Dear ASCLD Colleagues,
Celebrate us! It is National Forensic Science Week! This is a great time for Laboratory Directors to highlight the hard work of Forensic Science Professionals across that nation and even the world. Whether they do research, lab work, casework, evidence handling, crime scenes, investigations, administration, support, or quality assurance, they are in the spotlight this week. Take a moment to thank them for all they do. We also thank all of the companies/vendors, educational entities, government, and funding entities that participate with us and make us successful. The partnerships we have forged with these entities are critical to our successes. I hope you will all use the Twitter @ForSciWeek and the Facebook “National Forensic Science Week” page with #ascldfun to advertise all the great events you are doing this week to raise the level of awareness of forensic science issues and recognize your employees.
The various ASCLD committees are beginning activity with the new Board year. If you would like to volunteer for any of the committees, feel free to reach out to me or Executive Director, John Byrd, to get signed up. My experience working in the committees over the years has given me a broader perspective of my own profession for which I have worked for over 32 years. I have learned things from the committees each year and made some new friends, too! If you have a research project idea and want to collaborate with a school to make it happen, check out the Forensic Research Committee’s offering to facilitate those connections. Here is the list of Committees: Advocacy, Communications, Ethics & By-Laws, Finance, Forensic Research, International Committee, Member Resource, Membership, Nominating & Awards, Sponsorship, Standards & Accreditation Initiatives, Symposium Planning, Training & Education. Also, the Rapid DNA for Disaster Victim Identification (Rapid DNA-DVI) Task Group is going to re-form and looking for members.
So many opportunities to volunteer and play an active role in ASCLD.
I hope you have a great week and I look forward to seeing your social media posts for National Forensic Science Week!
Laura Sudkamp
ASCLD President
ASCLD monthly board meeting
Tuesday September 17th at 1:00pm EST
Weekly News and Resources
ASCLD: Are You Ready for the 49th ASCLD Symposium in Reno?
We will begin accepting abstract submissions for the ASCLD Symposium 2022 speakers on Friday, September 24th! All proposals are due by EOD October 15th. Visit for more information about abstracts and to submit yours!
What are the Benefits of an ASCLD Membership?
This National Forensic Science Week consider treating yourself or encouraging your colleagues to join ASCLD. What are the benefits?
- Access to the Members Only portal on the ASCLD website. There are management tools, forums, and access to materials pertinent to the forensic field.
- Instant delivery of the Crime Lab Minute (CLM) on the same day of publication.
- Reduced registration fee to the ASCLD Symposium.
- Relationship building across multiple laboratories, including local, state, federal and international labs!
National Forensic Science Week is
September 19-25!
It is finally here- make sure you share what your lab is doing- use #ascldfun! Nothing planned? There is still time! Here are some ideas to help you celebrate National Forensic Science Week!
- Get a proclamation from your Governor or Mayor
- Issue a message to your staff with stories about why they chose to work in forensic science
- Allow staff to share their “Journey Stories” with each other (this can be done in person or by short video clips!)
- Highlight your laboratory on your lab or agency's social media
- Hold inter-sectional demonstrations throughout the week
- Get creative! Allow time for staff to participate in raffles or games (Guess that Future Scientist baby pictures, BINGO!, wordsearches, etc.).
Please continue to tag your lab photos on social media with the hashtag #ASCLDfun
Please send all CLM submissions to our new electronic form!
Crime Lab Minute Sponsors
For More Information, Click the LOGO below:
Transaction Continues Versaterm’s Commitment to Provide Public Safety Customers Industry-Leading Solutions to Meet Increasing Operational Demands
Opt Out.
ASCLD sells your email information to vendors for marketing and promotional material purposes. You may ‘opt-out’ of receiving vendor information not directly related to ASCLD by emailing If you do not opt out then your acceptance of this Agreement will constitute your affirmative consent to receiving marketing and promotional material from ASCLD.
New Reads (and Podcasts) for You
The following is a list of suggested books, podcasts, and other media that have inspired ASCLD members in their leadership Journey:
- Anything authored by Simon Sinek along with You Tube videos of him
Turn the Ship Around by L. David Marquet
The Empathy Edge: Harnessing the Value of Compassion as an Engine for Success by Maria Ross
NIJ Forensic Science R&D Reports for ASCLD Crime Lab Minute Vol 13
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Survey: Feedback on Educational Programs for Forensic Scientists
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health and School of Pharmacy request your participation in a research project seeking to understand if existing forensic science educational programs fulfill the needs of the forensic science community. See details in the Letter of Request here
Results from this work will be made available through publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Please complete this short survey within the next two weeks.
There are many standards open for comment on the ASB website. Be sure to check them out and provide your valuable input!
ANAB Trainings
With the ability to reach wider audiences, we are expanding offerings of current courses in Spanish.
The following courses will be available live online in Spanish:
Forensic Technical Assessor
- Forensic ISO/IEC 17025 Internal Auditor
- Risk-based Thinking for Forensic Service Providers
We are also excited to introduce our courses:oratories and Inspection:
Basic Statistics for Laboratories and Inspection Bodies. This course will introduce basic statistical techniques for collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Participants will strengthen their knowledge base of statistical techniques and their application to ISO/IEC 17020 and ISO/IEC 17025, and build confidence in the validity and reliability of their results. More..
Verification and Validation for Laboratories and Inspection Bodies. This course provides an introduction to the validation and verification of analytical methods and the common elements of a validation or verification plan. In addition, a general approach to performing a validation or verification will be reviewed along with ISO/IEC 17025 requirements for validation and verification of methods. More…
We continue our monthly Webinars and stay tuned for information about upcoming Feature Sessions.
Donations to ASCLD can now be made online! This is a great way to honor the memory of a forensic colleague, to commemorate a life event for that person who has everything, or to otherwise assist in supporting the tireless efforts of the ASCLD organization in the pursuit of excellence in forensic science management. The donation page can be accessed by clicking HERE or by visiting the ASCLD website and clicking on "Donate to ASCLD" under the "Member Site" tab (this donation page is accessible even to non-members). Please consider donating and do share this information with anyone you think might be interested.
The American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
65 Glen Road, Suite 123
Garner, NC 27529
Phone: 919.773.2044