February 2, 2015
Volume 12, Issue 1
President: Eric Zimmer
Vice President: Jay Chamberlain
Treasurer: Justin Siegrist
Secretary: Samuel Bell

President's Message



Dear Members,


I hope the new year finds everyone well. I was reminded of my pride in our group and in the Civil Engineering field from a recent visit to the Museum Center with my wife and daughter. They have a Kids Zone with dedicated learning and building areas with Legos, blocks and even a waterworks setup. There are photos on the wall of professionals and machines at work. It makes you reflect....yes, I can see why all these kids are excited! This is cool stuff and the reason we are here doing what we do. And seeing these kids, you know the future is bright.


At the midway point of our current program year, ASCE Cincinnati Section is in good shape. We are near 600 members and financially stable. We also have a great support network with our other friends in ASCE Region 3, which includes the other Ohio sections and some neighboring states. We've had some great events already this year. I'll hit on a couple. The Jeremiah Bridge tour was very impressive and enjoyed by all, and I thank our friends at ODOT. We had another meeting discussing Integrated Project Delivery with building construction. Coming from the project management side, I enjoyed throwing an ASCE event in the mix which focused not only on technical deliverables, but on delivery and intense collaboration between project stakeholders. Big projects more often than not have flaws in this respect and while incorporating Lean execution methods into jobs was once research and discussion, it is now typically pre-requisite to win work.


I encourage anyone interested to get involved with the Section or at least try and catch a meeting. They are very casual and we do award PDH's for presentations that apply. I also want to urge recent college graduates to stay involved. Life does get hectic sometimes after graduation, but I remind everyone this is one of the best times to stay active and build your network. And you won't be alone...our meetings typically have great attendance.


We are working on the rest of the year now and have some great ideas lined up. Also on the radar for this year which is very exciting is that our local (UC & C State) student chapters will be hosting the ASCE Ohio Valley Student Conference. This will be in the Spring.


Hope to see you soon. Stay safe out there.


Eric Zimmer

Have a topic you want us to cover? 
Contact Eric Zimmer at Eric.Zimmer@jacobs.com or
Jay Chamberlain at JChamberlain@thpltd.com.
2014-2015 ASCE Cincinnati Section Officers

President - Eric Zimmer, P.E.

Eric is a Project Engineer working for Jacobs. He joined Jacobs in 2006 where he is involved in the design and construction of industrial projects, primarily manufacturing facilities. Prior to his current position he has worked as a Structural Engineer and in Project Controls.


Eric received his MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, along with an MBA from Thomas More. He is a registered engineer in Ohio and has been an active member of the ASCE Cincinnati chapter since 2006.


Vice President - Jay Chamberlain, E.I.

Jay is a Project Engineer with THP Limited, Inc. He joined THP full time in 2012 where he is primarily involved in the design and construction administration of post-tensioned reinforced concrete structures. Jay attended the University of Cincinnati where he received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (2010) and Masters of Science in Structural Engineering (2012).


Jay has been an active member of ASCE since he first joined as a student in 2005.  While attending UC, Jay was also involved in Engineer's Without Boarders and led the structural design of a new school in Burere, Africa

Treasurer - Justin Siegrist, E.I.

Justin is a Water Resources Engineer with Wade Trim, Inc. specializing in hydrology and hydraulics. He joined Wade Trim in 2011 where he has been working on combined and sanitary sewer overflow improvement projects around the Midwest. His work consists of updating and calibrating model representations of sewer collection systems, water quality analysis, facility planning, sewer design, and alternatives analysis.


Justin is a 2011 graduate of the University of Dayton (UD) where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He was an active member of the ASCE Dayton Student Chapter while attending UD and has been an active member of the ASCE Cincinnati Section since coming to Cincinnati. He currently assists with editing the Cincinnati Section Newsletter.

Secretary - Samuel Bell, E.I.

Sam is a Junior Engineer with XCG Consultants, Inc. focusing on hydraulic and hydrologic modeling. He joined XCG Consultants in 2012 where he is primarily working on combined and sanitary sewer overflow reduction projects in Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and the Greater Miami Valley region. His work consists of planning and modeling sewer systems, water quality and CSO sampling, site inspections, and reviewing watersheds and sustainable infrastructure.


Sam is a 2011 graduate of Michigan State University (MSU) where he received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; he is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Ohio University. Sam was an officer of Chi Epsilon and an active member of the ASCE Michigan State Student Chapter while attending MSU. Prior to his current position he worked for Norfolk Southern and Michigan Department of Transportation.

Looking Back - Fall/Winter 2014/2015 Monthly Meetings


ASCE Cincinnati just wrapped up another successful program year. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making the year a success. We have already started out the 2015 year on a high note and hope to continue this momentum throughout the year.


