I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the fall leaves before the remnants of the Pacific hurricane
brought them down with wind and rain! It has been a beautiful fall.
As a contractor and a material supplier, I have a different perspective of projects than most of our
membership who are designers. I have always welcomed the opportunity to assist engineers with the
design process for projects and to also assist during construction as site conditions often change from the
anticipated. I encourage designers to call contractors and suppliers for their insight and experience.
Something that looks great on paper is not necessarily achievable in the field. I hope we can develop
more members from the contractors and material suppliers in our area. These other business entities
often employ Civil Engineers to take advantage of their training and experience. Be on the lookout for
new potential members, they will be glad you asked!
Earlier in the month, the Student Chapter had a nice dinner and evening planned and invited the CAK
Section. The Board was very well represented but barely any other members were in attendance. The
students enjoy and need our support. Please consider any future announcements where we may
participate with them!
Our monthly meetings are possibly the most important function of our section. Any suggestions to make
them the "Best They Can Be" are welcome. From the business, social and professional aspects of our
meetings, please make every attempt to attend!
Election Day is around the corner. Please vote your mind, it is your duty! Voting also sets a good
example for our younger folks to show an interest in the community.
I have renewed.....Have you? The Renewal Race is ON !! ASCE National is again encouraging
members to renew early and help the Section possibly win $1,000. See the notice in this newsletter!
Please watch your inboxes for our monthly newsletters and periodic announcements. If you have an
interest in getting involved on the leadership team, please do not hesitate to contact any of the members
of the Board.