November 2017

Volume 33, Issue 2
Akron-Canton Section Newsletter
We hope to see you at our upcoming November events, including  our annual Akron-Canton/Cleveland Joint  Section Meeting  on November 29, and our  NEW  Workshop - Construction Considerations for Engineers on November 9! 
President's Message
Hi folks. November is here already, which means picking apples, raking leaves, and before you know it, catching a nap after a turkey dinner.
Our October meeting was hosted by the U of A Student Chapter and held at Quaker Station before a group of 35. The program featured engineer Lita Laven, who delineated the drainage areas within the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District and described its three treatment plants. The design and construction of process upgrades and combined sewer tunnels will improve the efficiency of these treatment facilities. Ultimately these sewer and drainage control improvements will lead to better river water quality as part of Project Clean Lake.
Recently Erin Curtis Woodson, Don Gallimore and I represented the Akron-Canton Section in Columbus at the fall meeting of the Ohio Council, with delegates from the other five sections. Topics discussed included how state legislators are figuring out a fair way to implement a gas tax on hybrid vehicles (if the gas tax would ever happen to be increased, which is still stalled). Also, the Central Section (Columbus) is heading up an effort to publish a revised ASCE Infrastructure Report Card in 2019, which means the information gathering, verifying, writing, editing, and proofing will have to be done in 2018. Central Section will be reaching out to all Ohio sections and members to participate in some way, and Gina Beim from the Cleveland Section will be organizing local participation for northeast Ohio. If you are interested in helping in the preparation of this important document, contact me at .
The November meeting is our annual joint meeting with the Cleveland Section and will be held at the Creekside Restaurant in Brecksville. Come and see your old friends from the Cleveland area. Our speaker will present a topic on project management for PDH credit. Please look at our newsletter for a schedule of events to keep abreast of happenings in the ASCE Akron-Canton Section to enhance your career.

November Professional Meeting

Alan L. Plastow, MAT, PMP is a highly experienced project management & executive management professional. He has directed projects in Fortune 100 enterprises within the aerospace, manufacturing, technology infrastructure systems, and service industries since 1993. As a serial entrepreneur, Plastow has successfully created 7 companies as well as designed three of the world's leading technology portfolio management credential programs. He is a published author and sought-after professional development speaker and specializes in real world, applied techniques, delivering speaking and developmental topics ranging from project management, contract negotiations, human and organizational change management, stakeholder analysis and engagement, and  team building.

RSVP by 4pm Friday November 24 via Eventbrite

Workshop Series

RSVP by 4pm Monday, November 6 via Eventbrite

The Rosie Report
Stay up to date with all things Rosie! Akron Waterways Renewed! publishes a monthly newsletter about Akron's Ohio Canal Interceptor Tunnel (OCIT).

Employers: Send us your job postings! 

Akron-Canton ASCE posts career opportunities in our area which may interest you. We provide this page free of charge to local companies and organizations. No postings will be forwarded through a recruiting or headhunter service. Check back regularly for updates.

New State Legislation Tracking System

We are excited to announce ASCE's new legislative and regulatory information service!

StateTrack by CQ Roll Call will provide you with the latest information on bills and regulatory items that ASCE's State Government Relations Staff is tracking in your state. You can access this platform at any time by visiting:

Once here you can click on your state, or a neighboring one, and see what we're following. You will also find key facts about the state legislature, a list of Key Alerts that require your attention, as well as a news feed. We encourage you to link to Ohio's page:

PDH Documentation
Did you attend a recent section meeting and need documentation for proof of attendance for tracking PDH's? Visit the  Resources page  on our Section's website  to find meeting attendance records.

Current Contact Information for our

Board of Direction, Committee Chairs, and

University of Akron Student Chapter


Click the link below to view the current Section officers contact information. 


Board of Direction Contact Information


In This Issue
President's Message
November Professional Meeting
Workshop Series
The Rosie Report
PDH Documentation

Akron-Canton Section
Board of Direction

Gregg Loesch
Vice President
ReneĆ© Whittenberger
Ruth Klee
Tim Gilbert

Ken Kostura
Mark Miller

Upcoming Section Meeting

November 29, 2017

Project Management Best Practices
by Alan Plastow

Creekside Restaurant
in Brecksville

Upcoming Workshop

November 9, 2017

Construction Considerations
for Engineers

University of Akron

Upcoming Board of Direction Meeting

December 18, 2017

Environmental Design Group Office
450 Grant St., Akron

Newsletter Sponsors

Thank you for your support!

Links to
ASCE Websites

Ruth Klee, Secretary
ASCE Akron-Canton Section