September 28, 2016
President: Justin Siegrist
Vice President: Sam Bell
Treasurer: David Hayson
Secretary: Tony Klimek
Please Check Our Website 
Information on the Cincinnati Section, details on upcoming and past events, Section Officers, Section Awards, the Newsletter (current and past), and additional resources can all be found at

Contact   Justin Siegrist at  or Sa m Bell at with comments or suggestions.
Greetings! For anyone unaware, my name is Justin Siegrist and I'll be the ASCE Cincinnati Secti on President for the 2016/2017 program year. In the section below, you can find mo re in forma tion on my professional background, as well as the background of the other ASCE Cincinnati Section Officers that will be doing the majority of the work behind the scenes to bring all of you interesting and engaging events each month.

Since the remainder of this Newsletter focuses on what's happening with the Section, I'd like to start by sharing a little bit of my personal journey about how I came to be in Cincinnati for those of you who don't know me, as it also ties into a major role of ASCE and what I'd like to focus my efforts on during my presidency.

Humble Beginnings

I'm originally from a little town called Cassella, Ohio. If you've never heard of it, don't worry - no one has. Essentially, it's in the middle of nowhere. More specifically, it's approximately two hours North/Northwest of Cincinnati. Cassella - a small farming community formerly known as Dogtown and Frogtown (I'm not making that up) - consists of zero stoplights, a handful of intersections with poor sight-distances in the fall when the crops are up (for you Transportation engineers), and a church.

I myself actually  grew up on a grain and chicken farm, and if you've ever heard the phrase "growing up in a cornfield," that's what I did. Our family farm had a half-mile lane to the nearest road and was surrounded by cornfields... let that sink in for a minute: I literally grew up in the middle of a cornfield. 

Despite the fact that to this day I still haven't been able watch Stephen King's Children of the Corn in its entirety, my upbringing and where I come from has always been and always will be a source of pride for me. Shout-out to Cassella!

View of our family farm (buildings in the distance) from the top of our grain bin.


Nearing the end of High School, and through the insistence of my parents, I attended college. My mother suggested I study engineering, because she saw an engineering mind in me. But since I was already 18 years old and knew absolutely everything there was to know about life, I informed her that I hated engineering and math and science, and that college was stupid and I just wanted to farm.

So five years later I graduated from the University of Dayton with a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and currently love my job which involves application of math and science on a daily basis... I sure showed her.

Looking Back

When looking back on my experiences between college and where I am now, I realize how fortunate I am. I began college majoring in Communications, and switched to Civil Engineering because an acquaintance of mine was studying Civil Engineering and told me about his chosen profession. My interest was piqued, and I decided to switch my Major. This always makes me think... where would I be had that individual not been in my life? It's because of that chance happening that ultimately set the course for what would be the rest of my life, that I realize the importance of outreach.

Me at the base of Mt. Rainer (I didn't make it any higher) in Washington state. My junior year of college I took a summer civil engineering co-op in Seattle - a life-changing experience that never would have happened had I not "stumbled" into civil engineering.

Outreach, and ASCE as a Resource

Using my own personal journey as an example, I have come to realize just how important outreach really is, and the American Society of Civil Engineers is a great resource for doing just that. During Engineers Week, the other ASCE Officers and I plan to visit a local school to talk to kids and inform them about Civil Engineering. If you have any interest in getting involved, we're always looking for help and/or ideas.

Visiting Pattison Elementary last year during Engineers Week to help promote civil engineering.

ASCE also has numerous resources available for pre-college outreach, and it's available to all:

In addition to reaching out to pre-college students, ASCE is also a great resource for college students. I can remember when I was in college, I didn't quite have a full grasp of all the options for work that would be available to me upon graduation. In fact, I didn't even know that the type of work I currently specialize in, even existed. So for college students, attending ASCE events is a great way to learn about the many different career paths available to civil engineers.

Further, attending ASCE events is a great way for students to network with potential future employers, and vice versa. The college students that attend ASCE events show initiative and a willingness to learn and put themselves out there, which can be intimidating (I was always terrified). So for the practicing professionals, getting to know the college students that attend our events is a great way to find potential future top-talented, hardworking employees.

Because the monthly events are such a great resource for students and practicing professionals, one of my main goals during my presidency is to increase student attendance. So in an effort to facilitate and encourage networking between students and practicing professionals, we're implementing a new nametag color system that identifies which attendees are students.

If any student attendee - or just any attendee, in general -  has a question, don't hesitate to ask an ASCE Officer. If you're not sure who we are, ASCE Section Officers will also have a separate colored nametag.  The nametag color designations will be as follows:
  • Blue - Students
  • White - Non-students
  • Yellow - ASCE Officers
In Conclusion...

Attendance has been trending upward recently, and we hope to continue that trend by continuing to bring you all interesting topics each month. We only ask in return that you attend, bug the other people in your office to attend, and then utilize these monthly events for the great resource that they are. 

I also sincerely hope to see more students attend our events this year. These monthly events are a great way to learn about civil engineering, meet potential future employers, and not to mention students are first in line to take home the leftover food at the end of the event. If any student is ever unsure of who to talk to, just come see me. I'd love to get to know you, and you're more than welcome to pick my brain.