February 2014 - Ohio PE Requirements


In February we held our joint meeting with SEAoO. John Greenhalge, Executive Director for the Ohio State Board of Registration for PE and PS , informed us of current issues before the board, updates on how Ohio interacts with NCEES, and changes that might be coming.


March 2014 - Scioto Greenways


In March we held our joint meeting with the Geotechnical group. Travis White, Eric Reeves, and Rich Williams of Stantec Consulting Services Inc. presented to the sections on the Scioto Greenways project in downtown Columbus. The presenters discussed the impetus for the project as well as the overall goals, the inclusion/impact of a wide group of stakeholders, the "natural" channel design process, the inclusion of park structures, the geotechnical and structural challenges and the "contractor at-risk" involvement.


April 2014 - Annual Awards Ceremony


Every year, the ASCE Cincinnati Section honors a group of outstanding civil engineering students and lifelong ASCE members.  The following is a recap from the ceremony in April.


ASCE Student Leadership Award

  • Rebecca Pinney (UC)
  • Joe Bryson (Cincinnati State)

ASCE Cincinnati Section Scholarships

  • UC Frank E. Weisgerber Memorial Scholarship - Abigail Ping, Elisabeth Martin, Rebecca Pinney
  • C State Buford L. Payne Scholarship - Derrick Daily

College Awards and Scholarships

  • Matt Menche
  • Robert Lopina
  • Michael Minoughan
  • Josh Cones
  • Vincent Traini
  • Rebecca Pinney
  • Youssef El-Barrad
  • Eric Hahn
  • Anna Greve
  • Matt Lehmenkuler
  • Jason Fischer
  • Tumal Karunarathe
  • Elisabeth Martin
  • Todd Hanahan
  • Abigail Ping
  • Michael Flanagan
  • Matt Burton

ASCE Life Member Recipients

  • William Giesler
  • Marvin Goldschmidt
  • William Lutz
  • Martin Umberg
  • Robert Yoxthimer

ASCE Cincinnati Section Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award

  • John Deatrick - City of Cincinnati

In addition, the Cincinnati Section of ASCE Link 215 inducted the following seven engineers into the Order:

  • Syed Murtuza Abbas
  • Josh Cones
  • Will Garde
  • Eric Hahn
  • Todd Hanahan
  • Matthew Menche
  • Kayla Quinter

May 2014 - Disaster Response


Rob Beadle, President of Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. presented to the to the section on disaster response work. Rob has a large amount of international experience through his work with Engineers Without Borders and Engineering Ministries. It was a nice change of pace from our typical meetings and good to see the humanitarian side of our profession.


September 2014 - Jeremiah Morrow Bridge


Our September meeting was switched from a dinner to a lunch time event. The section met at the Jeremiah Morrow bridge construction offices for a presentation and tour of the new bridge being built on I-71 spanning the Little Miami River gorge. Daniel Mendel of ODOT presented on the design and implementation of the project as well as led the tour.



October 2014 - Cincinnati Streetcar


John Deatrick of City of Cincinnati presented to the section on the new Cincinnati Streetcar Project. The meeting took place at Rhinegeist Brewery and focused on the project details and construction issues.


November 2014 - Children's Hospital Location T Research Tower


The November meeting was a presentation by Jerry Noble and several other members of the design team for the new Children's Hospital Location T Research Tower. This project was unique because it used the Integrated Project Delivery method instead of the typical project delivery methods. The team presented on the project and the benefits of IPD.


December 2014 - Annual Holiday Party


We all gathered at Montgomery Boathouse to enjoy great food and company.


January 2015 - Geophysical Applications and Project Examples


Dr. Kyle Shalek of Terracon Cincinnati Office presented to the chapter on geophysical applications and some of the projects they have been used on. Dr. Shalek discussed some key geophysical methods that included Seismic, Ground Penetrating Radar, and Electrical Resistivity. These methods are used for site characterization, buried object locating, and non-destructive material testing.

Looking Ahead - Winter/Spring 2015 Monthly Meetings


February - February is our joint meeting with SEAoO. The topic will be the Nippert Stadium expansion with a tour following.


March - March is our joint meeting with the Geotechnical Group. Topic TBD.


April - Annual Student Banquet. Location TBD.


May - TBD.



Committee Updates


The Cincinnati Section of ASCE has three committees: Educational Outreach, Membership, and Programming. The time commitment is minimal and the personal rewards limitless. Not only do you qualify for 2 continuing professional development (CPD) hours for one year of service as an active committee member in the State of Ohio, but you will also receive the personal satisfaction of contributing to your profession and the betterment of your community. Please see below for a brief description of the three committees and learn how you can become involved.


