April 2016

Action Alert


A letter from Lisa Tepper Bates

Hello friends,

Many thanks, once again, to all of you who turned out for 
Homelessness and Housing Advocacy Days March 2 and 3. Together, we reached 123 legislators and aides with our message: maintain the investment in resources to end homelessness -- our efforts are working!   We are working hard to underscore that message as our elected leaders grapple with the fiscal challenges ahead in 2017.
Sharing with each other the best practices that work to end homelessness helps to ensure that  we work effectively with the resources that we have.  P lease make sure to sign up for the CCEH Annual Training Institute -- a great day of sharing with experts and colleagues.  We have two great keynote speakers that day, and much to celebrate in the way of our achievements as a state, even while there is much work to be done.  
A number of other great trainings are being offered this coming month -- please click here to read about them.  While training takes time away from direct client services, its an important investment we all need to make:  the more knowledge we share, the bigger the impact we can have together to end homelessness.
Many thanks to each and every one of you for all you do, every day, to serve those in need.

Best regards,


Register Now! 
14th Annual Training Institute

Thursday, May 12, 2016
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM
Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, CT
With a focus on "Ready for Zero," participants will hear from top experts and innovators about the most effective strategies to build and m aintain the  momentum towards ending homelessness.
To read more about our Keynote Speakers,  Click Here

CCEH would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support of the 2016 ATI: 
United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas & Connecticut Natural Gas subsidiary companies of UIL Holdings Corporation; Department of Housing; Connecticut State Department of Education; Department of Children and Families; Liberty Bank Foundation; Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs


Gov. Malloy Announces Awards to Support Affordable Housing Development Across the State

Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH) Commissioner Evonne M. Klein today announced that nearly $28 million is being awarded to support the development of affordable housing across Connecticut as part of the latest round of funding under the state's Competitive Housing Assistance for Multifamily Properties (CHAMP) program.  These awards will play a role in helping to create, rehabilitate, or preserve approximately 200 units of affordable housing, creating new veteran's housing units, and adding supportive housing for those who are living with disabilities.

"Affordable housing is key to creating vibrant communities that attract families, workers, businesses, and private investments.  Access to housing helps boost competitiveness, attracts business, and builds our economy.  That's why our administration has been so committed to making these critical investments," Governor Malloy said.

The work of programs like the Open Door Shelter and Friendship Service Center, who will benefit from these award, is being recognized for its contribution to its community and dedicated service to the most vulnerable. 

To read more from the Governor's press release, click here.

Optimizing Outreach

Research on Connecticut's homeless who are engaged through outreach has revealed some facts many of us already know. Compared to other homeless groups, these individuals
  • Are more likely to spend nights on the street; 
  • Struggle with more disabling mental health challenges; 
  • Are less likely to have medical records; 
  • and are more reluctant to discuss issues related to their health, 

In 2010, a Kaiser Family Foundation study showed a need for increased assistance through outreach to help this population understand available services. For outreach, this means developing strategies to engage this population, such as: 

  • Utilizing peer groups: veterans can help connect with homeless veterans; youth and young adults can help connect with homeless and housing unstable youth.
  • Understanding your community's homeless population. 
    • Are there encampments? Abandon buildings?
    • Are these homeless living outdoors in urban areas? Away from main areas?
  • Consistently mapping your area's homeless and maintaining an updated single, by-name list is key to ending homelessness. 
  • Collaborating with other agencies. This can be the key to meeting these goals and best practices possible. 
  • Maintaining consistent contact over time while offering need-based services. Relationship-building and respect for the client are central components to the outreach process. 
To read more about these best practices and to access resources on best practices in homeless outreach, please click here.

Upcoming Trainings:

Please join us for a day of collaboration & learning: 
Meeting the Needs of Homeless Youth & Young Adults in Northeastern Connecticut
April 28th @ 10:00 am-1:00 pm

Generations Family Health Center, Room 205
40 Manfield Avenue
Willimantic, CT 06226

On March 8th, leaders from across Southeastern Connecticut came together to discuss the region's challenges and goals for meeting the needs of homeless and housing unstable youth and young adults. 

