March 2016

Volume 31, Issue 6
Akron-Canton Section Newsletter
Please look over this March edition of the newsletter for the latest information on your Akron-Canton Section
President's Column  
By:  Mark Miller, M.ASCE

Last month I whined about a "Boring Winter"....OK, we have now had a couple of snows and I was able to use the snow shovel. February also brought us a sunny day with a 67° F temperature. I now anxiously await spring.
February 21 -27 celebrated E-Week and "How Engineers Make a World of Difference". Canton celebrated on the 24th and Akron on the 25th. The new Mayor of Akron, Dan Horrigan, took the opportunity to create and read his first Official Proclamation.
The Akron celebration was well attended at Emido and Sons Banquet Center. Our own Gregg Loesch, P.E. led the evening as ASCE was this year's host. Gregg made us proud! The featured speaker was Robert Bobel, P.E. of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Rob had a presentation of the National Park Service, serving our nation for 100 years. The Master of Ceremonies was Green's new mayor, the Honorable Gerard Neugebauer, P.E. and Gerard presented many awards to very deserving recipients.
ASCE was proud to present three awards. Our Memorial Scholarship recipient was Casey Cox, a junior at the University of Akron. Casey is studying Civil Engineering and is a member of the Student Chapter of ASCE. The "Gary W. Johnson Younger Member of the Year Award" was received by Angie Marinucci a graduate of the University of Akron and a current employee of ARCADIS. Hristo (Chris) Ivanov was chosen by the University of Akron, Civil Engineering Faculty as "Outstanding Student of the Year". Chris is a senior at the university and a Co-President of the ASCE Student Chapter. Our Section could not be prouder of these individuals!! Congratulations once more.
A notice of our March program is included in this newsletter. At our March program we will present three "Life Member" awards to David Frank Six, P.E., Robert J. Sayer, P.E. and Joseph A. Schaller, P.E. We hope these three members will be in attendance.
Please consider our new solicitations for Newsletter Sponsors and Meeting Sponsorships. As has been our history, the newsletter sponsor donations go directly to our scholarship fund. Newsletter sponsors are recognized in each newsletter. Meeting sponsorships were new last year and are a mechanism to help keep our increasing meeting costs affordable. We will thank our meeting sponsors at each meeting and in the Newsletter.
Please watch your inboxes for our monthly newsletters and periodic announcements. If you have an interest in getting involved on the leadership team, please do not hesitate to contact any of the members of the Board.

Mark Miller
Akron-Canton Section President

 March Section Meeting

Register via EventBrite here by March 18th at 1:00pm.  Click here to view a pdf of the meeting flyer. 

Engineers Week Proclamation

Akron Mayor Dan Horrigan officially proclaimed February 21st through February 27th as Engineers Week in Akron Ohio.  See picture below. 

Photo Caption: 
First row starting at left: Jim Hewitt (Akron City Engineer), Gregg Loesch (ASCE Host Society Chair), Dan Horrigan (City of Akron Mayor), Mark Miller (ASCE Host Society President).
Second row starting at left: Mark Elicker, Angie Marinucci, Lou Cseko.
Third row starting at left: Bill Kessler, Larry Fulton (Summit County Deputy Engineer), Frank Bronzo.

Call for Award Nominations

If you know someone who is worthy of an award, please help ASCE to provide them the recognition they deserves. 
The Akron-Canton Section is currently accepting nominations for the following awards.  The forms and criteria for the awards can be found by clicking here or by contacting Erin Curtis, P.E. at
Wendell R. LaDue Civil Engineer Award: 
This annual award is presented in memory of the founder of the Akron-Canton Section of ASCE to a section member who has promoted professionalism and the advancement of the civil engineering profession. 
Gary W. Johnson Young Civil Engineer Award: 
This annual award is presented to a section member under the age of 35 years old who has promoted professionalism and the advancement of the civil engineering profession. 
Memorial Scholarship: 
The Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to honor the memory of members who have passed away by aiding worthy students studying Civil Engineering.

 Akron-Canton Section Sponsorship Opportunities
Our section is offering two sponsorship opportunities in 2016 for those companies interested in supporting the operations of the ASCE Akron-Canton Section.  We have two donation levels available for you to choose:
  • Newsletter Sponsorship - $100 donation - The Section will display your company's name with a hyperlink to the company's website in each monthly newsletter, for 12 months from donation receipt. Additionally, the Section will display your logo with a hyperlink your website on the Section's website here. Your donation would go directly to our Scholarship Fund. 
  • Newsletter & Business Meeting Sponsorship - $250 donation - This donation level consists of $100 donation for the Scholarship Fund and $150 for supporting our professional meetings. In addition to your company's name in our newsletter and on our website, your logo would be displayed on a PowerPoint slide at our monthly meetings, with a verbal mention as we begin the program. This would occur at a minimum of four meetings through the year. Your donation would help reduce the meeting cost to our members.
Please consider supporting our Akron-Canton Section with a Newsletter and/or Meeting Sponsorship for the 2016 calendar year. You can begin your Newsletter Sponsorship by mailing your company name, website address, and $100 check made out to "ASCE" to the address below. For Meeting Sponsorships, please email a digital copy of your company logo and mail a check for $250 made out to "ASCE" to the following address:


Amanda Foote

3189 Summit Road

Copley, OH 44321

 PDH Documentation

Did you attend a recent section meeting and need documentation of attendance for tracking PDH's?  Visit the section website here and click on the resources tab to find meeting attendance records.

In This Issue
President's Column
NEXT Section Meeting
E-Week Proclamation
Award Nominations
Sponsorship Opportunities
PDH Documentation
Akron-Canton Section
Board of Direction

Upcoming Section Meetings

March 24, 2016
Upcoming BOD Meetings

March 22, 2016
ASCE Websites
Newsletter Sponsors


Thank you for your support!

Amanda Foote, Secretary
ASCE Akron-Canton Section