Educational Outreach:


 The year 2014 was another busy and successful year for the Educational Outreach Committee thanks to all of our members' support! During National Engineer's Week, our members visited a local elementary school and judged the bridge competition of the second and third graders. While there, our members also discussed Civil Engineering with the students. We also presented about Civil Engineering to a local Boy Scout Webelos troop so the future leaders could earn their Engineering Badge. In the spring, committee member Mindy Barber volunteered to be a judge at the ASCE-AISC National Student Steel Bridge Competition held in Akron, OH. It was very impressive to see the designs and performance of the top universities that qualified to participate. Over the summer, the committee continued working with and supporting the University of Cincinnati on several proposals to the National Science Foundation. Thank you to all of our members who volunteered and helped with the UC Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and the UC Research Experience for Teachers (RET). We also helped judge the final posters and videos of new lesson plans that incorporate engineering at the closing day showcase of the ceemsmsp (Cincinnati Engineering Enhanced Mathematics & Science Partnership) program. This was a very impressive event. Local high school math and science teachers devoted their summer to learning more about engineering and science and how to incorporate those principles in their classrooms not only to spark an interest in their students, but to foster a lifetime love of science.Over the fall and winter, members participated in a 10-week Explorers program with THP Limited, Inc. (structural engineers), Champlin Architecture, and KLH Engineers (mechanical/electrical/plumbing). By incorporating the Activity Based Learning method, the program guided students through all phases and disciplines of building design. Each student repurposed the existing Old St. George Church and adjacent open parking lot into a library. The students and professionals had a great time! Refer to the adjacent photograph of the final design poster and group. We have big ideas for future projects and we encourage you to become involved. Your involvement can be as little as a onetime speaking event, or as lengthy as a reoccurring volunteer. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact Julie Cromwell at jcromwell@thpltd.com.





The Membership Committee consists of members who have volunteered to be ASCE Points of Contact. Each Point of Contact is responsible for hanging the monthly flyer in the common area at their office. The goal was to reach potential members who might not know about the meetings otherwise. So far, we have had several new members due to the efforts of the Points of Contact. ASCE would like to thank all of our members who have contributed to spreading the word and increasing membership involvement. If you are interested in joining the committee or becoming a Point of Contact, please contact Sam Bell at Samuel.Bell@xcg.com.




The Program Committee has worked hard to try and create a diverse program year. ASCE is here to serve you, our members, and in doing so, we would like to have programs that highlight interesting topics within your discipline. If you have suggested future meeting topics or would like to become involved in the committee, please contact Jay Chamberlain at JChamberlain@thpltd.com.



Student Chapter Updates


C State Logo  


Cincinnati State's ASCE Student Chapter is proud to announce that the 2015 Ohio Valley Student Conference will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton in Lawrenceburg Indiana. University of Cincinnati will be the main host for 2015 as Cincinnati State will be the main host for 2016. Both universities have formed a co-host agreement in which both schools will benefit from each other's support when planning the conferences.


The Cincinnati State ASCE Student Chapter is always looking for ways to help the community. This will be our 7th year competing in Cincinnati's 2014 Canstruction Competition. The chapter looks forward to donating thousands of canned goods to the Free Store Food Bank to help the community while constructing a Cincinnati themed steam boat entirely out canned goods.


In addition to donating canned goods, ASCE students organized a volunteer team to participate in the 2014 Prepare Affair, the event involves cleaning up yards and doing some home repairs for elderly and low income property owners.


This will be our 7th year teaching students the importance of civil engineering at Bright Elementary. The visit begins with a presentation of the different types of engineers and an explanation of what civil engineering is. The students then compete in groups building cup towers, the towers are judged upon strength and height.


Cincinnati State's ASCE Student Chapter takes pride in being one of the most active organizations at Cincinnati State. We strive to give back to the community and explore the engineering field. Cincinnati State's Student Chapter has been involved in numerous activities throughout the year.


ASCE began the year off strong with a joint meeting with UC SEAoO and Dan Peak (THP) presenting about the Banshee Rollercoaster. We also hosted the Society of American Military Engineers professional meeting on campus in September and learned about the Milton-Madison bridge project by Kevin Hetrick (INDOT). October was full of presentations by Martha Kelly and Reiner Reising from the City of Cincinnati as well as a tour of the Cincinnati Zoo hosted by IBI Group. In November Reese Johnson (CH2M Hill) finished the semester with a presentation on waste water management and environmental engineering.


