
American Veterans Vote

Leave No Veteran Behind


November 4, 2022

From the CEO

It Matters!

Cannon Fodder…An alarming term that always catches my attention. Defined as “soldiers regarded merely as material to be expended in war,” this dismissive term presumes unknowing or uncaring regard for the lives and sacrifices of those who serve a nation at war. The term is used frequently in news about the war in Ukraine and the Russian response - 300,000 Russian reservists rushing to reinforce a broken and dispirited Russian military consumed in a war they don’t seem to understand or want to fight.


All Veterans recoil from the idea of minimally trained troops – cannon fodder - rushing to failure in bloody sacrifice. The American military knows how to train and, from sometimes bitter experience, what a lack of training can produce. We can all remember our own experiences in basic training, advanced skill training, and unit integration. Some can still recall a Vietnam experience that included sufficient training stateside but limited unit integration “in country.” Others of us, likely all volunteers, can recall a wholly different training experience of tasks, conditions, and standards, force on force rotations, and unit rather than individual replacement “in the box.” In all cases through these conflicts, we were prepared and sent to fight by civilian leaders and military commanders who faced different cultural realities, resource constraints, strategic goals, and political motives. 


Clearly, the American way of war continues to evolve. So too do the Russian and Chinese ways of war. Culture, history, technologies, and politics all play key roles in this evolution. War is “merely the continuation of policy by other means” according to Clausewitz. Why does all this matter? It matters because Putin appears more and more desperate. It matters because Xi Jinping is now anointed virtual leader for life. It matters because in both the China/Taiwan and Russia/Ukraine settings, the likelihood of substantial US military involvement increases daily. And, most importantly, it matters because the US is poised to send new political leaders to the halls of Congress! Policy matters! Congress alone can declare war and appropriate military funding. Leadership matters! The President is the Commander in Chief.

AVV members, mission partners, and supporters matter through the power of our votes. The weight of our numbers grows more consequential as every race grows tighter. Look at the polls! We endorsed excellent candidates because they best support our three objectives – support for Veterans, defense of our Constitution, and security of our Nation. Our collective votes demand growing attention and influence! We will not become Cannon Fodder. VOTE Early or November 8 for our Endorsed Candidates. It matters!


Veterans Forward!


LTG (R) Bob Wood

CEO, American Veterans Vote

We Are the Noble Ones


LTG (R) Tim Kadavy

Former Director

Army National Guard

"Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans and must be that of every free state."

-Thomas Jefferson

Our founding fathers knew that a free country required citizens who understood the meaning of service, sacrifice, commitment, and duty. Republics and democracy derive their authority from the will of the people, but freedom and liberty can get lost or trampled without citizens of good character willing to safeguard them through the law and authority conferred by the people. 

At the beginning of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine wrote:

These are the times that try men’s soul; the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of men and women.

COVID, rampant inflation, civil unrest, threats to the world order, corruption, and a lack of trust in our national institutions is collectively the crisis of our time. Paine would assuredly agree that this is the time America needs its Veterans - to provide a steady hand and to be that citizen with a sound nature.  

As a National Guard leader, I observed first-hand the citizen-soldiers who loved their country and acted nobly as they selflessly fought and responded to emergencies around the globe. Having served and witnessed elsewhere the lack of basic rights we take for granted, Veterans more so than others, know how important it is to protect and nurture the American dream and to participate in our great American experiment.

Therefore, I appeal to Veterans to recall the devotion to greater ideals that led to their military service, and to once again step forward to lead the country through these trying times by voting, volunteering, or running for office.


When it is done let us be able to say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

AVV Endorsed Candidates

AVV endorsed the following candidates after conducting personal interactions, formal evaluations, and thorough reviews of both their announced positions and demonstrated actions. In particular, these candidates each pursue a range of initiatives and policies that further AVV’s strategic objectives – Support Veterans and their families, Defend the Constitution as written and amended, and Secure our Nation at home and abroad. Diverse, talented, committed – individually and combined with our full slate of endorsed candidates, they will bring needed change for the better to the priorities of Congress and its actions in support of Veterans and their families.

First District

Rob Wittman was first elected in December 2007. On the House Armed Services Committee, Rob serves as the Vice Ranking Member of the Full Committee and Ranking Member of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, where he has proven to be a staunch supporter of men and women in uniform. Rob is leading the charge to increase and modernize our Naval fleet in order to ensure we are adequately prepared to combat increasing global threats. 

With a father that served in the Army in World War II, Rob is a strong advocate for our veterans, fighting to ensure they can access the health care and educational benefits and job opportunities they have earned. Rob has introduced multiple pieces of legislation that require more transparency from the Veterans Administration (VA), streamline processes for Veterans trying to receive care, and help transition Veterans into the civilian job market. With respect to AVV’s three objectives, Rob’s track record is exactly on point.

Re-elect Rob!

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Second District

Jen Kiggans is a State Senator, geriatric nurse practitioner, U.S. Navy Veteran, mother, Navy wife, and Republican candidate for Congress in Virginia’s 2nd District. Jen served for ten years in the U.S. Navy, completing two deployments to the Persian Gulf as an H-46 and H-3 helicopter pilot. There is a very strong alignment between her priority campaign issues and AVV’s three objectives. She seeks policies that ensure American military forces are equipped with the technology and training needed to combat the growing and complex national security challenges around the world. 

Jen will continue to be a staunch advocate for military spouses and a proud patron of a bill signed into law which creates a “Military Spouse Liaison” position within the Virginia Department of Veteran Services. 