Over 90 attendees for the March 2016 Corvette Museum event - a sure sign that attendance is increasing!
See you all soon,
Justin Siegrist
ASCE Cincinnati Section President

Have a topic you want us to cover? 
Contact Sam Bell at sam.bell
2016-2017 ASCE Cincinnati Section Officers

President - Justin Siegrist, P.E.

Justin is a Water Resources Engineer with Wade Trim. He joined Wade Trim in 2011, where he performs technical engineering analysis, planning and design for many public sector clients on large water resources projects around the country. His specialization is hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and analysis. His project experience includes model development and calibration, computational fluid dynamics modeling, tunnel surge analysis, floodplain modeling, water quality modeling, combined and sanitary sewer overflow treatment facilities sizing, and groundwater modeling. Justin is a 2011 graduate of the University of Dayton where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.

Vice President - Sam Bell, P.E.

Sam is a Transportation Engineer at Burgess & Niple (B&N). He joined B&N in 2015 and works in the transportation group on traffic and roadway projects in Greater Cincinnati, Columbus, and other surrounding regions. Sam is a 2011 graduate of Michigan State University (MSU) where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and completed a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Ohio University in 2015. Sam was an officer of Chi Epsilon and an active member of the ASCE Michigan State Student Chapter while attending MSU. Prior to his current position he worked for XCG Consultants, Norfolk Southern, and Michigan Department of Transportation.

Secretary - David Hayson, P.E., S.I.

David Hayson is a project engineer with Stantec, a national, multi-disciplinary engineering firm. He currently is working with the water resources group. David has worked with Stantec for the past year. Prior to arriving at Stantec, he was employed at XCG Consultants for his first 6 years after graduating from the University of Dayton in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering - Go Flyers!

He is registered as a Professional Engineer in the states of Ohio and Kentucky and also as a Surveyor Intern after obtaining his Land Surveying Certificate from Cincinnati State in 2012. David has experience in hydrologic and hydraulic assessment, planning, and modeling of sanitary, stormwater, and combined sewer projects. He's been involved in the local Lick Run Sewer Project. He also has experience in floodplain mapping and site/civil design.

Secretary - Anthony Klimek, P.E.

Tony Klimek is a Construction Manager with the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC) where he manages construction projects at wastewater treatment plants. Prior to joining MSDGC in 2015, Tony worked for more than 30 years on a variety of civil and environmental engineering design and construction projects. His experience includes: site development, environmental remediation, landfill, utility, telecommunications, and other infrastructure projects throughout the United States. He is a registered engineer in Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.  He has a BS Degree in Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and a MS in Business from Robert Morris University.

Looking Back - Spring 2016 Monthly Meetings

ASCE Cincinnati completed another successful program year for 2015-2016. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making the year a success. We look forward to bringing our members interesting meetings as we kick off our fall 2016 agenda.

January 2016 - Green Stormwater Infrastructure Mapping and Modeling
The January presentation featured a state of the art review of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) mapping and modeling tools that can be used for proper planning and design of sustainable GSI facilities. GSI, such as rain gardens, green roofs, and porous pavement is likely to play an important role in stormwater management for controlling combined sewer overflow (CSO) and sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) discharges to receiving waters. Many US cities, such as Cincinnati, are spending, or planning to spend, billions of dollars on implementing such wet weather plans mandated by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The presentation explored the planning and design tools for sustainable wet weather solutions, reviewed new methods to quantify runoff and sewer overflow reductions using green solutions, and covered the latest discoveries for green infrastructure mapping and modeling programs.

February 2016 - 3D Scanning

The February, 2016 event was a joint meeting between the ASCE Cincinnati Section and the Structural Engineers Association of Ohio (SEAoO). It featured a presentation on the use of 3D Scanning to survey and produce a working model for assessing and developing plans on renovation projects. It discussed how a point cloud can be efficiently converted and used in structural modeling. Examples from several local projects were discussed, and included an update on the Cincinnati Museum Center.
March 2016 - Sinkhole Remediation (Corvette Museum)
The March, 2016 event was a joint meeting with the ASCE Cincinnati Section Geotechnical Group, and featured a presentation on the sinkhole remediation that was done at the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky. At 5:38 am on the morning of February 12, 2014, security cameras recorded the collapse of the display floor and development of a sizable sinkhole inside the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, KY. The catastrophe required quick mobilization, coordination and identification of solutions to a complicated geologic condition.

The case study that was presented reviewed the geologic setting, and discussed the engineering judgment that was necessary to determine solutions while being monitored closely by peer reviewers amidst international attention. Lessons learned during the project were addressed, and the presentation discussed the significance of the vehicles and their influence on the decis ion making process.

April 2016 - Annual Awards Banquet

The annual Awards Banquet was held in April at the Faculty Club on the University of Cincinnati's campus. The event was held in conjunction with the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State. In addition to the many awards and scholarships given out to deserving students, the ceremony also featured presentations from the ASCE Student Chapters on the activities they have been involved with over the past year. The ceremony also recognized ASCE Life Members, and the event closed with the presentation of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, which was awarded to Ron Ebelhar.  Congratulations to all!

