Conozca en Tiempo Real las estadísticas de casos de COVID-19 y vacunación en Puerto Rico.
Departamento de Salud reitera la importancia del refuerzo de la vacuna de COVID-19 para viajeros 
A partir del miércoles los pasajeros vacunados en vuelos domésticos no tendrán que presentar una prueba negativa a su llegada, pero la agencia reconoció que todavía es alto el nivel de transmisión y exposición al coronavirus...

Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico reitera los mandatos de vacunación contra el COVID-19 a estudiantes y empleados públicos
El Tribunal Supremo de Puerto Rico determinó este miércoles “no ha lugar” a una petición de revisión y moción de auxilio presentadas en un caso que buscaba...

Fourth shot of COVID-19 vaccine may help immunocompromised but might not be needed for everyone
Evidence supports giving a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people with weakened immune systems, but it’s not clear whether fourth shots make sense for healthy Americans.

COVID-19 Updates: Novavax Applies for FDA Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccine
Drugmaker Novavax announced on Feb. 2 that it has submitted its application for emergency use authorization (EUA) of its protein-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

Traversing the Healthcare Metaverse
Facebook announced last year that it was committed to putting $10 billion into the virtual world: its metaverse division. And last week, news broke that Microsoft was nearing...

Bringing telemedicine to sleep apnea patients 
Sleep apnea is an underdiagnosed and undertreated condition, but as awareness and demand for care increase, University at Buffalo School of Management researchers have...

What to know about medullary thyroid cancer
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare type of cancer that forms in the thyroid. It differs from other forms of thyroid cancer, as it originates in different cells, known as parafollicular C cells.

Timely intervention: First chronic kidney disease treatment in 20 years
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has issued a Final

Third-Party Data Breaches, Unauthorized Email Access Cause PHI Exposure
A Massachusetts billing company data breach impacted some Beth Israel clients, and the CO Department of Human Services fell victim to a third-party data breach.

4 Ways Managers Can Increase Flexibility Without Losing Productivity
If employees want the benefits of flexibility, they’ll also need to shoulder some of the responsibility that goes with it, like autonomous problem-solving and providing and checking for updates.

DHS Warns of Potential Russian Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure
As tensions mount between the US, Russia, and Ukraine, DHS warned of potential Russian cyberattacks against US critical infrastructure...

Cyberattacks Against Health Plans, Business Associates Increase
Cyberattacks against health plans and business associates increased significantly last year, a Critical Insight report found.