Flight Training eNewsletter

Quarterly News & Updates

February 2023 | No. 1

Velis Electro Aircraft - Transport Canada Visit WWFC

A research grant has enabled the University of Waterloo to purchase a Velis Electro aircraft.


This is the first electric trainer in Canada and it will be used as a research test bed to investigate its suitability for operations in Canada as well as how it could be incorporated into flight training.

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Your feedback is always appreciated.

If you have any feedback / comments about any of the articles in this newsletter or have an idea for future articles, please contact:

Wayne Gouveia

Senior Vice President


Feature Article

CanExport Associations (CEA) ATAC International Missions – Ireland and Singapore

Flight training international missions have been on hold since the COVID 19 pandemic created travel restrictions. ATAC FTUs have communicated that the time is right to plan a mission to international markets namely Ireland and Singapore.

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Development of a Microcredential Pilot Program

The ATAC Flight Training Committee is collaborating with Transport Canada in the development of a microcredential pilot program designed to support flight instructor mentorship. With funding through the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace, flight training units from across Canada will create curriculum to support the growth and development of supervising flight instructors.

Your FTU Board Members @ Work!

  • Meeting with Transport Canada's senior management team on a regular basis.
  • Developed an action plan of key issues from the data collected from the last survey.

Your FTU Board Members are Clark Duimel, Bob Connors and Dan Glass.

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Share this newsletter with anyone in your organization that would benefit from it or send use an email at dlavoie@atac.ca to add their email address to the distribution list.

Transport Canada announces non-renewal of exemption NCR-019-2022 – Aviation Document Booklet (ADB) Expiration

Transport Canada reported to ATAC that there are very limited cases in which ADBs are not being issued within service standards (60 business days). Looking ahead and there are very few ADB’s expiring this year which should keep the workload manageable.

Transport has come to the conclusion that there is a need to renew NCR-019-2022 which will expire on February 28, 2023. Your feedback is needed if this is not the case. E-mail: wgouveia@atac.ca

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What is the percentage of medical applications that are being delayed at your flight school?
more than 50%
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