September 21, 2017
President: Sam Bell
Vice President: David Hayson
Treasurer: Tony Klimek
Secretary: Kayleigh Hammond
Please Check Out Our Website 
Information on the Cincinnati Section, details on upcoming and past events, Section Officers, Section Awards, the Newsletter (current and past), and additional resources can all be found at

Contact   Sa m Bell at   or David Hayson at
with comments or suggestions.

D ear Members,

For those who I've not had the opportunity to meet, my name is Sam Bell and I'll be your ASCE Cincinnati Section President for the 2017-2018 program year.  Since the following sections focus on the professional backgrounds of all the officers and also other things going on in the section, I would like to share the current endeavor I am pursuing and lessons learned during my journey in relation to the civil engineering profession.

I'm currently signed up to compete in Ironman Louisville on October 15th.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with Ironman, an Ironman is a triathlon comprised of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run.  Many may see this as crazy, but I see it as a challenge.  As I enter the home stretch with the race quickly approaching, I look back at all the time and effort I have put forth these past six months to prepare myself for this race.  This challenge has allowed me to experience and push past what I thought were my limits.  There have been plenty of workouts where my body wants to quit, but I force my mind to take over and trudge forward.  One important lesson I've learned during this journey is to challenge yourself and never settle; it's the only way you can grow.  

This is the same with civil engineering. The world is constantly evolving and engineers are at the forefront in ensuring the safety and well-being of the public.  Just because something functions well doesn't mean there isn't a better, more efficient way of doing the task or a safer design.  With everything expected to be completed at a faster and faster pace, we as engineers need to continue to not settle for what is current and keep pushing ourselves to design roads, bridges, buildings, water systems, etc. that are safer and more efficient.

I look forward to the exciting program year ahead of us.  We have a great group of officers so don't hesitate to approach us about anything regarding the section.  We look forward to seeing everyone at the meetings.

Best Regards,
Sam Bell
ASCE Cincinnati Section President

Have a topic you want us to cover? 
Contact David Hayson at
2017-2018 ASCE Cincinnati Section Officers

President - Sam Bell, P.E.

Sam is a Transportation Engineer at Burgess & Niple (B&N). He joined B&N in 2015 and works in the transportation group on traffic and roadway projects in Greater Cincinnati, Columbus, and other surrounding regions. Sam is a 2011 graduate of Michigan State University (MSU) where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and completed a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Ohio University in 2015. Sam was an officer of Chi Epsilon and an active member of the ASCE Michigan State Student Chapter while attending MSU. Prior to his current position he worked for XCG Consultants, Norfolk Southern, and Michigan Department of Transportation.

Vice President - David Hayson, P.E., S.I.

David Hayson is a project engineer with Stantec, a national, multi-disciplinary engineering firm.  David has worked with Stantec since 2015 and is part of the water resources group.  Prior to arriving at Stantec, he was employed at XCG Consultants for his first 6 years after graduating from the University of Dayton in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering - Go Flyers! He is registered as a Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio and Kentucky and also as a Surveyor Intern after obtaining his Land Surveying Certificate from Cincinnati State in 2012. David has experience in hydrologic and hydraulic assessment, planning, and modeling of sanitary, stormwater, and combined sewer projects.  He's been involved in the local Lick Run Sewer Project since 2009.  He also has experience in floodplain mapping, dam breach analyses
 benefit/cost analyses, and site/civil design.

Treasurer - Anthony Klimek, P.E.

Tony Klimek is a Construction Manager with the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC) where he manages construction projects at wastewater treatment plants. Prior to joining MSDGC in 2015, Tony worked for more than 30 years on a variety of civil and environmental engineering design and construction projects. His experience includes: site development, environmental remediation, landfill, utility, telecommunications, and other infrastructure projects throughout the United States. He is a registered engineer in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.  He has a BS Degree in Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and a MS in Business from Robert Morris University.

Secretary - Kayleigh Hammond

Kayleigh Hammond is a civil engineer at The Kleingers Group working in the SportWorks department designing sport fields and facilities. Kayleigh is a 2017 graduate of the University of Cincinnati, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Kayleigh served as President of the ASCE University of Cincinnati Student Chapter and is an active member of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority.
Looking Back - Spring 2017 Monthly Meetings

ASCE Cincinnati completed another successful program year for 2016-2017. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making the year a success. We look forward to bringing our members interesting meetings as we kick off our Fall 2017 agenda.

