promote the political voice of Veterans and mission partners in support of our three key objectives:

  • Support of Veterans and their Families,
  • Defense of the Constitution, and
  • Promote Our Nation’s Security.

AVV’s goal is to help Veterans maximize their political voice by supporting Veterans’ ability to Vote, Volunteer and Run for Public Office.

"Every Veteran, Every Vote."

We don't speak FOR Veterans... we speak AS Veterans.

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