Welcome to the beginning of the 2015-2016 Program Year! I am honored to serve as President of the ASCE Akron-Canton Section Board of Direction, following three years of service in previous positions. We have a strong group of Board members this year - Ken Kostura (Vice President), Amanda Foote (Secretary), and Renee Whittenberger (Treasurer). Please join me in welcoming the new officers to their new positions and for their dedication to the society and our local section.
The Annual Golf Outing and Past President's Picnic was held September 17 at Mud Run Golf Course. See the article below for the Golf Outing results. Many thanks to Jim Weber for organizing the outing. We thank 2 Hungry Sisters for the picnic they dished up.
At the picnic, the new officers were inducted. Fourteen Past Presidents attended and were recognized. Casey Cox was awarded a $1,000 Memorial Scholarship for his outstanding academic achievement and his future potential in the profession. Ashley Wisberger was selected as Outstanding Student of the Year. Angie Marinucci was honored with Younger Member of the Year Award. GPD Group was acknowledged with the Employer Support Award. Jill Ward was presented with a President's Plaque for her support to Jennie Celik during her presidential term last year.
I would like to thank all the Past Presidents for their past service and continued involvement in the society. I would also like to give a special thank you to Jennie Celik for her service as President last year and for her ongoing commitment and leadership on the Board.
I would also like to recognize our committee chairs and representatives for the 2015-2016 year - Dick Cook, Mike Cook, Erin Curtis, Dr. Stephen Duirk, Don Gallimore, Christine Jonke, Gregg Loesch, Jim Mitchell, Scott Moegling, Bill Rudlosky, Renee Whittenberger, Andy Long and Ashley Wisberger. Please see the contact list in this Newsletter and on the website for their positions and roles.
The Renewal Race is ON !! ASCE National is again encouraging members to Renew Early and help the Section possibly win $1,000. See the notice in this newsletter!
We have an exciting program coming up this year! Please keep an eye on your inboxes for our monthly newsletters and periodic announcements. If you have an interest in getting involved on the leadership team, please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the Board.