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ASP Stock Sales and Food Donations

On Sunday, June 16th, 30 folks from Cary Presbyterian Church will set out for Dickenson County, VA to participate in this year's trip with Appalachia Service Project. There are three main ways you can support this year's trip. We appreciate your support.


From now until we leave, and throughout our trip, please lift us up in prayer. Pray for safe travels, for good weather, for deepened relationships, for the homeowners and community we serve, and for Moments that Matter.

Purchase ASP Trip Stock

We invite you to donate generously to this amazing experience of mission.

  • Donate online by clicking here: CPC Online Giving Portal.
  • Send a check to the church made out to Cary Presbyterian Church with ASP in the memo line.

All stock donors who donate by Wednesday, June 12th will receive a postcard from Wise County written by ASP participants.

Donate Food Items

Trip participants have submitted lists of what kind of snacks they'd like to have during the trip. We include these in lunch bags and use them for late afternoon noshing after a hard day of work. Here's a Signup Genius featuring favorite snacks and drinks for the team:

ASP Snacks/Drinks Signup

The following items can be left in a designated space outside the church office. Individually wrapped packages work best. Please donate by Saturday, June 15th.

ASP 2024 Participants

Alan Bancroft, Susan Bowdish, Laurel Callis, Michael Callis, Beth Campbell, John Campbell, Rachel Campbell, Gavin Cullen, Sylvie Cullen, Greg Czika, Lily Czika, Dar Donkin, Matt Donkin, Ian Dunbar, Parker Farless, Tim Farless, Sally Goettel, Ian Govert, Al Hardie, Haley Pierce, Sarah Pierce, Jackson Piermont, Bailey Rathbone, Katelyn Riffle, Kim Riffle, Jordan Short, Valerie Short, Kathel Sugg, Naomi Troiano, Teevan Tsang