Dear ASCLD Colleagues,

It is hard for me to believe that this time next week many of us will be in Boston. This year’s meeting will be different than those in recent past, not just because of adjustments due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but also because we are trying something new this year with our awards presentations.

This year, we will honor our award winners as well as our outgoing ASCLD Board members from both 2020 and 2021 at a Presidents’ and Awards Reception. We will enjoy food and drink and a few laughs with a comedian – a retired law enforcement officer who knows a thing or two about poking fun at forensic scientists. After recognizing our award winners, we will transition into the Presidents’ Reception. The vibe for our event is glitz and glam, so feel free to dress to impress!

Just before our party gets underway, we will host Bring Your Own Slides Night. This informal event is an opportunity to share slides or just lead a discussion on a topic with the group. For those on the waitlist for the JusticeTrax sponsored event at Fenway Park on Tuesday, should someone be unable to use their ticket, you will be contacted by our meeting planner. For those who were lucky enough to get a ticket to this sold out event, make sure you brush up on “Sweet Caroline” so you can join in singing along with the crowd in the 8thinning.

Have a terrific week!

Be well,


Erin P. Forry
ASCLD President