January 2017 - Interstate 71 and Martin Luther King Drive Interchange Project
Over 70 people attended the January Section meeting at Cincinnati State which featured the Interstate 71 and Martin Luther King Drive interchange project.  The presentation was given by John Otis, PE who is a transportation engineer with 15 years of experience with the Ohio Department of Transportation.  Mr. Otis served as the project manager on the Interstate 74 and Colerain/Beekman interchange project and as the deputy project manager on the Interstate 71 and Martin Luther King Drive project. The presentation was an overview of the Interstate 71 and Martin Luther King Drive interchange project.  Highlights included project delivery method, design coordination between various stakeholders, discussion of weekly task force meetings, approval of buildable units, lessons learned, implementation of best practices applied to future projects, and snapshots of construction activities.

February 2017 - Union Terminal Renovation & Restoration Project
70 people attended the February Section meeting at THP Limited featuring the Union Terminal Renovation and Restoration Project.  The presentation was given by Chris Magee, R.A. (GBBN Architects), Tony Mette, P.E., S.E. (THP Limited), and Bill Judd, P.E. (THP Limited). The presentation was an overview of the building history, project guiding principles, temporary lobby and continued occupied exhibits, modeling, site access, waterproofing, and logistics.

C:\Users\dhayson\Dropbox\02 - Vice President\Section Meetings\2017\02\union-terminal 700x254.jpg

March 2017 - Geotechnical Challenges of MSE Wall in Mexico
45 people joined the ASCE Cincinnati Section and the ASCE Geotechnical Group at Terracon for a presentation about the geotechnical challenges of a new Costco Wholesale warehouse project in Atizapán, Mexico. Joseph Kowalski, P.E. presented on the project that included a variety of walls, geopiers, tieback anchors, and other measures to develop a challenging 12-acre site. The project included a variety of geotechnical work because the site varied by more than 130 feet in height and contained low-quality soils.  The project included:
  • Steel-reinforced MSE wall that was up to 26 feet tall
  • A series of tiered walls consisting of tie-backs and cast-in-place concrete
  • Tieback anchors between 30' to 50' long
C:\Users\dhayson\Dropbox\02 - Vice President\Section Meetings\2017\03\LinkedIn.JPG

April 2017 - Annual Awards Banquet at the University of Cincinnati Faculty Club
Over 75 people made it to the annual Awards Banquet that was held at the Faculty Club on the University of Cincinnati's campus. The event occurred in conjunction with the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State. In addition to the many awards and scholarships given out to deserving students, the ceremony also featured presentations from the ASCE Student Chapters on the activities they have been involved with over the past year. The ceremony also recognized ASCE Life Members and new inductions into the Order of the Engineer. The event closed with the presentation of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, which was awarded to Jess Schroeder.

May 2017 - Werk & Westbourne EHRT
The ASCE Cincinnati Section held a tour and presentation for over 40 people on the Werk & Westbourne Enhanced High-Rate Treatment (EHRT) Facility for the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC). Jared Hutchins, P.E. presented on the EHRT facility which is being constructed to comply with the requirements mandated by the Federal Court Consent Decree to reduce overflows from the Upper Muddy Creek Sub-Basin and Combined Sewer Overflow No. 522.  The facility will provide screening, sedimentation, and disinfection of flows discharging from the CSO in compliance with the Final Wet Weather Improvements Program.


