Flight Training eNewsletter

Quarterly News & Updates

August 2023 | No. 3

ATAC Pay Equity Project Questionnaire Response

A questionnaire was sent on June 21 to gather information from ATAC FTUs to help determine who is eligible for the ATAC Pay Equity Project. Participants who responded by June 28 were entered into a draw for a $100 Tim Horton Gift Card. The lucky winner was Lachute Aviation in Lachute, QC near Montreal.

ATAC Pay Equity Project

FTUs have been selected to participate in development.

Micro-credentialing Project

ATAC will be soliciting Flight Instructor SMEs

NAV CANADA Experience Reporting Tool from ATAC

ATAC continues to collaborate with NAV CANADA in making the NAV CANADA Experience reporting tool available to all pilots. In order for the data collected to be beneficial, we need more FTUs to use this reporting tool. Visit our website to load the icon on your mobile device.


The goal is to help improve service level issues experienced by pilots and identify systemic issues. ATAC has committed to gathering real data from all pilots on their “NAV CANADA Experience”.


Data collected is shared with NAV CANADA in an aggregated format keeping your identity anonymous. This is the opportunity to share your experience from the cockpit.

ATAC to Visit KF Centre for Excellence

The ATAC Board of Directors is looking forward to visiting the new KF Centre for Excellence in Kelowna, BC to host its Board Meeting in September 2023. It will be followed by a our Annual Regional Networking Event.

For more information on the KF Centre for Excellence, please visit their website.

Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame

Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame (CAHF) is excited to be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in September 2023. A two-day event, the celebration will kick-off with a Golf Tournament on the 13th followed by a Meet-n-Greet BBQ at their new home, The Hangar Flight Museum.


On September 14th CAHF will be hosting their 50th Anniversary and 49th Induction Ceremony at Sunwest Aviation. For ways to support and attend the event, please visit their Event Landing Page.

ATAC FTU Companies needed to join Mission to Ireland

We are seeking ATAC companies who would like to travel with ATAC mission and participate in the Pilot Careers Live Event on October 21, 2023 in Dublin. We are planning to arrive in country before the Pilot Careers Live conference to meet with local Trade Commissioners. (to be confirmed).

FTUs interested in traveling with the mission, please send your expression of interest to

Northern Lights Aero Foundation - Elsie MacGill Award Gala

The 14th annual awards gala will be held in Brampton, Ontario on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

This gala will recognize eight inspiring women in aviation and aerospace.

Visit their website for more information.

ATAC would like to welcome the following new FTU members:

If you have any feedback/comments about any of the articles in this newsletter or have an idea for future articles, please contact:

Danielle Lavoie

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