The Express
November 2017

As the holiday season approaches, the ASPR TRACIE team extends our sincere gratitude to you, our partners and stakeholders, for the hard work you do every day to advance your communities' health care system preparedness, response, and recovery capacities and capabilities. Your efforts ultimately improve our nation’s resilience and ability to withstand a variety of disaster scenarios. It has been a challenging few months for our country, and we hope you have been able to take some time to reflect and find joy and peace. Our goal is to help make your jobs easier; please don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime with questions or suggestions. 


This issue of The Express includes information on our new resource pages, new and updated tools for health care coalitions (HCC), information on recent and upcoming ASPR TRACIE webinars and events, reminders regarding the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, and domain updates. 

New! Resource Pages
In response to many requests for specific technical assistance in the past few months, we created resource pages on the following topics: Health Care Coalitions; Hurricanes; Infectious Diseases; Mass Violence; and Drug Shortages and Scarce Resources. We hope these pages can help our stakeholders quickly access the topic-specific information they need. Did you know you can now use the search bar located at the top of every page of our website to search our robust Resource Library? All ASPR TRACIE-developed resources can also be located this way or by accessing this resource page.
New and Updated Health Care Coalition Tools
We developed the ASPR TRACIE Healthcare Coalition Resource and Gap Analysis Aggregator Tool to serve as a companion to the (recently updated) Healthcare Coalition Resource and Gap Analysis Tool. The Aggregator Tool is intended to summarize the results from multiple HCC Resource and Gap Analysis tools to present an overall picture of a larger geographic area (e.g., an entire state). Updates to the Gap Analysis Tool include general edits to clarify language based on input from users since the tool was released in August. For questions, comments, or assistance with this tool, contact us at or 1-844-5-TRACIE (587-2243).
Recently Released ASPR TRACIE Webinars

On November 1, health and social service representatives from Louisiana shared lessons learned from the 2016 floods on the Health and Social Services Recovery Lessons Learned from the 2016 Louisiana Flooding webinar. Learn how they managed their recovery; organized, designed, and implemented federally compliant recovery programs; and delivered the best possible services to their communities. 


ASPR TRACIE and the National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC) collaborated on the Highly Pathogenic Infectious Disease Exercise Planning for Health Care Coalitions webinar on November 9. This fourth in a series of joint webinars highlighted NETEC’s free exercise templates for HCCs to test their readiness to manage patients suspected or known to have a highly infectious disease and featured speakers from HCCs that have already exercised their plans.

Save the Date: Conference Sessions

Attending the National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference? Now you can register for these pre-conference workshops scheduled to take place on November 28, from 1-5 p.m.:

  • Applying Healthcare Emergency Management Principles to Real Disasters – Medical Response to Hurricane Harvey
  • CMS: What It Is, How You Can Comply, and How It Will Save Lives
  • Healthcare Emergency Management 2.0
  • Healthcare Facility Cyberterrorism: Coming Soon to Your Healthcare Facility and Coalition

Check out ASPR TRACIE’s panel on November 29, from 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m., where our team will share information on just-released tools for coalitions. Don’t forget to stop by our poster presentation on Disaster Medication Stocking and Shortages, too.

CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Resource Updates and Reminders

Have you taken the CMS Emergency Preparedness Training Online Course yet? It is available 24/7 and required for all State Survey Agency and Regional Office surveyors and reviewers who conduct or review health and safety or Life Safety Code surveys for emergency preparedness requirements (non-survey professionals involved in and responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations are also encouraged to take the course). Accessing the course is simple: When you navigate to the Integrated Surveyor Training Website, click on "I am a Provider." Next, click on the course catalog and search for the “Emergency Preparedness” course. You do not need a username and password when accessing the course through the provider link. If you need technical assistance, please contact the CMS ISTW Help Desk via phone (1-855-791-8900) or email. The implementation date for surveying on the emergency preparedness requirements began on November 15.


Additional resources can be found on the ASPR TRACIE CMS EP Rule page and in the recently updated ASPR TRACIE CMS and Disasters: Resources at Your Fingertips document.

Domain Updates
Technical Resources Icon Technical Resources
There are currently 50 comprehensively developed Topic Collections in the Technical Resources domain, including the most recently released collection Training and Workforce Development. Our next two collections focus on Health Care Coalition Response and Electronic Health Records.
Assistance Center Icon Assistance Center
The Assistance Center has processed over 2,600 technical assistance requests from a variety of stakeholders (including over 600 related to the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule). You can also access the updated, categorized summary of many of the requests we have received. We encourage you to reach out if you need assistance.
Information Exchange Icon Information Exchange
More than 3,800 of your colleagues use the Information Exchange—do you? Register now to join the conversation and learn more about setting up private topic areas. You can customize your experience even further by checking “Notify Me of All Activity” on each topic or thread you are interested in. You will then receive an email when there is an update. Need help navigating the IE? Check out this quick how-to video.  
Search, Support, Share
Search, Support, Share