Transcript: Greetings everyone from the ASL Shabbat Coalition. 

We have been producing virtual Shabbat services using ASL, the second Friday of each month since 2020, when the COVID pandemic first began.  This was made possible because of the partners and friends of the ASL Shabbat Coalition (ASC) which handled the logistics, various communities that led the services, and your donations. 

The ASC is made up of the Hillel@Gallaudet, the Jewish Deaf Congress and the Jewish Deaf Resource Center.

You know, summertime on television often means re-runs or repeats of previous programs.  To stay connected with you, ASC will do a similar thing for the months of July, August, and September.  

For the next three months, we will email you a list of links to previously recorded videos of Shabbat services, a new brief D’var or a sermon given by a Deaf Rabbi, and video of a Shabbat song in ASL, on the 2nd Thursday each month for you to access and enjoy anytime you wish.  We will also post this on Hillel at Gallaudet, JDC, and JDRC Facebook pages.

So that we can continue to offer you online ASL Shabbat programs, please consider donating to the ASC at https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/JDRC.

If you would like to host an ASL Shabbat service in the Fall, beginning in November, please email us at aslshabbatcoalition@gmail.com.

Enjoy your summer.  Keep the spiritual light bright. 

Shabbat Shalom!



There's a Jewish proverb, "If charity cost nothing, the world would be full of philanthropists." 

We thank our supporters who have previously donated to keep the Jewish Deaf community spirit alive. Funds have allowed us to provide captioning for pre-recorded sermons by renowned Deaf Rabbis, purchase and use a software to distribute ASL Shabbat Coalition event announcements, host programs that are recorded on Zoom, and hire voice interpreters. We also give special thanks to the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation-NY for partially funding some of the expenses associated with this program.

These popular and much loved programs, which connect us as an online Jewish spiritual community, need your support!

Give as much as you are able to keep us all together online regardless of where we live. The best part of our virtual ASL Shabbat services is the "sense of belonging" it gives to our community. The services are led by Deaf leaders who speak our language, American Sign Language. Services are captioned and voice interpreted for an inclusive experience.

To donate, visit this page: https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/JDRC


Please share this eNews with your family and friends.

To subscribe to emails from the ASL Shabbat Coalition, email us at aslshabbatcoalition@gmail.com.


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Special thanks go to UJA-Federation of New York for their financial support.


This event is made possible through a collaborative effort of three organizations that comprise the ASL Shabbat Coalition (ASC): Hillel at GallaudetJewish Deaf Congress, and the Jewish Deaf Resource Center.

Special recognition goes to the Academy for Jewish Religion in partnership with JDRC for training interpreters and Deaf prayer leaders to meaningfully interpret prayers into ASL.


Hillel @ Gallaudet promotes inclusive Jewish educational, religious, social, cultural, and communal activities at Gallaudet University by creating opportunities for diverse expressions of Jewish life among students.


Jewish Deaf Congress (JDC) is an inclusive and accessible Jewish Deaf national organization, network and resource center, rooted in Judaism and Deaf experiences, cultures and values of lifelong Jewish learning to discover, connect and flourish.

JDRC Email Logo.jpg

Jewish Deaf Resource Center, a pluralistic national nonprofit organization, builds bridges between Jews who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the individuals and organizations which serve the wider Jewish community through advocacy, communication access solutions, education/awareness, inclusive public policy and practices, partnerships, resources, and training.

Jewish Deaf Resource Center P.O. Box 318 Hartsdale, NY 1053| Website
