October 2017

Volume 33, Issue 1
Akron-Canton Section Newsletter

We're already rolling on FY2018! We have a new slate of officers, more workshops planned, and fantastic meeting locations to come. We hope to see you at some of the upcoming events! Reply to akroncantonasce@gmail.com with comments and questions. 

President's Message
It's déjà vu all over again.  Let me introduce myself.  My name is Gregg Loesch.  For those members old enough to remember, I previously served the Akron Canton Section as president in 2000-2001.  Fast-forward 16 years, again I am proud to serve as your section President, installed last Thursday during our section meeting held at the Old 97 on Kenmore Boulevard.  We had about 20 in attendance for the installation of the new board, recognition of award winners along with some drinks and hearty finger food.  The Young Civil Engineer of the Year Award, named in honor of Gary W. Johnson, to Dr. Junliang Tao.  The Employer Award of the Year went to GPD Group.  We also presented the Memorial Scholarship Awards to Akron U civil engineering students Monica Moody and Casey Cox.  Ken presented me the President's Award.
My first order of business as your president was to recognize the past service and dedication of past president Ken Kostura.  I have known Ken for over 35 years, attending The University of Akron and taking the PE test together, and both spending careers employed by the City of Akron.  He will be a valuable resource to me this year.  I also want to recognize the officers on our current Board of Direction, who are the nut and bolts of our section, as well as the many committee chairs.
I have been a member of ASCE Akron Canton Section for over 35 years, beginning as a student chapter member at the University of Akron.  I have been our section's delegate to the Ohio Council of Sections since 2001, and have been representing our section in the Akron Area Engineers Week Group for almost twenty years.
I just returned from ASCE Headquarters in Reston, Virginia last week where I attended with about 90 others the Presidents and Governors Forum, an opportunity for incoming chairs to learn about ASCE, get acquainted and compare notes.  In perspective, when compared to other sections, our Akron-Canton Section is run quite efficiently.  Summing up the conference, I learned three things for running the section successfully:  be organized, set goals, and communicate with everyone.
This month's meeting is being sponsored by the ASCE Student Chapter at The University of Akron.  Please come and support the students at the Quaker Station on October 19th.  I look forward to the opportunity to seeing each of you there.

October Professional Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 19

Time: Doors Open at 5:45pm, Dinner served at 6:30pm

Location: Quaker Station, Station B, 135 S. Broadway Street

Price: $29 per ticket

Email Nathan Otermat with questions

RSVP by 4pm Friday October 13 via Eventbrite

Career Building Block Series Workshop

RSVP by 4pm Monday, November 6 via Eventbrite
ASCE President's and Governor's Forum

Our new president, Gregg Loesch, attended the 2017 President's and Governor's Forum last month. Over 90 people from all over the world attended this leadership-based gathering, meant to inform and equip the presidents, governors, and directors of our worldwide organization, the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Gregg brought home four pages of notes from the two day conference! Some of the many topics covered were:

  • The Society has 152,000 members plus 43,600 student members
  • 69,000 of those members are 35 years old or younger
  • How to Conduct a Section Survey
  • Vibrancy in Section Activities
  • Legal Issues and the Section
  • Ethics in Engineering
  • Sustainability
  • Raise The Bar

The Akron-Canton Section is proud to have been represented at this forum and we are thankful for all the insight Gregg brought back to the group!

The Rosie Report
Stay up to date with all things Rosie! Akron Waterways Renewed! publishes a monthly newsletter full of news on Akron's Ohio Canal Interceptor Tunnel (OCIT).

Job Postings

 Akron-Canton ASCE Posts opportunities in our area which may interest you. We provide this page free of charge to local companies/organizations. No postings will be forwarded through a recruiting or headhunter service. Check back regularly for updates.

New State Legislation Tracking System

We are excited to announce ASCE's new legislative and regulatory information service!

StateTrack by CQ Roll Call will provide you with the latest information on bills and regulatory items that ASCE's State Government Relations Staff is tracking in your state. You can access this platform at any time by visiting http://cqrcengage.com/asce/states.

Once here you can click on your state, or a neighboring one, see what we're following. You will also find key facts about the state legislature, a list of Key Alerts that require your attention, as well as a news feed. We also encourage you to link to your state's page http://cqrcengage.com/asce/state/ohio from your Section and/or Branch website. 

PDH Documentation
Did you attend a recent section meeting and need documentation of attendance for tracking PDH's?  Visit this page or the section website and click on the resources tab to find meeting attendance records.

Current Contact Information for our Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and the Student Chapter


Click the link below to view the current Section officers contact information table.


Board of Directors Contact Information



In This Issue
President's Message
October Professional Meeting
Career Building Block Series Workshop
ASCE President's and Governor's Forum
The Rosie Report
Job Postings
State Legislation Tracking System
and more!
Akron-Canton Section
Board of Direction
Gregg Loesch,  Vice President
Reneé Whittenberger , Secretary

Upcoming Section Meetings

October 19, 2017

Student Hosted
at Quaker Station

Speaker: Lita Laven, NEORSD

Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings

October 23, 2017
Environmental Design Group office
450 Grant St., Akron

Newsletter Sponsors

Thank you for your support!
ASCE Websites

Reneé Whittenberger, Secretary
ASCE Akron-Canton Section