Interested in Presenting  at a Meeting? 
If you have a topic you would like to present on at one of the upcoming ASCE Cincinnati Section program meetings, please contact David Hayson at 419-302-7221, or email him at
Fall 2017 Monthly Meetings

September 21, 2017 - Cincinnati Triple Steam, Richard Miller Treatment Plant Dual Tour & Presentation
Weighing in at 1,400 tons these 104 feet high triple expansion crank and flywheel water pumping steam engines are the largest ever built. At 1,000 HP they are not the most powerful as smaller engines with larger horsepower were used at Main Station in Cincinnati and elsewhere in the world. The four engines reside at the Greater Cincinnati Water Works where we invite you to take a tour and explore a state-of-the-art, high volume, and high quality water pumping system for a growing community in the early 1900s.
Also, we will visit GCWW's Water History Museum which details the progression of providing the region with safe water for 200 years. Learn how water from the Ohio River is treated to produce safe drinking water and see many of GCWW's treatment processes used to clean the water including sand filtration, Granular Activated Carbon (GAC), and Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV). You can gather an understanding of the testing and state-of-the art laboratory facilities to ensure the safety of the water and learn how water is delivered to the people of the region.
River Station Construction History, Cincinnati, OH
Top level of the eight stroy high engines

October 18, 2017 - Riverside Drive Hillside Emergency Repair Project - Cincinnati, Ohio
Please join the ASCE Cincinnati Section and the ASCE Geotechnical Group for a joint meeting and presentation about the geotechnical challenges encountered during a recent local emergency. The hillside north of Riverside Drive on the east side of town was noticed to be moving late last year.  After a few rain events the movement was accelerated (Up to 6" in a 3 day period) and the City knew an emergency repair was needed.  After hearing a few options, the City landed on Goettle's drilled in wide flange beam with rock anchor design.  The soldier piles tip out in rock, and steep anchors were used to resist the force of the landslide.  

Mr. Frederick Slack will present on this project.  He is the Chief Engineer at Richard Goettle, Inc.  Mr. Slack has been employed by Richard Goettle, Inc. for 40 years beginning as a co-op student, leading to field assignments as project engineer and office assignments as project manager and lead designer. Mr. Slack was appointed Chief Engineer in 1996.   
Mr. Slack holds both a BSCE and an MS from the University of Cincinnati.  Mr. Slack is registered in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Alabama and is a member of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI), Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the American Concrete Institute ACI).

November 15, 2017 - John Menninger, Stantec - Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir (SR1 - Project) Calgary, Alberta
In 2013, the province of Alberta suffered billions of dollars of damage due to flooding. The Springbank Off-stream Reservoir, or Springbank Project, is a dry reservoir that is designed to store water temporarily during a flood. It will work in tandem with the Glenmore Reservoir in Calgary. Together, the combined storage capacity would accommodate water volumes equal to the 2013 flood. During a flood, a diversion channel carries water from the Elbow River to the off-stream reservoir, which would have a storage capacity of 70.2 million cubic meters or about 28,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools. When peak waters have passed, an outlet structure safely releases the water back to the Elbow River in a controlled manner. The Springbank Reservoir will work together with the Glenmore Reservoir, which has 10 million cubic meters of available flood storage, to achieve the level of protection required.

December 14, 2017- Cincinnati Section ASCE Social at the Original Montgomery Inn in Montgomery, Ohio
Please join ASCE Cincinnati Section on the evening of December 14th, 2017 for our Annual Holiday Social at The Original Montgomery Inn.  ASCE members and their guests, and ASCE student members are welcome to attend.  It will be a great time to share some food and drink with old friends and make some new friends in an exciting venue in Cincinnati.  Registration is open so sign up now!

Looking Forward 2018 Monthly Meetings

January 2018 - John F. Greenhalge -- Ethics presentation
Passed through House Bill 236 of the 131st Generally Assembly, beginning in 2018, ethics is a new requirement for Ohio PEs. The bill requires a registered professional engineer or professional surveyor to complete at least two hours of continuing professional development in professional ethics or rules relevant to the practices of engineering or surveying during each biennial renewal period. The bill also allows a registered professional engineer or professional surveyor to carry forward to the next biennial renewal period up to two hours of continuing professional development in professional ethics or rules. This presentation will cover necessary material on that subject.
John F. Greenhalge is the Executive Director of the Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors. John has been with the Board since 1998, previously serving as the Board's Enforcement Supervisor and as the Assistant Executive Director. Prior to joining the Board John worked as an investigator for the Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney's office and as a loss prevention and human resources investigator for Sears Roebuck & Co.  John has served on numerous national committees for the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) including the Committee on Law Enforcement, the NCEES Leadership Task Force and the Member Board Administrators Committee. John is also a recipient of the NCEES Distinguished Service Award for outstanding service to the Central Zone, NCEES and the engineering and surveying profession.

The Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors is the state agency that regulates and licenses the professions of engineering and surveying in Ohio. The Board currently oversees the licenses of nearly 30,000 individually licenses engineers and surveyors as well as nearly 2,800 companies and firms offering engineering and/or surveying services. The Board's mission is to safeguard the health, safety, property and welfare of the citizens of Ohio by providing effective licensure and regulation of professional engineers, professional surveyors and engineering and surveying firms.

February 2018 - Mystic Timbers Design and Construction Presentation
Adam House, an engineer from Great Coasters, will present on the design and construction of the newest edition to Kings Island.  The Mystic Timbers wooden rollercoaster, opened in 2017, is 3,265 feet long, has a maximum height of 109 feet, a maximum velocity of 53 MPH, and contains sixteen airtime hills.
Committee Updates

The Cincinnati Section of ASCE has opportunities to participate on two active committees: Educational Outreach, and Programming. The time commitment is minimal and the personal rewards are limitless. Not only do you qualify for 2 continuing professional development (CPD) hours for one year of service as an active committee member in the State of Ohio, but you will also receive the personal satisfaction of contributing to your profession and the betterment of your community. Please see below for a brief description of the committees and learn how you can become involved.

Educational Outreach:

Since our last update, the committee remained active by continuing to speak to local high school students and civil engineering students from the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State about our career paths and the civil engineering profession.   We also continued working with and supporting the University of Cincinnati on several proposals to the National Science Foundation.  Thank you to all of our members who volunteered and helped with the Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science Program (CEEMS) and the UC Research Experience for Teachers (RET).  Both programs involve summer programs for high school math and science teachers.  They get exposed to the different areas of engineering and work on mini research projects.  From their experience, they develop units for their classrooms to bring the real world engineering applications and engineering problem solving processes into their classrooms.  The amount of work and the lessons they created in only a few weeks' time were amazing.  Their students are lucky to have such dedicated teachers!  Unfortunately, this was the last year for the CEEMS grant.  ASCE has loved being a part of this experience from beginning to end and we look forward to helping with future STEM related opportunities.
Several of our committee members were judges at the Ohio Valley Student Conference in the spring hosted by The Ohio State University.  The conference involves the traditional concrete canoe and steel bridge competitions, plus an environmental competition, surveying, and other fun events.  It was amazing to see the future generation of engineers exceling at problem solving.  We were very proud of our hometown UC and Cincinnati State teams!
We have big ideas for future projects and we encourage you to become involved.  Your involvement can be as little as a onetime speaking event, or as lengthy as a reoccurring volunteer.  If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Julie Cromwell at .


The Sustainability Committee is looking to expand the group. If you would like more information and/or to join the committee please contact Michael Kady at

Employment Opportunities
ASCE Cincinnati Section will post employment  opportunities in our newsletter and on our section webpage. If your company has an opening they need filled please send us an email with the position information and we will post it on our site as soon as possible.
Current Openings:

City of Lebanon - Assistant City Engineer - Full Time

  • Government - City of Lebanon, Warren County
  • Location - Lebanon, OH
  • Experience - Minimum of 2 years of progressively responsible experience
  • Link to job application, and more information - click here

Civil Engineers (Senior Engineer, Supervisor Engineer, other positions) - Full Time

  • Government Agency - Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC) and other City Agencies
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Multiple positions with various experience level requirements
  • Link to job application, and more information - click here

Civil Engineer - Full Time

  • Company - Choice One Engineering
  • Location - Loveland OH
  • Experience - December 2016 or May 2017 graduates
  • Link to job application, and more information - click here

Project Engineer

  • Company - Civil Solutions Associates, Inc.
  • Location - 3760 Fulton Grove Road, Cincinnati, OH 45245
  • Requirements - Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and Master's Degree in Business Administration.
  • Link to job application, and more information - click here

Civil Engineer - Land Development 

  • Company - Kleingers Group
  • Location - West Chester, OH
  • Experience - B.S. Civil Engineering, Minimum 5 years
  • Link to job application, and more information - click here

Thank You to Our Sponsors!


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If you would like to be a SPONSOR please contact Tony Klimek at