Early Career Investigator Award (ECIA)
The aim of the Early Career Investigator Award is to support future research leaders who are committed to conducting impactful basic or translational science research. This program offers ASHI members an award of up to $40,000 for research related to histocompatibility or immunogenetics in various disciplines such transplantation, cancer, autoimmunity, infectious disease, disease association, or pharmacogenomics.
Click here for eligibility criteria, application process, proposal review criteria, and more.
Innovation Scholarship Award (ISA)
The goal of the Innovation Scholarship Award is to recognize and further a significant body of work in the fields of HLA, immunogenetics and/or transplant immunology as demonstrated by publications, educational initiatives and/or developed translational tools and analyses. Each of three recipients will receive a $1500 honorarium. These awards will be presented at the ASHI Annual Meeting.
Click here for award categories, application checklist, and selection criteria.
Michael Schmiederer Research Support Award (MSRSA)
The aim of the Michael Schmiederer Research Support Award (MSRSA) is to support impactful clinical research in the fields of histocompatibility and immunogenetics. This program offers ASHI members an award of $15,000 for one year of research related to various clinical disciplines such as transplantation, cancer, autoimmunity, infectious disease, disease association, or pharmacogenomics. The award is sponsored by Labcorp in memory of a beloved coworker, Michael W. Schmiederer, PhD, S(ACHI).
Click here for eligibility criteria, application process, and more.
Completed applications and questions can be sent to ASHI Headquarters at info@ashi-hla.org. Please put the name of the specific award in the subject line.
The application deadline is August 1, 2024. Information on all three awards can be found here. Thank you.