Crisis House November Newsletter

In the bustling landscape of San Diego County, a silent battle is fought daily against domestic violence and the challenges for families experiencing homelessness.

🦸‍♀️ That's where you come in! 🦸‍♀️

We're launching the Monthly Giving League, a powerful coalition dedicated to supporting the vital work of Crisis House.

Why Join the League?

Your consistent monthly contribution ensures we can bring families home.

Heroic Impact: Every dollar you contribute becomes a force for good, providing shelter, meals, and life-changing services to those in need.

Exclusive Updates: As a league member, you'll receive insider updates on the impact of your support and be the first to know about upcoming missions.

How to Join the Monthly Giving League:

1. Visit our website by clicking the button below.

2. Select your superpower by choosing a monthly donation amount

that fits your justice-seeking budget.

3. Complete the League initiation by providing your details and become

an official Hero of Hope with Crisis House!

Assemble Monthly Heroes of Hope!

Our goal is to build a league of everyday heroes committed to making a lasting difference. Together, we can stand tall against the villains of domestic violence and homelessness, providing a beacon of hope for those in crisis.

Join the Monthly Giving League today and be the hero our community needs!

Click here to earn your Superhero status!

Faces of Resilience in National Homelessness Awareness Month

In the heart of California, where dreams meet the challenges of reality, Crisis House confronts homelessness daily. Stories etched in the faces of our neighbors reveal not just hardship but an unwavering resilience that November, National Homelessness Awareness Month, brings into focus.

Aging Heroes:

Nearly half of California's homeless, the majority being single adults, are aged 50 and older—a testament to strength in every life chapter.

Rooted Identities:

Dispel misconceptions—those facing homelessness are Californians, with 90% losing their housing within the state and 75% experiencing homelessness in their home county.

Chronic Challenges:

Alarmingly, one-third of adults meet criteria for chronic homelessness, underscoring the persistent struggles of this vulnerable population.

Shattered Lives, Unbroken Spirits:

Participants carry the weight of stress and trauma, with nearly three in four facing physical violence, one in four sexual violence, and three in four incarceration during their lifetime.

Battles Within:

Silent battles against substance use and mental health conditions are common, many predating homelessness, showcasing the complex vulnerabilities faced by those we serve.

A Beacon of Hope:

In the face of challenges, the Crisis House Mobile Homeless Outreach Team stands as a beacon of hope, offering assistance and compassion daily.

Support Matters:

Your support becomes the anchor grounding us, enabling the extension of a lifeline to those who need it most.

A Journey from Crisis to Comfort: November's Message of Hope

As we enter National Homelessness Awareness Month, we're honored to share an uplifting story that underscores the compassionate spirit of Crisis House and our remarkable Homeless Outreach Team, comprised of Jon and Luisa.

Meet a resilient single mother with three children who, in August of 2023, found herself facing an unimaginable situation—a rat infestation forced her to leave the home she'd known for three years. With no family or friends to turn to, she and her children became homeless. Her journey was a stark reminder that homelessness can happen to anyone.

For a period, their lives revolved around a cramped and uncomfortable motel room, a situation that no family should endure. Despite holding a Section 8 voucher, securing a new home remained an elusive goal, primarily due to the overwhelming challenge of the large security deposit.

Enter the Crisis House Homeless Outreach Team, Jon and Luisa. They didn't just provide practical assistance; they offered unwavering emotional support and a newfound sense of confidence to the client.

Through determination, community support, and the guidance of Jon and Luisa, the client eventually found a new three-bedroom home (seen below) —a sanctuary where her family could breathe freely once again.

This heartwarming story embodies the essence of National Homelessness Awareness Month. It reminds us that homelessness can touch the lives of people we know, and together, we have the power to make a profound impact. Your support is the driving force behind these life-changing stories, and your involvement matters more than you can imagine.

This November, let's rally together and shine a light on the importance of aiding those experiencing homelessness. Join us in raising awareness and taking action because, as Jon, Luisa, and this remarkable client demonstrate, hope can truly transform lives.

Click here to become a Crisis House Hero of Hope

A heartfelt shoutout to the David C. Copley Foundation for their unwavering support of Crisis House. Your continued commitment helps us make a real impact in the lives of those in need. Together, we're creating positive change.

Thank you for being a vital part of the Crisis House mission!

What did you think of this month's newsletter?
Great job! Keep it up! 👍🏽
Meh 🫤
Not interesting. 👎🏽

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