For the Spring Semester, ASCE officers plan to attend the ASCE Leadership Conference for workshop training. Our presentation schedule is in the works and we are looking for presentations on professional topics in addition to projects. In March, UC is co-hosting with Cincinnati State for the Ohio Valley Student Conference. We are still in need of sponsors for the event which will be March 26-28, 2015. In addition to co-hosting, our students will also be competing in the numerous competitions offered during the conference including the Steel Bridge, Concrete Canoe, Land Surveying, Civil Site Design, Balsa Wood Bridge, Concrete Softball Bat, Concrete Horseshoe, and Environmental competitions. In addition to these competitions, we are looking to create our own unique competition designed to test the Geotechnical Engineering capabilities of the students.


We appreciate the support of ASCE and its members as sponsors, presenters, and mentors. Your influence encourages engineering students in their studies, their co-ops, and in their future careers. 




Update on the Ohio Council


The Ohio Council of ASCE Sections was organized in 1969 to focus statewide attention on issues of interest and concern to civil engineers. There are six local ASCE sections in Ohio, each having representation on the Ohio Council in proportion to its membership. The Council meets twice annually, in spring and fall. The April meeting is normally held in Columbus, and the October meeting locations rotate among the sections. All ASCE members are welcome to attend Ohio Council meetings.


Ohio Council addresses several areas of interest to members of ASCE in the State of Ohio. In the most general sense, the Council fosters communication among the six sections. At the semi-annual meetings, each section gives a report on the section's activities during the 6 months since the previous meeting, and there is an opportunity for questions and discussion of new activities by the sections. The Council also reviews policies and actions under consideration by the ASCE National board, and may vote to make a recommendation to the Board. The Council may at also initiate actions with respect to the National Board on topics of interest.


The Ohio Council was also responsible for developing the Ohio Infrastructure Report Card, which is a component of the ASCE Report Card for America's Infrastructure. The Council also maintains and updates the Ohio Infrastructure Report Card to coincide with updates to the national report card.


The Council has also conducted a legislative program for many years, initially as an independent effort, and currently in cooperation with OSPE. The program includes cooperative monitoring of legislation with OSPE, partial support of a lobbyist, and conducting a State Legislative Day each year.


Another long running Ohio Council activity is the annual Robert O'Shea younger member award for a paper on engineering ethics, which carries a $500 prize split evenly between the author and the Section Younger Member group, or Student Chapter. More information regarding the competition will be distributed to the section when available.

Robert O'Shea Engineering Ethics Award


The Cincinnati Section of ASCE has been asked by the Ohio Council to nominate a judge for the 2015 Robert O'Shea Engineering Ethics Award. The award is for a member of a Student Chapter or Young Member Group that writes the best paper on professional ethics. Please let us know as soon as possible if you or someone you know would like to be a judge.
ASCE Cincinnati Section Sustainability Committee


With sustainability growing in importance to civil engineering, ASCE has made it one of three strategic priorities for the Society, helping professionals to incorporate sustainability principles into their daily practice. As the stewards of society's physical infrastructure, civil engineers must lead the next shift in sustainable planning, design and construction. Here's how ASCE defines sustainability:


A set of environmental, economic and social conditions in which all of society has the capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of life indefinitely without degrading the quantity, quality or availability of natural, economic, and social resources.


Are you passionate about sustainability? Do you want to make an impact in your local community? Do you want to share ideas, educate others, and learn more about sustainability? Get involved!


In 2014 the ASCE Cincinnati Section Board of Directors approved a Sustainability Committee to be added to the Cincinnati Section. The Sustainability Committee will be holding an organizing meeting in the first quarter of 2015. The details of the meeting time and date will be provided in a future Section email. If you are interested in joining the Sustainability Committee please contact Michael Kady at mkady@cecinc.com and look for an upcoming email with meeting information.
Engineering Week


ASCE Cincinnati Section plans to hold an event(s) TBD this year in honor of Engineering Week to help promote civil engineering with young children.

ASCE Transactions


A set of ASCE Transactions covering the period from 1941 to 1995 is currently available for free to anyone interested. These are the hard cover summaries of all papers in the ASCE journals during that period. Up until around 1960, the Transactions included the full papers for all journal articles. We would like to find a good home for these and would be happy to give them to anyone who may want them. If interested, please contact Walter Grayman at grayman@fuse.net.

Employment Opportunities


ASCE Cincinnati Section will begin posting employment opportunities in our newsletter and on our section webpage. If your company has an opening they need filled please send us an email with the position information and we will post it on our site as soon as possible.


Current Openings:


None at this time.


Thank You to Our Sponsors!  
 THP logo

If you would like to be a SPONSOR please contact Eric Zimmer at Eric.Zimmer@jacobs.com.

Give us a call today!