Elect Jen!

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Fourth District

Leon Benjamin is a Veteran of the US Navy (1986-1994), Senior Pastor of New Life Harvest Church, and the founder of the Coalition of Leaders United (CLU) -- dedicated to advancing conservative values and restoring moral clarity in America. Leon has made it clear that we must teach and reinvigorate our Constitution. We must also teach our history – the good, bad, and the ugly. Let’s not be ashamed of our past or the color of our skin. In this way, we can defend our nation and support our Veterans both today and in the long-term. 

Leon’s dedication to serve and take care of Veterans definitely align with AVV’s three objectives. The nation, Virginia, and the 4th congressional district need him in office. 

Elect Leon!

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Sixth District

Prior to his election to Congress, Ben worked as an attorney, first by serving as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, and then by launching a private practice. Ben also served for several years in the Virginia House of Delegates, where, as Chairman of the Conservative Caucus, he fought to protect our rights and liberties against attacks by the Democrats in Richmond. In 2018, Ben was elected to represent the people of the 6th Congressional District in the US House of Representatives. Ben knows that strength promotes peace, deters threats, and enhances our security and safety.

Ben supports measures to modernize our military in order to prepare for the battlefields of the future and to prevent America from fighting forever wars. He has worked to honor the men and women who have served our nation by passing legislation to make their transition back into civilian life easier. Ben will always stand by the heroes who have worn our nation’s uniform. All of his actions demonstrate his clear alignment with AVV’s three objectives.

Re-elect Ben!

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Seventh District

Yesli Vega, a military wife, mother, and law enforcement officer, is the embodiment of the American Dream. Born in Houston to Salvadoran immigrants fleeing civil war, her family has taken full advantage of the freedom and opportunities made available only in America. She believes it is the duty of our leaders to keep us safe. It is also the duty of our government to be pragmatic and put our own interests before those of any other nation, whether it be in trade negotiations or staving off real or potential conflicts.

Yesli is clear: our liberties are being infringed upon every day and the wisdom of our Constitution has never been more needed. Her guiding principles and priorities synchronize perfectly with AVV’s three objectives. She won’t be distracted by politics as usual.

Elect Yesli!

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Eighth District

Karina Lipsman arrived in Baltimore City as a refugee from Soviet-Ukraine with her single mother and elderly grandparents. Her family didn't speak English, they lived in low-income housing, and survived on food stamps. At the age of 14, Karina started working and has worked ever since. She understands sacrifice and appreciates that America has given her the opportunity to make something of herself. At the age of 18, she became an American citizen. Following advanced degrees and a 14-year career in the defense and intelligence communities, Karina decided it was time to run for US Congress. The current conflict in Ukraine and her gratitude for American freedom underpin Karina’s full support for AVV’s three objectives. She will be a superb advocate.

Elect Karina!

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Tenth District

Hung Cao is a retired Navy Captain who served in Special Operations for twenty-five years. Hung returned from his last deployment to Afghanistan in January 2021. As he was retiring from the United States Navy in October, Kabul fell, eerily similar to his native Saigon, leaving hundreds of Americans stranded and our allies abandoned. These events and the issues that are crippling our nation prompted him to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s tenth Congressional District. 

There is a natural and strong alignment between Hung Cao’s priority campaign issues and AVV’s three objectives. There is no doubt that Hung will strengthen our military and take care of Veterans.

Elect Hung!

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Eleventh District

Jim Myles served in the U.S. Air Force from 1982 to 1990 and as a Judge for 35 years. After retirement last year, he knew that service to his country wasn't finished. Jim leads by example. His life has been committed to serving our great nation and the commonwealth of Virginia. He decided it was time to step up and serve in Congress. He couldn't sit by watching his beloved country be taken away and pushed down an extreme, radical left socialist path. Jim’s experience in the military and US law translate easily to the three AVV objectives. Jim will be a staunch proponent for the constitution, national security objectives, and Veteran causes. Now is the time…

Elect Jim!

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Voting Information

Preparing to Vote

Be an informed voter. Open your eyes to the country's challenges, then examine the policies of the candidates.

  • Click here to learn to read the news with a scrutinizing eye.


Election day is November 8. Are you ready?

This is your opportunity to scrutinize candidates, weigh their potential effect on the nation, and then decide whether to vote them out or give them consent to govern. 

Know which congressional district you’re in and familiarize yourself with the candidates. Check here by your zip code: |

Find your polling place here for election day: Polling Place Lookup - Virginia Department of Elections

Be An Engaged Member of the Electorate

Now is a good time to let your congressmen know you're scrutinizing how they've governed - ask them what they've done to earn your vote.

Without any input from you, lawmakers could follow party or fringe agendas instead of the wishes of their constituency.

Speak up if you're unhappy with your elected officials' decisions or the direction of the country. They're supposed to work for you!

Click Here: How to Write Your Congressmen

American Veterans Vote, Inc. (AVV) is a volunteer team of Veterans and Civilian Mission Partners who led the Veteran Coalition for Glenn Youngkin. We are a 527 Political Action Committee with a nationally-focused mission to promote the political voice of Veterans and mission partners in support of our three key objectives:

  • Support of Veterans and their Families,
  • Defense of the Constitution, and
  • Promote Our Nation’s Security.

AVV’s goal is to help Veterans maximize their political voice by supporting Veterans’ ability to Vote, Volunteer and Run for Public Office.

"Every Veteran, Every Vote."

We don't speak FOR Veterans... we speak AS Veterans.

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