Together they mapped out local resources and created a map of the available community assets for housing, healthcare, substance abuse, mental health, and other services. Click here to access the Southeastern Connecticut Youth Resources Map. For other service maps for youth and young adults, click here.  Join us on April 28th to be part of this conversation and collaboration for the Northeastern region. 

Join us for a conversation about: 
  • Highlights from the 2015 Youth Count and Upcoming 2017 Youth Count;
  • Targeting the unique needs of homeless youth and young adults;
  • An Overview of current services and regional assets & gaps;
  • HEARTH Goals;
  • Call to Action! Develop a plan to identify and allocate resources to meet the needs of homeless youth in Northeastern CT.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Sarah Chess, Training & Communication Coordinator, at  schess@cceh.org.
Opening Doors of Fairfield County Presents:
"Employment Opens Doors"

April 13th @ 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Norwalk City Hall, Community Room
125 East Avenue, 
Norwalk, CT 06851
Please RSVP with Linda Horbel at lhorbal@cceh.org
Lunch to be Provided

The Opening Doors of Fairfield County's Economic Security Workgroup presents "Employment Opens Doors," an opportunity to learn:
  • How to avoid TANF service interruptions due to homelessness,
  • How to increase the employability of individuals with records
  • Information on extra support for those with special needs.
  • How holistic approaches to case conferencing can lead to creative partnerships,
Become better acquainted with regional resources, gaps & more!


Save the Date: 
be homeful's 1st Celebrity Paddington Storytime with WTNH Host Ann Nyberg! 

May 7th @ 1:00 pm
Hartford Public Library, the children's section

Save the date! On May 7th at 1 pm, WTNH host Ann Nyberg will be hosting our first Celebrity Paddington Storytime in the children's section of the Hartford Public Library to encourage kids, families, and communities to hold drived between Mothers' and Fathers' Day. Kids who have held drives in advance of the event will have the opportunity to have their photos taken on the red carpet with Ann and Paddington himself. Please spread the word!  

Sexual Assault Awareness Month:
Women and Families Center Program Tours

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Come tour the Women and Families Center's new offices in Meriden and Middletown on April 13th-14th from 12:00-2:00 pm. Join them for snacks and learn about the WFC's program offerings. Together, we can prevent sexual assault.

April 13th @ 12:00-2:00 pm
169 Colony St
Meriden, CT 06451

April 14th @ 12-2:00 pm
100 Riverview Center, Suite 150
Middletown, CT 06457
*New* crowdfunding sites available for CANs
CCEH issues be homeful Mother's Day challenge to CANs

CANs now have their own Help End Homelessness with Paddington crowdfunding pages! Dollars raised by CANs on these sites will be restricted to the shelter diversion within each CAN, so this is your opportunity to engage kids, families, and communities in joining Paddington's effort by sponsoring families in your p art of the state. 

To help you get started,  CCEH will match all donations raised between now and Mother's Day  by participating CANs up to a total of $25,000 on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Please contact Madeline Ravich at  mravich@cceh.org  by April 6 to gain access to your CAN's site and let us know if your CAN would like to participate in the CCEH Mother's Day challenge.

The Next Frontier: Ending Family Homelessness

Tuesday, April 26th
9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Registration & light breakfast begin at 8:30

The Lyceum,  227 Lawrence Street, 
Hartford, CT 06106 
The Reaching Home Campaign is dedicated to ending family homelessness by 2022.   This IForum will explore these initiatives, as well as best practices and existing resources that can be leveraged to end family homelessness. 

As a key partner in Connecticut's efforts to end homelessness, we hope that you will join the conversation as we discuss our progress, current efforts, and strategies to prevent and end family homelessness in Connecticut. To register, please click here.

Last month's coverage on homelessness and housing related stories.

CCEH Data Updates
If you haven't subscribed to the CCEH data newsletter, you are missing out on a monthly dose of everything data-related that is coming from CCEH! You can click here to sign up , and never miss out on exciting data related releases like the Coordinated Entry Reports , Regional PIT Reports , or the upcoming supplemental youth count data report.