May 2016 - The Banks Development Progress & GE Building Tour

Allen Williams of Brasfield & Gorrie led a tour of the new GE building located downtown at The Banks. The tour was followed by a presentation at the Anderson Pavilion from Mike Mann with the City of Cincinnati on the Banks Development progress, to-date.


Interested in Presenting  at a Meeting? 
If you have a topic you would like to present on at one of the upcoming ASCE Cincinnati Section program meetings, please contact Sam Bell at 513-579-0042, or email him at .
Fall 2016 Monthly Meetings

September 2016 - Tour of Streetcar MOF & Streetcar Update
On September 15, ASCE  sponsored  a tour of the Cincinnati Streetcar Maintenance and Operations Facility (MOF) followed by dinner and a presentation about the Streetcar.  The presentation was about the Streetcar project from construction through turnover to operation. The presentation and tour was led by John Deatrick and Paul Grether.

(Photo courtesy of: WCPO)

October 27, 2016 - Cincinnati Zoo Tour (on or around lunch time)
Details are still being worked out, but plan to join ASCE on Thursday, October 27th for a tour of the Cincinnati Zoo.  The tour will present the Cincinnati Zoo's journey from being a zoo that barely recycled to the greenest zoo in America.  Mark Fisher, Vice-President of Facilities, Planning, and Sustainability will guide the tour and explain the green infrastructure and sustainability aspects the zoo showcases.  

November 2016 - Shakespeare Theatre Construction
Details are still being worked out, but the plan is to tour the Shakespeare Theatre construction followed by dinner and presentation on the construction.

December 2016 - Annual Social at Montgomery Inn Boathouse
Join us on Tuesday December 13th for our annual social at Montgomery Inn Boathouse.
Committee Updates

The Cincinnati Section of ASCE has opportunities to participate on two active committees: Educational Outreach, and Programming. The time commitment is minimal and the personal rewards are limitless. Not only do you qualify for 2 continuing professional development (CPD) hours for one year of service as an active committee member in the State of Ohio, but you will also receive the personal satisfaction of contributing to your profession and the betterment of your community. Please see below for a brief description of the committees and learn how you can become involved.

Educational Outreach:

Since our last update in the spring, the committee remained active by continuing to speak to local high school students and civil engineering students from the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati State about our career paths and the civil engineering profession. We also continued working with and supporting the University of Cincinnati on several proposals to the National Science Foundation.  Thank you to all of our members who volunteered and helped with the Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics and Science Program (CEEMS) and the UC Research Experience for Teachers (RET).  Both programs involve summer programs for high school math and science teachers.  They get exposed to the different areas of engineering and work on mini research projects.  From their experience, they develop units for their classrooms to bring the real world engineering applications and engineering problem solving processes into their classrooms.  The amount of work and the lessons they created in only a few weeks' time were amazing.  Their students are lucky to have such dedicated teachers!
We have big ideas for future projects and we encourage you to become involved.  Your involvement can be as little as a onetime speaking event, or as lengthy as a reoccurring volunteer.  If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Julie Cromwell at


The Program Committee has worked hard to try and create a diverse program year. ASCE is here to serve you, our members, and in doing so, we would like to have programs that highlight interesting topics within your discipline. If you have suggested future meeting topics or would like to become involved in the committee, please contact Sam Bell at

Employment Opportunities
ASCE Cincinnati Section will post employment  opportunities in our newsletter and on our section webpage. If your company has an opening they need filled please send us an email with the position information and we will post it on our site as soon as possible.
Current Openings:
Civil Engineer - Full Time
  • Company - Choice One Engineering
  • Location - Loveland OH
  • Experience - December 2016 or May 2017 graduates
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details 
Staff Engineer
  • Company - Civil Solutions Associates, Inc.
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 2-5 years in Civil & Geotechnical Engineering
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details 
Field Engineer - Seasonal/part-time
  • Company - Civil Solutions Associates, Inc.
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 2-5 years of testing and inspecting of general civil/geotechnical
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details
Civil Drafting Associate - full time
  • Company - Civil Solutions Associates, Inc.
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 2-5 years in Civil & Geotechnical Engineering
  •  Link to job application, and more information - Job Details
Civil Engineer I or II
  • Company - Kleingers Group
  • Location - Dayton, OH
  • Experience - minimum 2 years, which may include co-ops/internships
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details
Structural Engineer
  • Company - Burgess & Niple
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 10 years
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details
Sr Railroad Bridge Engineer - (138975)
  • Company - HDR
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 10 years
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details 
Rail Bridge Designer - (140895)
  • Company - HDR
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - B.S. in Civil Engineering
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details 
Director, Utility Infrastructure
  • Company - Burgess & Niple
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
  • Experience - Minimum 15 years
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details
Director of Operations
  • Company - Carpenter Marty Transportation
  • Location - Southwest, OH
  • Experience - 10+ years of technical experience with an Ohio registered engineering license
  • Link to job application, and more information - Job Details 

Thank You to Our Sponsors!
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If you would like to be a SPONSOR please contact Sam Bell at